Position Title: St. Bernard’s Faith Formation Leader (FFL)
Reports To: Faith Formation Board (FFB)
Employee Status: Fulltime; permanent
The Faith Formation Leader will assist and be accountable to St. Bernard’s Faith Formation Board (FFB).
To motivate and inspire St. Bernard’s parishioners to learn and grow in their personal relationship with the Trinity through the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
To lead, with passion, and nurture, with compassion, all people of the parish.
To provide opportunities for involvement in both parish and community life while spreading the love of Christ.
The Faith Formation Leader will:
- Work with the FFB to develop long-range goals and setting realistic objectives for comprehensive religious formation programs.
- Attend FFB meetings.
- Take an active role in regional and archdiocesan meetings on religious education and act as a liaison between the archdiocesan office and the parish.
- Assist with selection of educational materials appropriate for parishioners at each educational level.
- Draft an annual budget, which will be finalized by the FFB and submitted to the parish finance council.
- Make recommendations on policies concerning religious education to the FFB.
- Assist in regular evaluation of all programs.
- Seek age-appropriate programs that are theologically sound.
- Plan, supervise and carry out catechetical programs for children preschool through 12th grade to include but not limited to VBS, TotusTuus.Sunday Children’s Liturgy.
- Implement a parish resource center.
- Plan, supervise and carry out sacramental programs for families with children being prepared for First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.
- Assist all teachers in developing a prayerful approach to their ministry by encouraging individual prayer and by providing opportunities to pray together.
- Make sure that only teachings that are in accordance with those of the Roman Catholic Church are taught in the program, and that all liturgies, etc are within approved guidelines.
- Promote youth and student involvement in parish worship.
- Actively plan (and participate if necessary) in trips, retreats, community service that include TEC(Teens Encounter Christ), NCYC (Bi-annual), Catholic Heart Work Camp, Prayer in Action, Sr. High Retreat, Jr. High Youth Rally, VBS, Confirmation Retreats, Rural Youth Council, March for Life and any other faith formation activities which involve young people from our parish.
- Recruit catechists, provide initial in-service programs to help them feel competent in their area.
- Make available and keep record of VIRTUS training for all volunteers involved in catechetical programs. Evaluate and participate in protecting children being dropped off and picked up from Faith Formation activities. Evaluate Safety issues within church.
- Work with teachers to help them improve their effectiveness.
- Communicate regularly with teaching staff.
- Conduct training sessions for teachers to keep them updated on current materials and methods of catechesis at least twice annually.
- Maintain necessary records that are part of the religious education program: sacramental, financial, attendance and so on, as needed.
- Keep parishioners informed of upcoming faith formation activities through good communication in a timely manner.
- Address disciplinary and other problems that arise within any Faith Formation activity.
- Supervise and assist if needed Altar Server training, ensuring Lead Trainer is training altar servers according to parish guidelines, training is done monthly, follow up training for those youth who still need coaching.
- Supervise and assist if needed with the RCIA program, assisting the RCIA Leader in carrying out the program.
- Maintain office hours that will make the FFL readily accessible to parishioners.
- With the resources available and the on-going support of the board and the parish council, provide a suitable physical environment that is conducive to the desired learning experience.
- Attend Financial and Parish Council meeting as needed and/or requested.
- Submit current information to each monthly newsletter.
- Establish and maintain web pages for religious education and youth group.
- Purchase all supplies for faith formation activities.
- Manage and enhance fundraising activities that help support various faith formation activities -to include but not limited to Youth Group Fish Fry, Firework Stand, etc.
- Serve as an example by regularly attending parish worship services.
- Continue to pursue own religious education and professional enrichment.
Professional Support
- The FFL will be considered a member of the Parish Staff of St. Bernard’s Catholic Church.
- The FFL will be consulted on any changes in the Faith Formation programs before presented to the parish priest.
- All programs on an inter-parish level will be referred to FFL so cooperation can be maintained through the mission parishes.
- The FFL will be provided necessary office and working space to fulfill the responsibilities and the duties outlined in the agreement.
- The FFL will be provided with a reasonable budget necessary to fulfill the responsibilities and duties assigned.
- The FFL will be encouraged to attend Diocesan Education programs and other conferences and conventions designed to foster growth in this ministry. These will be anticipated in advance and will be submitted to the FFB for approval. Once approved, expenses will be paid by the parish.
- The FFL will be informed to the use of the Religious Education facilities for other uses.
- Transportation to and from approved workshops, conferences, etc. will be reimbursed at the Diocesan rate.
- The FFL will be allowed flexibility in scheduling as long as the programs needs are met.
- 90 day Review and Yearly Evaluations after that.