A. Progress in Meeting Annual Goals. In the 2008-09 annual report, we set 4 broad goals for 2009-10 and we’ve had success in 3 of these 4 areas:

(1) to continue to expand our Community and Campus Engagement initiatives / Comparison of our Spring 2009 assessment to the Fall 2009 assessment showed the greatest improvement in the learning objective “participate in the CCSU community” (with an increase from 63% to 75% in students self-reporting agreement or strong agreement to this item).
(2) further encourage the addition of FYE101 to FYE courses (while exploring its impacts on faculty load and departmental resources) / We continue to offer more FYE101 sections, with 33 FYE101 courses planned for Fall 2010, as compared to 30 (Fall 2009), 28 (2008-09) and 21 (Fall 2007).
(3) increase the quality and consistency of the FYE program overall / The steering committee still needs to discuss and create a plan to better utilize our assessment data (and other information) to increase the quality and consistency of the FYE program overall. Limitations on the use of assessment data to evaluate the effectiveness of individual faculty members were an obstacle we encountered this year.
(4) explore the idea of integrating peer mentors into FYE courses / We developed a new 2-credit course (FYE 301, Peer leadership Seminar), invited Martin Levin (Director, First Year Program at ECSU) to a January FYE faculty retreat (34 academic and administrative faculty attended), and recruited, trained and placed 15 peer leaders into 15 courses for Fall 2010, as a way to pilot the integration of peer mentors/leaders into FYE courses.

B. Progress with Strategic Planning. Tied to strategic plan objective 2.6, we’ve increased participation of first-time, full-time students in FYE from 76% (2005-06 as baseline) to 98% [1258 (19 in Spring 2010) out of 1281 for Fall 2009 entering students], anticipating 99-100% involvement for Fall 2010. This increased participation has been achieved through increased participation of faculty from all 4 Schools. Discussion with the Registrar were successful in setting up FYE classes so as to restrict student ability to drop their Fall 2010 FYE, in an effort to achieve 100% participation in FYE in their first semester. CACE, along with the FYE faculty Director, will be responsible for ensuring all students get an FYE class and stay in an FYE class in Fall 2010.

With near 100% enrollment seemingly achieved, we wish to modify our strategic planning objective to a focus on increasing the effectiveness of the program (thru the monitoring of learning outcomes and other assessment).

C. Administrative Changes. We have adopted simple by-laws:

(a) The First Year Experience steering committee shall consist of the following voting members: one faculty representative each from the School of Arts & Sciences, Business, Education & Professional Studies, and Engineering & Technology; the Director of the Learning Center; a Vice President of Academic Affairs; a Vice President of Student Affairs; and the Faculty Director.

(b) The Faculty Director will serve for a three-year term (currently from July 2008 to June 2011). In the Fall of the Faculty Director’s third year, the steering committee will elect a Faculty Director to serve for a subsequent three-year term. There are no term limits; directors can serve for more than one three-year term.

(c) The steering committee reports to the Provost (or his/her representative).

(d) The FYE steering committee annually will nominate 2 faculty members to serve on the committee for a two-year term. In even years, we will nominate a faculty member from the Schools of Business, and Education & Professional Studies. In odd years, we will nominate a faculty member to serve from the Schools of Arts & Sciences, and Engineering & Technology. These nominations will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean for approval. As a result, Meg Levvis, Associate Professor of Nursing, will be replacing Sean Walsh as the Education & Professional Studies representative on the steering committee.

D. Special Initiatives. For Fall 2010, we will be working with Residence Life and Student Affairs and piloting 3 living and learning communities (for students majoring in Engineering, Elementary Education, or Athletic Training/ Exercise Science). We will also be integrating 15 peer leaders into 15 FYE courses in Fall 2010. We will develop additional assessments for both of these initiatives, as an addendum to our current FYE student assessment, so as to subsequently compare these initiatives to the overall FYE program.

E. Significant Accomplishments. These have been noted above (under Progress In Meeting Annual Goals).

F. Progress with Assessment. We implemented a learning outcomes assessment (as of Spring 2009) and community/campus engagement assessment (as of Fall 2009) inFYE classes. We will use this tool is to 1) evaluate the program’s learning outcomes; 2) identify areas where resources need to be provided; 3) aid in the development of (financial and support) resources; and 4) provide a snapshot comparison of the embedded FYE course versus FYE 101. Data from 846 students in Fall 2009 FYE sections indicate that FYE is doing an excellent job meeting these 2 learning objectives:

(1) Students will practice academic honesty and exhibit ethical conduct;

(4) Students will take personal responsibility for their academic performance.

