
Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour

Serves 4


For the Amaretto jelly

-  100ml Amaretto

-  1 leaf gelatine

For the Grue de cacao

-  50g caster sugar

-  12.5g liquid glucose

-  31.5g butter

-  12.5g whole milk

-  0.8g pectin

-  50g cocoa nibs

For the Isomalt base

-  163g liquid glucose

-  250g Isomalt

-  5g ground coffee

For the mascarpone mousse

-  125g mascarpone

-  25ml Amaretto

-  187ml double cream, whipped

-  35g egg yolk

-  50g caster sugar

-  1 leaf gelatine

For the coffee stock

-  50ml shot of espresso

-  5g caster sugar

For the Genoese sponge

-  125g caster sugar

-  125g plain flour, sieved

-  4 eggs


1.  For the Amaretto jelly, soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. In a pan, bring the Amaretto up to the boil. Squeeze out any excess water from the gelatine and add to the pan and stir until it has completely dissolved through. Pour into a square tub size? and set in the fridge for at least an hour. Once set cut four 7cm circles and keep in the fridge until ready to plate.

2.  For the Grue de cacao, combine the sugar, butter, glucose and milk in a pan and gently bring up to the boil. Add the pectin and bring the mixture up to 105˚C. Once up to temperature, add the cocoa nibs, stir well and take off the heat to cool slightly. Spread the mixture onto greaseproof paper to 1-2mm in thickness and then freeze. Preheat the oven to 170˚C and bake the mix for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, leave to cool slightly and then use 7cm cutters to get 4 portions. Leave to cool.

3.  For the Isomalt base, combine the glucose and Isomalt in a pan and bring up to 155˚C. Pour onto a silicon mat and leave to cool. Once completely cool blitz the mix in a thermomix so that you are left with a powder. Pass through a sieve onto a baking sheet lined with a silpat mat to give an even coating (approximately 1mm thick) and then sprinkle over some ground coffee. Bake in the oven at 160˚C for 2-3 minutes or until melted and transparent. Place it on top of your dome moulds and cut to size with 8cm round cutters.

4.  For the mascarpone mousse, soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. Meanwhile, put the sugar in a pan with a splash of water and bring up to 118˚C. Slowly mix the egg yolks in a kitchen aid fitted with the whisk attachment. Once the sugar syrup is up to tempertaure, add the soaked gelatine, quickly combine and then pour onto the egg yolks. Whisk on full speed for 10 minutes until the mixture is a light white colour. Whisk the double cream until thick and set aside. In a bowl, mix together the Amaretto and mascarpone and then fold this into the whipped cream. Fold the cream & Amaretto mix into the egg mix and then transfer into a piping bag and seal.

5.  For the coffee stock, mix the espresso and sugar with 10ml water. Use some of the mix to soak the Genoese sponge and reserve the rest as garnish.

6.  For the Genoese sponge, whisk the eggs and sugar in a kitchen aid until light and fluffy (approximately 10 minutes). Carefully fold through the sieved flour and then spread onto a baking sheet lined with a silicon mat and bake in the oven at 180˚C for 6 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Once cool use a 7cm round cutter and cut 4 circles. Soak each of these in some of the coffee stock.

7.  To plate, pipe some mousse into one of the dome moulds and top with a piece of coffee soaked Genoese sponge. Pipe a small dot of mousse on top of the sponge and top with a circle of Amaretto jelly. Pipe a small dot of mousse on top of the jelly and top this with the disc of Grue de cacao. Fill another dome with mousse and join with the other to form a sphere. Pipe a small dot of mousse onto the centre of the serving bowl and place the Tiramisu sphere on top. Finish by pouring a little of the reserved coffee stock around the side.