Name ______Date ______Period ______

Ninth Grade Literature and Composition Research Project Presentation

TASK:Now that you have conducted a sustained research project on an important figure from classical mythology by gathering relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources and then synthesizing those multiple sources through writing a formal paper, you will demonstrate your full understanding of your topic by means of a formal presentation. Because you should be an expert on your topic by now, your classmates should gain a thorough understanding of your mythological character’s various complexities by listening to your presentation. Such complexities include things like the following: their family, relationships, conflicts, physical characteristics, personality and characterization, strengths and weaknesses, domain, associated mythical objects, symbols, related myths and stories, demise, heroic deeds, importance in Greek culture, and relevance in modern culture.

PRESENTATION: You will provide your classmates with the information you gathered about your character in a clear, concise, logical, and organized way such that they can follow along easily. Be sure to make eye contact with the audience, as well as to adapt your speechto the task, demonstrating your command of formal English as is appropriate.Overall, you should speak clearly and audibly. Your presentation should be 2 to 3 minutes; it should not exceed 5 minutes.

VISUAL AID:In order to enhance your presentation’s organization, as well as to add interest, you will create a visual aid that displays your information. Your visual aid should be a hand-drawn physical representation of your character that is colorful, creative, neat, and organized. The information about your mythological figure should be incorporated on your poster; it should be easy to see and to read.

DUE DATE: Presentations will take place on ______. Ten points will be deducted from the presentation’s grade for every day that your presentation is late. When you are called upon to present your project, you will turn in your rubric; if you do not have your rubric, five points will be deducted from the presentation grade. When you finish your presentation, you will turn in your visual aid.

Ninth Grade Literature and Composition Research Project Presentation Rubric

Requirements / Exemplary / Proficient / Developing / Insufficient / Unacceptable
1. Presentation and Organization: Presents information clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow along easily; makes eye contact with the audience; speaks clearly and audibly; adapts speech to task to demonstrate command formal English; presents in an organized manner for 2 to 3 minutes; etc. / 35 / 28 / 21 / 14 / 7
2. Information: Demonstrates a full understanding of the topic; establishes that s/he is an expert on the topic; includes information related to the mythological character’s various complexities; etc. / 30 / 24 / 18 / 12 / 6
3. Visual Aid: Enhances the presentation’s organization; adds interest; displays a hand-drawn physical representation of the character that is colorful, creative, neat, and organized; incorporates information about the mythological figure that is easy to see and to read; etc. / 30 / 24 / 18 / 12 / 6
4. Rubric: Turns in rubric when called upon to present. / 5 / --- / --- / --- / 0
Miscellaneous deductions
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