However, we are below 70% in meeting the following objectives:

(6) Students will be able to utilize the degree evaluation [CAPP] to monitor progress toward graduation;

(9) Students will understand critical thinking vs. surface learning and be able to choose appropriately, therebybecoming more reflective learners.

We were most improved (versus Spring 2009) in increasing student participation in the CCSU community.

The Fall assessment also collected data on campus and community engagement:

  • Almost half of our first-year students already belong to an on-campus club/organization.
  • Almost half of our first-year students participate in recreation/fitness activities at CCSU.
  • 71% of students visited a professor during his/her office hours (at least once).
  • A majority (53%) of our first-year students work less than 6 hours per week off campus.
  • Finally, 79% of students reported attending at least 90% of these classes in their first semester (PLEASE NOTE: Students could only complete this survey if they attended the class in which it was given.

As for the bad news,

  • 69.5% of our first-year student self-reported spending 10 hours or less per week preparing for class (e.g., studying, reading, writing, doing homework, etc.);
  • Participation (including voting) in student government was low (11%); and
  • There was a limited amount of community engagement in terms of off-campus field trips and volunteer work.

Additional data from the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment indicated that students with the 1-credit FYE (vs. those with an embedded FYE class) were less likely to be on academic probation after their first semester (17.6% vs. 22.2%) and they were also more likely to participate in the CCSU community.

(See Appendix for summaries of these assessments; the complete results are available online at


  1. Goals. Building upon our success with our current goals, in 2010-11, we wish:

(1) to increase the overall effectiveness (quality and consistency) of the FYE program
(2) to evaluate the worth of the additional 1-credit FYE 101 (balancing extra load vs. extra benefits to students)
(3) determine the effectiveness of 2 pilots initiatives: Living & learning Communities, peer leaders, and whether to continue/expand these programs for 2011-12
(4) increase on-campus partnerships with FYE (e.g., expand contact with Honors Program)
(5) increase student campus and community engagement
(6) decrease the amount of first-time, first-year students on academic probation in their second semester
  1. Collaboration. By its very nature, the First Year Experience program at CCSU is collaborative, building upon existing courses in the four Schools, and working with Student Affairs, for various existing (and new) initiatives as Living & Learning Communities, FYE301 (the Peer Mentoring Seminar will be co-taught by Scott Hazan, Director, Student Activities/Leadership Development), the Summer Advising & Registration Days, and Opening Weekend.
  1. Needs.Expansion of the FYE program to include peer leaders and additional assessment will require additional release time for the FYE faculty director and/or the addition of support staff.
  1. Assessment. Actions we are taking in response to both our own data (on learning outcomes) and institutional data (on retention, first-semester GPA, etc.) include:

(1) The piloting of peer leaders and the piloting of 3 living and learning communities are attempts to further improve community and campusengagement and student success/retention, among our full-time first-time first-year students.

(2) We will be tweaking our learning outcome survey to include student IDs, so we can possiblycompare key metrics (tied to FYE learning outcomes and/or community/campus engagement and/orself-report on first semester activities) acrossthree broad groups (those with an 3.0+ GPA, 2.0-2.99 GPA, on academic probation (or withdrew) after their first semester at CCSU), with a goal offinding some keys to academic success (and failure).

(3)We willbe developingfaculty development workshopson critical thinking and other learning outcome areas thatscored low across FYE sections

Building on feedback from assessment and the NSSE, we will be working to improve the quality and consistency of the FYE program overall.


A rank ordering of our learning objectives is provided below:

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about yourself / N / Strongly Agree + Agree
I have not committed any act of academic dishonesty (copying another's work, cheating, etc.) since I have been at CCSU. / 846 / 92%
I have a good understanding of my personal strengths and weaknesses. / 846 / 91%
I can describe where to get help on this campus when I need it. / 846 / 78%
I meet all assignment deadlines. / 846 / 77%
I can explain the purpose and role of my general education courses requirements. / 846 / 73%
I learn well on my own. / 846 / 72%
I feel a strong sense of belonging to the CCSU Community. / 846 / 64%
I study effectively. / 846 / 63%
I seek out help when I have difficulty with academic work. / 846 / 62%
I have logged into the degree evaluation system (CAPP) to see my progress toward graduation. / 846 / 35%
Please indicate how much you agree that this course sufficiently covered the following topics / N / Strongly Agree + Agree
Taking personal responsibility for academic performance / 846 / 88%
Academic honesty. / 846 / 87%
Accessing campus resources at CCSU / 846 / 82%
Participation in the CCSU Community (Only @ 63% in Spring 2009) / 846 / 75%
Effective study skills / 846 / 74%
The role of general education / 846 / 74%
Overall, this course was effective / 846 / 73%
How to learn independently / 846 / 73%
The difference between critical thinking and surface learning / 846 / 63%
The degree evaluation system (CAPP) / 846 / 46%

