/ Stop Violence Against Women Website
The Violence Against Women Monitor
A publication of The Advocates for Human Rights
October 2010
STOPVAW Website News / International and Regional News / National News / New Research
and Reports
Expert’s Corner: Brazil's New Law Criminalizing "Parental Alienation Syndrome" is Harmful to Battered Women / Southern Africa: More Women Forcibly Sterilized After Testing Positive for HIV / Armenia / Population Reference Bureau Releases Update on Trends in Female Genital Mutilation
Latin America and the Caribbean: Sexual Violence Report / Democratic Republic of
Congo / Open Society Institute Issues Report on Effective HIV/AIDS Interventions for Women and Children
UK: Increase in Cases of Female Genital Mutilation in London / Haiti / Red Cross Issues Report on Consequences of Sexual Violence for Women in Armed Conflicts
United Nations: Michelle Bachelet to Head UN Women / Indonesia / World Health Organization Releases Report on Joint Prevention of Violence Against Women and HIV/AIDS
United Nations: UN Rapporteur Releases Statement on Acid Attacks as a Form of Torture / Kiribati / World Health Organization Issues Report on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Prevention Strategies

National VAW Monitors who contributed to this month’s newsletter include Montenegro .

STOPVAW Website News

Expert’s Corner

Brazil's New Law Criminalizing "Parental Alienation Syndrome" is Harmful to Battered Women. (More information)

International and Regional News

Southern Africa: More Women Forcibly Sterilized After Testing Positive for HIV

Women’s rights organizations in South Africa, Namibia, and Zambia have discovered that some HIV-positive women have suffered from the practice of forced or coerced sterilization by health care professionals. (More information)

Latin America and the Caribbean: Sexual Violence Report

This report reviewed more than 200 documents from the last ten years to assess why sexual violence is a prevalent problem throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). (More information)

UK: Increase in Cases of Female Genital Mutilation in London

The practice of female genital mutilation is illegal in the United Kingdom and is punishable by up to 14 years in jail. (More information)

United Nations: Michelle Bachelet to Head UN Women

The United Nations announced recently that Michelle Bachelet, the former president of Chile, will lead a new UN agency, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). (More information)

United Nations: UN Rapporteur Releases Statement on Acid Attacks as a Form of Torture

The Special Rapporteur on Torture to the United Nations (UN), Manfred Nowak, has recently released a statement in which he identifies acid burning attacks as part of the broader category of violence against women, and also as a form of torture. (More information)

National News


·  Armenia: Research Findings on Domestic Violence Released (More information)

Democratic Republic of Congo

·  Democratic Republic of Congo: More Rape Victims Identified (More information)


·  Haiti: UN Commences New Campaign Against Rape and Gender Violence (More information)


·  Indonesia: Despite Ban, Female Genital Mutilation Continues (More information)


·  Kiribati: New Report Finds High Rates of Violence Against Women (More information)


·  Montenegro: New Law on Domestic Violence Adopted (More information)


·  Timor-Leste: Government Struggles to Implement New Domestic Violence Law (More information)


·  Uganda: Report Finds Women With Disabilities Face Discrimination and Violence (More information)

New Research and Reports

Population Reference Bureau Releases Update on Trends in Female Genital Mutilation

A new report by the Population Reference Bureau, incorporating current data, outlines the prevalence of various types of female genital mutilation (FGM) in 27 different countries. (More information)

Open Society Institute Issues Report on Effective HIV/AIDS Interventions for Women and Children

Today half of all individuals coping with HIV infection are women, and in some locales the proportion of women infected is even higher, emphasizing the need for gender-specific programming. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the region of the world most impacted by the AIDS epidemic, 60% of the individuals infected are women. (More information)

Red Cross Issues Report on Consequences of Sexual Violence for Women in Armed Conflicts

A new report has been issued in the International Review of the Red Cross that details the consequences of sexual violence for women in armed conflicts, both on an individual and societal level, with a focus on resultant mental health issues. (More information)

World Health Organization Releases Report on Joint Prevention of Violence Against Women and HIV/AIDS

The World Health Organization, with support and funding from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, has issued a new report detailing the link between violence against women and HIV/AIDS. (More information)

World Health Organization Issues Report on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Prevention Strategies

The World Health Organization recently released a report, building on early research collected by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the United Kingdom Department of Health, which aims to provide information to policy-makers regarding the most effective actions in preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women. (More information)

Subscribe to The VAW Monitor

The VAW Monitor is a free, monthly newsletter sent out on the first of each month. Printable versions of The VAW Monitor are also available on the website at http://www.stopvaw.org/The_VAW_Monitor.html.

To subscribe to The VAW Monitor, please fill out the form provided at http://www.stopvaw.org/The_VAW_Monitor.html.


The Stop Violence Against Women website (STOPVAW) isa forum for information, advocacy and change. The Advocates for Human Rightsdeveloped thiswebsiteasa tool for the promotion of women's human rights in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) andthe former Soviet Union (FSU), Mongolia, and the U.N. Protectorate of Kosovo.STOPVAW was developed with supportfrom and in consultation with the United Nations Development Fund for Women(UNIFEM) and the Open Society Institute's Network Women's Program. This site addresses violence against women as one of the most pervasive human rights abuses worldwide.STOPVAW provides women's rights advocates with information andadvocacy tools focused on ending the most endemic forms of violence against women in the region, including domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment and trafficking in persons.
Current staff members of The Advocates for Human Rights involved with the development of STOPVAW include: Anna Donnelly, Mary Ellingen, Beatriz Menanteau, Rosalyn Park, Robin Phillips, Kathy Seipp, and Cheryl Thomas. Current interns and volunteers include Emily Buehler and Kelly Heitz.
For more information about STOPVAW, please contact the Website Administrator at .