Library Promotion Plan 2016-17

Goals 2016-17 / Activities / Lead / Completion date
Welcoming new starters:
All new staff: ensure are aware of the Library and have an opportunity to join at their induction / Display boards & forms at each month’s new staff induction. 1-2 library staff attend to answer any questions / Coral / Monthly
All new clinical staff: ensure are aware of the Library and have opportunity to join at their induction / Work with Elaine, Rachel and Mike to schedule tours for staff on clinical induction / Tim / Monthly
Medical students – PCMD, PUPSMeD & UEMS: ensure all are aware of the Library and have an opportunity to join at their induction / Work with Emma to schedule tours and prepare relevant materials / Tim / Ongoing
Students e.g. nursing, radiography: ensure are aware of the Library and have an opportunity to join at their induction / Identify and work with relevant staff to schedule tours and prepare relevant materials / Tim / Coral / Ongoing
Trainee doctors: ensure are aware of the Library and have an opportunity to join at their induction / Work with Jan to schedule Library awareness sessions that make best use of their time for all F1 and F2 new starters (approx 100 tbc); prepare relevant materials / Tim / Summer annually / ongoing
Key Services:
Enquiries desk work including ILL and loan activities / Review documents/forms e.g. comp slips and standard emails to maximise Library promotion / Tim / Coral / Ongoing
Print and electronic journals: ensure best use of funds when planning subscriptions / Consider survey-results and reduced space; plan print and electronic subscriptions and promote holdings / Catherine / Tim / Survey June-September 2016; ongoing
Print and electronic book-stock: ensure texts remain up to date and meet current needs / Celebrate and promote ongoing acquisitions, liaising with subject experts / Catherine / Ongoing throughout year
Electronic information delivery: seek opportunities to offer efficient community-wide current awareness service/s / Pilot Knowledgeshare with new starters & Athens users, then roll-out to rest of the Trust. Promote Trust-wide / Catherine / Ongoing throughout year
Website: ensure content matches current needs and best reflects Library Services / Re-design website, with a core focus on the discovery system. Use user focus groups to test website prior to launch / Lucy / Q1 2017
Information displays: create in response to national themes and / or local events including monthly Paignton library meetings / Create timely informative displays using range of online and print resources, working with team and a range of contacts to promote information-delivery across the community / Tim / One per month for the Paignton talks
Training delivery: traditional face-to-face - formal and one-to-one; informal “bite size” / Offer regular timetabled information-skills training
Offer regular bite-sized informal sessions
Provide ad hoc one-to-one training as appropriate
Use additional off-site venues e.g. Paignton, Newton Abbot / Lucy / Ongoing throughout year
Training delivery: electronic - promote alternative method/s of delivery / Actively promote Webex for training delivery / Lucy / Ongoing throughout year
Communicating our message:
Network of Library Champions / Continue to build up network of champions; liaise proactively and imaginatively with them to cascade Library activities e.g. outreach, training, current awareness, etc. / All / Ongoing
Raise awareness of Library Services with ‘non traditional’ users from staff groups within the Trust / Demonstrate how the Library can support staff groups e.g. by assisting on health/wellbeing projects, work with groups such as innovation panel / Catherine / Ongoing throughout year
Increase the Library’s impact through supporting the Trust’s agenda on community engagement and patient/consumer/public health / Demonstrate the Library’s ability to support e.g. by exploring opportunities to introduce elements of SW consumer health work; health/wellbeing activities such as
mood-boosting books project; Paignton talks. Consider holding workshops to help patients locate health information online / Catherine / Ongoing;
Monthly Paignton talks
Promote all the above via a continuous stream of appropriate communications to users and stakeholders across the South Devon health/social care community / Via:
staff bulletins – one resource/service per month
email lists – targeted for specific staff groups
board reports – whenever invited
posters – for key events and information displays / Catherine / Lucy / Ongoing
Promote activities across the library profession and share examples of good practice / Swimming Pool newsletter – at least one item per year
LQAF National innovation scheme – share and learn from ideas / Catherine / Ongoing
Monitor and review Library & Information Services / Actively seek and collect feedback on all promotion activities outlined above, report outcomes / All / Ongoing

Catherine Micklethwaite, April 2012 rev Aug 2012, April 2013, April 2014, Aug 2014, August 2016

P:\Management\Promotion plan\Promotion plan 2016-17.doc