Music: Second Grade
Revised May 2013Unit 1:Beginning the Year
Topic / Eligible Content/
Standards / Details / Resources
1 / Review of classroom rules and procedures and getting acquainted / 9.1, 9.2 / Do various name games and movement working with and without a partner / Music and Movement book and CD
We Love to Move Book and CD
2 / Learning how to follow verses in the music book / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 / Put the song on smart board and teach students how to follow the verses. Find quarter rests and snap on them and echo sing. Teach movement to song that will be performed with a partner. / Second grade Share the Music book and CD
3 / Reading & Recognizing rhythms/cumulative songs / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 / Rhythm flash cards
Read rhythm of a song/talk about antique car/listen/add movement
Listen to cumulative song/split class into groups and each group is a part of the cumulative / Share the Music 2 bk. & CD
Share the Music 1 bk. & CD
4 / Cont. Cumulative song
Veteran’s Day / 9.1, 9.3 / Cumulative song/on smart board/put the pictures in order for the song/listen and sing/clap the rhythm of each animal sound/match rhythm to correct animal sound on smart board / Spotlight 2 bk. & CD
5 / Exploring voice range / Explore their high and low registers/listen to various voices
Sing song using upper and lower register/identify as call and response/add body percussion
Veteran’s Day song
America the Beautiful / Share the Music 2 bk. & CD
Unit 2: Veteran’s Day & Fall
Topic / Eligible Content/
Standards / Details / Resources
Veteran’s Day and Fall / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 / Marine’s Hymn/America the Beautiful
Apple Picker’s Reel/new note-half note/echo sing/low to high register/activity with half notes
Pick a Pumpkin/keeping beat by passing pumpkin to song / Spotlight 2 bk. & CD
Veteran’s Day and Fall / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 / Marine’s Hymn/America the Beautiful
Story of Peer Gynt/listening map/picture of Grieg/Dynamics & mood
Witch Rides/movement
Halloween/mood / Listening map
Burned CD
Spotlight 2 bk. & CD
Veteran’s Day and Fall / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 / Halloween/rests/replace rest with rhythm instrument
Skin & Bones/listen/list sequence of events on smart board/mood
Begin Christmas song / Share the Music 2 & 1 bk. & CD
Veteran’s Day & Fall / Christmas Program songs
Speech piece/round/ / Burnt CD
Veteran’s Day & Fall / Christmas program songs
Veteran’s Day songs
Over the River/galloping song
Turkey Named Bert/listen/quarter rests/move to song/singing or talking / Share the Music 2 bk. & CD
Fall Cont. / Christmas Program songs
Review Fall songs / Share the Music 2 bk. & CD
Burnt CD
Unit 3: December Songs & Activities
Topic / Eligible Content/
Standards / Details / Resources
December songs / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 / Christmas Program songs
Leroy Anderson/Sleigh Ride/composer picture/listen and move
(listen to 2 versions; with & without words)
Hannakuh song/what is Hannakuh/phrases / Music Effect bk. 2 & CD
Christmas Magic CD
Share the Music 2 bk. & CD
December songs and program songs / 9.1 / Practice concert songs
Sing various Christmas songs
Christmas DVD / 9.1 / Disney Christmas Carol DVD / Disney DVD
Unit 4: Spirituals/Valentine’s Day/memorizing rhythms
Topic / Eligible Content/
Standards / details / Resources
1 / Martin Luther King and spirituals / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 / >Martin Luther King/talk about who he was/listen to song/discuss what the song says that he did/use suggested instruments
>Stooping on the Window/listen/discuss what to stoop is/what the meaning of x is and the meaning of a repeat sign/sing/perform movement / Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Triangles, finger cymbals,tambourines, drums
2 / Spirituals / 9.1, 9.3 / Amasee/explain to them that Amasee means I must see) that this is just the way some people say their words/spiritual/sing and perform movement
>She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain/spiritual/cumulative song/sing and add motions/split into 5 groups and each stand and sing their part/each group will play an instrument rather than sing
>This Little Light of Mine/spiritual/listen/call and response song/they sing only the response / Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Spotlight bk. 2 & CD
5 various rhythm instruments
3 / Valentine’s Day/songs about caring / 9.1 / Skinnamarink/where have you heard this song from/listen and perform motions/sing and perform motions
>Love Somebody/listen/sing/choose partner and perform movement
You Are My Sunshine
>Mail Myself to You/listen and perform motions/use boomwhackers to perform ostinato / Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
4 / Memorizing rhythm to a song
Review of rhythms / >use boomwhackers to play rhythms from rhythm cards
>Bow, Wow, Wow/read rhythm of song/play the rhythm on rhythm sticks/hold up the rhythm cards that go along with the song/eliminate 1 card at a time till the entire rhythm is memorized/replace the du and de’s with the words of song/listen to the song/sing and perform movement / Boomwhackers
Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Rhythm cards
Unit 5: Musical Form
1 / Form through Patriotic Songs / 9.1 / >America/hand out cards with each one having 1 line of America on it/have a student put them in the correct order/play song and stop if not in order/keep doing this until the song is in order
>Yankee Doodle/song is in AB form (verse & refrain)/perform movement suggested in book (this will show the AB form / Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Flash cards
2 / Form / 9.1. 9.2 / >This Land is Your Land/listen to verses and sing refrain/AB form
>Washington Post March/show picture of John Philip Sousa/listen while looking at listening map on smart board/decide on form (ABC)/do body ostinato for the 3 sections / Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Smart board power point
3 / Form / 9.1 / TingaLayo/Spanish/discuss the form (3 verses & refrain)/sing only refrain/use maracas for refrain and rhythm sticks for verses
Punchinella/listen and sing/form (A)/form circle & perform movement / Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Maracas & rhythm sticks
4 / Rondo / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 / >Rondo a Capriccio/Beethoven/read about Beethoven in book/view listening map for piece and point to appropriate picture when section is played/introduce students to Rond0 poster/add movement for Rondo a Capriccio
>Shoo Fly Rondo/discuss ABA form/point to each section/reference it to Rondo poster/look and discuss a fermata/listen/sing/use paper plates with pictures on them to demonstrate the A and B sections / Spotlight gr. 2 bk. & CD,
Fly and Star paper plates
Listening map
Rondo poster
5 / Rondo / 9.1 / >Mister Rabbit/listen/discuss how many sections (verse & refrain)/echo sing refrain/verse is in question and answer form/I sing question students sing answer/split between boys and girls/view poster with rhythm for the movement of refrain/with partners perform movement / Spotlight gr. 2 bk. & CD
Rhythm poster
6 / Bunny Rondo / 9.1 / >Bunny Hop/poster with Bunny Hop rhythm/say the rhythm/teach bunny hop moves to the rhythm chart/bunny hop around the room
>John the Rabbit/look at this song on smart board/what are the words that keep repeating/using F and P posters vary the “Oh yes”/sing
>Listen to Rabbit Rondo/write the sections on board and discover that it is a rondo and know which part keeps repeating / Bunny Hop poster
Share the Music K bk. & CD
Spotlight gr. 1 CD
Smart board
F & P posters
Rabbit Rondo CD
7 / Rondo / 9.1 / >Viennese Musical Clock/play A to be familiar/listening map on smart board/show picture of Kodaly/listen and follow map/stand on A and sit on other sections
>Dance, Dance, Dance/listen/discover the form/add a C section of body percussion/sing entire song/add C and teach movements and perform / Spotlight bk. 2 & CD
Share the Music bk. 2 & CD
Listening map on smart board
8 / Rondo / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 / >Los Mariochos/listening map on smart board/follow map while listening/identify the instruments used/discuss what rhythm instruments would be appropriate to use and pass out and use while listening to define the Rondo
>Review any rondos learned / Share the Music gr. 3 bk. & CD
9 / Rondo Round Up Assessment / >worksheet Rondo Round Up/Students will put pictures in correct sequence to display a Rondo/they will paste and color / Rondo Round up worksheet
Unit 6: Composing a Song Verse
1 / Composing a verse
fermata / 9.1, 9.2 / >Sylvester the Snake/listen and discuss what the song is about/explain what fermata is and what x’s mean/echo sing and sing/sing for them added verse in teacher bk./process of composing a verse and make their own as a class
>Silly Sam/sing perform with partners (this correlates to Sylvester because they are songs about snakes / Jungle Bk. & CD
Share the Music gr. 2 bk. & CD
Dry erase board
2 / Singing all classes verses / 9.1 / >Review Sylvester the Snake and fermata
>hand out verses that the other classes composed / Share the Music gr. 2 bk. & CD
Hand out of all verses
Unit 7: Peter and the Wolf
1 / Read & act out story / 9.1, 9.2 / >Read book Peter and the Wolf/discuss/retell story by acting out/music called Peter and the Wolf which portrays the characters with various instruments/ / >Book of Peter and the Wolf
2 / Listen to music that portrays each character / 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 / >listen to music that portrays each character/show the picture of each instrument that portrays each character while listening/show the actual instruments/ / CD of Peter and the Wolf
Big instrument posters
Clarinet, flute, French horn, oboe, bassoon
3 / Make Peter and the Wolf booklet / 9.1 / >we will make a booklet for Peter and the Wolf/students will cut out the pictures, put them in sequence, staple then color
4 / DVD / 9.2 / >show DVD of Peter and the Wolf / Peter and the Wolf DVD
5 / Completion of Peter and the Wolf / 9.1, 9.2 / >finish viewing Peter and the Wolf/play animal and instrument matching game on the same DVD / Peter and the Wolf DVD
Topic / Eligible Content/
Standards / Details / Resources