September 2017

Dear Colleague,

Chlamydia Screening Postal Test Kit Campaign

Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in sexually active young people, and it often has no symptoms. If left untreated it can lead to long term problems such as infertility. Our current sexual health promotion campaign aims to raise awareness of our chlamydia screening postal test kits which are available to people aged 15-24 who live in Derbyshire or Derby City. Postal kits can be ordered from our website by phone (01246 515730), or picked up from one of the many drop bins across the city and county.

Postal Test Kit Drop Bins

Drop bins containing chlamydia screening postal test kits are situated in over 200 locations across Derbyshire and Derby City such as GP practices, pharmacies, colleges and universities. Young people pick up a kit and take it away to do at home, posting the completed test back to our team at Sexual Health Services who contact them with their results.

Our aim is to make this service as visible and accessible as possible to young people within the community, and included in this campaign pack are resources which promote our postal testing kits. Please display these where young people who use your service will see them, and alongside any of our chlamydia screening postal kit drop bins which you may have on site.

If you would like a chlamydia screening postal kit drop bin delivering to your site, or a refill supply of kits if your bin is empty, please contact Karmen Kaur () who will be able to arrange this.

Sexual Health Promotion Services offered

We are committed to ensuring that all Derby and Derbyshire young people have access to the full range of sexual health services available.

If you would like:

  • more information about this campaign
  • more sexual health posters for your workplace
  • information about C-Card free condom scheme, your local C-Card sites, or how to set up a C-Card site where you work
  • to book assemblies, lessons or workshops about chlamydia and C-Card for your young people
  • to book yourself or your colleagues onto the next C-Card training

Please contact your local Sexual Health Promotion Locality Co-ordinator:

  • Chesterfield and North Derbyshire: Gary Woodhouse ()
  • South Derbyshire, Erewash and Amber Valley: Lauren Atack ()
  • Derby City: Tamera Howard ()
  • High Peak and West Derbyshire: Kelly Wood () or Gary Woodhouse ()

If you are unsure who to contact, please contact Karmen Kaur ( ) who will signpost you to the correct team member.

Many thanks,

Lauren Atack

Sexual Health Promotion Locality Co-ordinator (South Derbyshire, Amber Valley and Erewash)