


CALL TO ORDER / This meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.
PRESENT SENATORS / P. Adams, T. Belnas, F. Carbajal, T. Carbajal, P. Entekhabi, C. King, S. Locci, M. Madrigal, A. Méndez, C. Moss, L. Perkins, J. Pessagno, H. Rocha-Tabera, M. Stave, M. Stenbit, A. Vacaflor, M. Weber



Charlene Frontiera, Chris Myers, David Beymer, Ruth McMullen, Evita Gentry, Sharolyn Robinson, Jason Ortiz, Otis O’Neal

ADOPT AGENDA / MSC (Stenbit/Moss) to adopt the agenda with amendments.


/ MSC (Stenbit/T. Carbajal) to approve the minutes of May 27, 2003.
OPEN PUBLIC COMMENTS / ·  Ruth McMullen and Charlene Frontiera distributed copies of a proposed cover sheet for future handout packets to be sold in the bookstore. They asked for input and discussed copyright issues. Senators had questions about how the decision to sell handouts was made and if this process was truly cost-effective. Hartnell students are charged 4¢ per page, which is the cost to the college. Several recommendations were made by Senators: (1) Clarify the purpose of the packet material (handouts to keep or worksheets to be turned in?) (2) Give instructors the option of back-to-back or single-sided copies. (3) Be sure to order adequate copies by using the total number of students already enrolled. Some Senators also felt that faculty should be compensated for their time in the summer to put these packets together.
·  David Beymer and Chris Myers distributed the final draft of the Hartnell College Core Values and asked for Senate approval. Suggestions from all sectors on campus have been incorporated.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT / ·  President Aurora Mendez attended the August Board meeting where Larry Carrier reported on student parking fees. After the meeting, there was also a discussion of parking fees for faculty/staff.
·  Aurora attended the Academic Senate Leadership Institute in San Diego in June and felt all of the information she acquired was extremely valuable, especially that pertaining to drafting a student equity plan.
·  President Mendez reported Dr. Valeau wants the General Education Requirements Advisory Committee reinstated and questions why the Senate is not taking action. These requirements are covered in Curriculum Committee; Dan Petersen came to the Senate to discuss this issue last year. Those people who drafted Accreditation Standard 4 and Dan Perez, the new Curriculum Committee chair, will be invited to address this further.
·  Aurora welcomed the new Senators.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT / ·  Vice President Theresa Carbajal said she was now on the Transportation Committee formed by Dr. Barbarena per Dr. Valeau’s request.
ASHC REPORT / ·  President Jason Ortiz announced a kick-off barbecue Aug. 27, including a forum for Trustees at 11:00. He also announced various activities for September, Hispanic Heritage Month:
Ø  Sept. 10, Yolanda Nava will speak and Zun Zun will perform at a luncheon in Steinbeck Hall.
Ø  Sept. 15, Ruben Mendoza’s workshop "Tres Siglos: Mexican Wars for Independence from 1521- 1821"
Ø  Sept. 16, El Grito celebration in Steinbeck Hall 10-2.
Ø  Sept. 22-24, Hispanic Film Festival in PA125
Ø  Sept. 26 Dinner/Dance with live entertainment from Dr. Loco & the Rocking Jalapeño Band, Steinbeck Hall
CLASSIFIED SENATE REPORT / ·  President Otis O’Neal said his goal is improvement and to provide for students. He would like to focus on communication through shared governance committees. The Classified Senate meets the third Thursday of each month from 2:00-3:00, and he invited us to attend.
HCFA REPORT / ·  David Beymer announced that negotiations for the new contract will begin shortly and two negotiators are needed. (Stelvio Locci is the sole negotiator now.) The faculty’s raise was based on funded FTE (1.31%), while the actual FTE was 1.75%--something which will be discussed at the next HCFA meeting on September 3 at 3:00.
·  David suggested the HCFA and Senate co-sponsor a forum for the prospective Trustees running for election in November.
·  A. MSC (Locci/T.Carbajal) It was moved to approve Senate Goals for 2003-04 as revised.
·  B. MSC (Moss/Entekhabi) It was moved to approve the appointment of Theresa Carbajal and Melissa Stave to the Transportation Committee.
DISCUSSION ITEMS / ·  A. President Mendez asked for our preference as to when a forum for all candidates running for Trustee should be held. Senator Stenbit suggested an evening forum since the students were holding a lunch forum on Aug. 27. All candidates will be invited to speak.
·  B. Senators presented and discussed Standards 1, 2, and part of 4 from the Accreditation Midterm Report. The discussion will continue at the Sept. 9 meeting.


/ None.
ADJOURNMENT / This meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.