Additional information and full data results are available thru the FYE website at

Fall 2009 Results: FYE Learning Outcomes Assessment Summary (FYE 101 VS. Embedded)

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about yourself / Strongly Agree + Agree: Embedded
N=412 / Strongly Agree + Agree: FYE101
I have not committed any act of academic dishonesty (copying another's work, cheating, etc.) since I have been at CCSU. / 91% / 93%
I have a good understanding of my personal strengths and weaknesses. / 92% / 91%
I can describe where to get help on this campus when I need it. / 77% / 80%
I meet all assignment deadlines. / 79% / 75%
I can explain the purpose and role of my general education courses requirements. / 71% / 74%
I learn well on my own. / 68% / 76%
I feel a strong sense of belonging to the CCSU Community. / 62% / 66%
I study effectively. / 61% / 64%
I seek out help when I have difficulty with academic work. / 59% / 65%
I have logged into the degree evaluation system (CAPP) to see my progress toward graduation. / 30% / 39%
Please indicate how much you agree that this course sufficiently covered the following topics / Strongly Agree + Agree: Embedded
N=412 / Strongly Agree + Agree: FYE 101 Sections
Taking personal responsibility for academic performance / 89% / 89%
Academic honesty. / 85% / 89%
Accessing campus resources at CCSU / 76% / 88%
Participation in the CCSU Community / 66% / 84%
Effective study skills / 67% / 82%
The role of general education / 68% / 79%
Overall, this course was effective / 72% / 74%
How to learn independently / 66% / 79%
The difference between critical thinking and surface learning / 59% / 67%
The degree evaluation system (CAPP) / 33% / 58%

Co-Curricular Participation Levels (Fall 2009 First Year students)

28-47. During the Fall semester, in which of the following on-campus or CCSU-sponsored activities did you participate?

This lists activities first-year students were least likely to do (at least once).
Less than 50% participation noted in BOLD! / Percent never attended / Percent: only 1-3 times per semester
  1. Attended a talk/lecture (outside of class)
/ 43% / 45%
  1. Attended entertainment events on campus (e.g., movies, concerts, comedians)
/ 29% / 46%
  1. Hung out in the Student Center
/ 27% / 30%
  1. Went to Breakers game room
/ 57%
  1. Attended CCSU athletic events
/ 39% / 34%
  1. Attended and/or participated in recreational or intramural activities?
/ 53%
  1. Attended a residence hall sponsored event
/ 48% / 31%
  1. Attended a theatrical, musical or artistic performance (on campus or on a campus-related trip)
/ 64%
  1. Attended Thursday night events in the Devils’ Den
/ 53%
  1. Attended other on-campus events (e.g., career fair, health fair, majors fair)?
/ 42% / 47%
  1. Did volunteer work in the community
/ 62%
  1. Visited a professor during his/her office hours?
/ 29% / 48%
  1. Did you join/belong to a club or on-campus organization?
/ 47%
  1. Did you create/form a new on-campus club?
/ 7%
  1. Did you participate in student government (vote or run for office)?
/ 11%
  1. Played intercollegiate (NCAA) sports?
/ 11%
  1. Participated in intramural sports?
/ 25%
  1. Participated in other recreation or fitness activities at CCSU?
/ 47%
  1. Visited the club fair (during 2nd week of classes)?
/ 54%
  1. Went on a “field trip” off-campus with a class?
/ 18%
  1. Visited the Learning Center or other center for help or support
/ 38%

Academic Performance of CCSU Full-Time, First-Time Students in the First Year
Fall 2009 only by Populations Taking and Not Taking FYE 101 in Fall 2009

