CDISC Global User Network
April 15, 2009 Meeting / /


Time US* / Agenda item / Lead / Meeting notes / Decisions and actions /
11:00am / Welcome & WebEx/TC sign-in / All / Dan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Not many in attendance (probably due to the Easter holiday)
CGUN Committee Updates
11:05am / ·  Education – ByLaws/Charter Comments Update / Richard Lewis / The following issues were raised by Richard for discussion with the team:
o  Voting by e-mail
o  Voting quorum
Richard informed the team that the Education committee will be looking at mechanisms for sharing training materials (developed by user groups or pharma companies) with the CDISC User Groups. The team will draft a proposal for how that will be done and present it back to the team. / The following was agreed on:
o  Voting: To use the CDISC Portal survey functionality for voting (rather than e-mail). This approach was used recently by IAB for voting and it worked well.
o  Quorum: Agreed to set the quorum at 50% of the CGUN members. At least 50% of the CGUN members must cast a vote. CGUN members will be allowed to miss 3 rounds of voting. Members will be removed from the voting process after missing 3 rounds.
o  CGUN members: Recent voting rate does not determine how UGs have participated, rather we are using their representation in the council meetings. Dan will review the last 14 months to see what UGs have not had a representative present at least 50% of the meetings. Those UGs will be contacted to see if there is an issue, perhaps their assigned representative is not the correct person for the job. In the coming months, Dan will continue to monitor which UGs are represented. Those who continue to have representation < 50% will be removed from the CGUN team and will not be invited to attend future meetings or participate in voting.
11:30am / ·  Communication – CDISC Portals Q&A Session / John Brega/Daniel Rehn / The following question was asked: Should the ‘Global User Network’ portal be used for general/global communication rather than posting the same communication to each individual User Network portal?
The ‘communication’ team has been working on several use cases. The team have looked into one of the use cases which are around ‘searching’ capability across user network portal and confirmed that this functionality does not exist. A change would be required to the portal to build this functionality. There would be a cost associated with this change.
Further work is still required on the other use cases.
Daniel informed the team that the User Guidelines for the CDISC portals is now FINAL. The final version will be distributed to the CGUN members by mid- next week. The guidance that contains details about how to use the ‘survey’ and ‘alert’ functionalities. / The communication team was given the action to propose a solution to this issue. The proposal would be reviewed and discussed by the team at the next meeting.
The ‘communication’ team will continue to work through the ‘use cases’ and feedback findings to the team at the next meeting.
Key Discussions
11:55am / ·  Evolution of CDISC Global User Network
o  New Networks joining
o  Timing/Model / Dan Godoy / Dan reviewed the model for the Global User Network, with the intention of describing and addressing 4 challenges that have been identified as:
·  The CGUN continues to grow as new Regional User Networks are incorporated.
·  More time zones are added due to the new Networks.
The four challenges are:
1.  Adjusting the CGUN Meeting Schedule to allow for all Networks to participate, recognizing that a rotation schedule is needed whereby at every call one Region might have to call in either earlier or late in the evening.
2.  Registering all Regional Networks with CDISC and tie that registration to the creation of a Portal for that Network on the CDISC website.
3.  Connecting Subject Matter Experts from all User Networks to the right CDISC Team/Initiative
4.  Continuity of CGUN. Election period is fast approaching (July 2009), so nominations need to start being submitted. / Decisions:
In terms of the 4 Challenges, the following was decided:
1.  Dan will post the global Time calendar, and suggest the 2-3 best available times for our future meetings. Folks will need to vote via the CDISC Portals Survey, on which times are most preferred. Along with this, Dan will redistribute the adjusted Meeting Calendar.
2.  All CDISC User Networks would need to register w/ CDISC so that they can have access to the Portals. Once access is granted, it is preserved through consistent attendance to Global User Network metings.
3.  Dan will continue to work with Tanyss Mason on defining process for connecting Subject Matter Experts from User Networks to relevant CDISC Teams/Initiatives.
4.  Elections will be held in July, but nominations can start in April and run through May.
·  All to vote on the Proposed timezone proposals when survey goes out.
·  All Networks to register with CDISC (Tanyss Mason or Shirley Williams) to be granted space on the CDISC Portals.
·  All to think about and propose nominations to Dan regarding the CGUN Chair and Committee Coordinators.. Deadline: end of May.
12:20am / AOB
o  Chair for next meeting
o  Upcoming events (English LUN example and discussion) / o  All / Bay Area User Network had a F2F in early April. About 120 members participated both physically and remotely!
DelawareValley is having its next F2F meeting on May 11 at the Merck USHH Office Complex in Upper Gwynedd, PA.
English Speaking User Group is having its next F2F meeting on the 27th of May at SAS in Marlow. The topic for the F2F meeting will be on end-to-end implementation of CDISC standards. / Next Meeting: May 20th!
Chair: Chris Decker
12:36pm / Adjourn

* All times are in US Eastern Daylight-savings Time.

CDISC Global User Network
July 16, 2008 Meeting / /

* All times are in US Eastern Daylight-savings Time.