FT FT Students Entering Fall 2009
FYE 101 / No FYE 101 / Total
Initial Cohort (N) / 586 / 695 / 1,281
Combined SAT Score (Mean) / 1021 / 1028 / 1025
HS Class Rank (Mean Percentile) / 60 / 64 / 62
First Semester Completion (N) / 580 / 678 / 1,258
Completion Rate (Pct) / 99% / 98% / 98%
Returned Following Spring (N) / 552 / 647 / 1,199
Returned Following Spring (Pct) / 94% / 93% / 94%
Second Semester Completion (N) / -- / -- / --
Completion Rate (Pct) / -- / -- / --
Fall semester credits attempted (Mean) / 14.9 / 15.0 / 15.0
Fall semester credits completed (Mean) / 13.5 / 13.4 / 13.5
First semester GPA (Mean) / 2.70 / 2.63 / 2.66
First Semester GPA Below 2.0 or Withdraw (Pct) / 17.6% / 22.2% / 20.1%
First Semester GPA 3.0 or Above / 41.0% / 41.3% / 41.1%
Spring semester credits attempted (Mean) / 14.8 / 14.9 / 14.9
Spring semester credits completed (Mean) / -- / -- / --
Cum credits completed / -- / -- / --
Spring semester GPA (Mean) / --
Spring Semester GPA Below 2.0 or Withdraw (Pct) / --
First Semester Completion indicates a PIDM match between 3rd week file and end of semester (students have non-null GPA)
Semester credits attempted restated in August 2008 (previous version did not include remedial credits in credits attempted)
Data Source: StufileF09, F09ED, and S10
Produced by the CCSU Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
Academic Performance of CCSU Full-Time, First-Time Students in the First Year
Fall of Entry
2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009
Initial Cohort (N) / 1,280 / 1,334 / 1,284 / 1,469 / 1,303 / 1,281
Combined SAT Score (Mean) / 1,032 / 1,032 / 1,027 / 1,011 / 1,022 / 1,025
HS Class Rank (Mean Percentile) / 59 / 60 / 60 / 59 / 60 / 62
First Semester Completion (N) / 1,254 / 1,286 / 1,243 / 1,450 / 1,270 / 1,258
Completion Rate (Pct) / 98% / 96% / 97% / 99% / 97% / 98%
Returned Following Spring (N) / 1,189 / 1,198 / 1,166 / 1,361 / 1,192 / --
Returned Following Spring (Pct) / 93% / 90% / 91% / 93% / 91% / --
Second Semester Completion (N) / 1173 / -- / 1151 / 1333 / 1180 / --
Completion Rate (Pct) / 92% / -- / 90% / 91% / 91% / --
Returned Following Fall (N) / 1,026 / 1,015 / 1,008 / 1,164 / 1,023 / --
Retention to Following Fall / 80% / 76% / 79% / 79% / 79% / --
Fall semester credits attempted (Mean) / 13.9 / 13.8 / 13.9 / 14.4 / 14.9 / 15.0
Fall semester credits completed (Mean) / 12.3 / 11.9 / 12.3 / 12.9 / 13.4 / 13.5
First semester GPA (Mean) / 2.57 / 2.44 / 2.58 / 2.51 / 2.71 / 2.66
First Semester GPA Below 2.0 or Withdraw (Pct) / 23% / 29% / 24% / 24% / 19% / 20%
First Semester GPA 3.0 or Above / 35% / 31% / 37% / 33% / 41% / 41%
Spring semester credits attempted (Mean) / 14.4 / -- / 14.1 / 14.2 / 14.3 / --
Spring semester credits completed (Mean) / 12.2 / -- / 12.6 / 12.6 / 13.0 / --
Cum credits completed / 26.3 / -- / 26.7 / 27.3 / 28.6 / --
Spring semester GPA (Mean) / 2.38 / -- / 2.48 / 2.48 / 2.59 / --
Spring Semester GPA Below 2.0 or Withdraw (Pct) / 29% / -- / 25% / 25% / 21% / --
Cum GPA after Spring (Mean) / 2.52 / -- / 2.59 / 2.55 / 2.72 / --
Cum GPA after Spring Below 2.0 or Withdraw (Pct) / 22% / -- / 20% / 21% / 16% / --
First Semester Completion indicates a PIDM match between 3rd week file and end of semester (students have non-null GPA)
Semester credits attempted restated in August 2008 (previous version did not include remedial credits in credits attempted)
Data Source: StufileF04 through S09ED
Produced by the CCSU Office of Institutional Research and Assessment