Highlights/ Important Developments for the fortnight from 1.7.2015 to 15.7.2015

  1. Total value of trade at the Commodity Exchanges during the fortnight, 1stJuly, 2015 to 15thJuly, 2015 was ₹2,97,047.23 crore. The cumulative value of trade from 1stApril, 2015 upto 15th July, 2015 during the financial year 2015-16 was ₹19,82,847.84 crore. The corresponding figures for the previous year were ₹ 2, 70,214.58 crore and ₹17, 25,457.22 crore respectively.
  2. The Commission on 6th July, 2015 removed RBD Palmolein, Cottonseed, Maize and Cotton seed oilcake from the purview of evening trade due to lack of liquidity. The trade timing for the evening trade would be till IST 9.00/9.30 p.m.* (* during US day light saving period). The revised trade timings on National Exchanges were made effective from 13th July, 2015 onwards.
  3. The Commission had invited views and suggestions from the public vide its circular dated 7th January, 2015 on the issue of accreditation of the Warehouse Service Provider (WSP) with more than one Exchange and the exclusivity clause mandated by any exchange, that if a WSP is accredited with an exchange, it cannot be accredited with any other exchange. The Commission on 8th July, 2015, after considering all the feedback,decided that a WSP can be accredited with more than one exchange and further, no exchange shall mandate that its WSP cannot provide services to another exchange. However, this will be subject to the condition that the same warehouse will not be shared by more than one exchange.
  4. The Commission, vide its circular dated 27th April, 2015 had directed all the Exchanges to ensure that all the existing warehouses accredited by them are registered with WDRA latest by 30th June, 2015. In this regard, the Commission had received communications from NCDEX and MCX stating therein the difficulties being faced by the exchanges in getting registration in respect of all the accredited warehouses from WDRA by 30th June, 2015. In view of the above, the Commission on 2nd July, 2015 to maintain the threat of delivery in commodities market, for which adequate warehousing storage is necessary, decided to permit 144 warehouses accredited by NCDEX and 22 warehouses accredited by MCX, which are under consideration of WDRA for registration and in respect of whom all the pre-registration procedure including inspection etc. has been completed, to continue to act as exchange accredited warehouses till 31st October, 2015.
  5. Permission for launching of contracts in various commodities was granted to the Exchanges as follows:

Name of the Exchange / Commodity / Contract Months / Date of permission
NCDEX, Mumbai / Gold Hedge / Contracts expiring in January 2016, March 2016, May 2016, July 2016, September 2016 and November 2016. Trading in Gold hedge contract is also permitted on continuous basis. / 10th July 2015
Gold (1kg) / Contracts expiring in January 2016, March 2016, May 2016, July 2016, September 2016 and November 2016. / 14thJuly 2015
MCX, Mumbai / Crude Oil Mini / Contracts expiring from January 2016 to December 2016. / 1stJuly 2015
COC, Hapur / Mustard Seed / January 2016 / 15thJuly 2015
  1. Trade Data Summary:

(Value of Trade in ₹Crore)
Sr.Nos. / Particulars / 2015-16 / 2014-15 / % growth in 2015-16 over 2014-15
1 / (a) / Total value of trade during the fortnight ending
15th July / 297047.23 / 270214.58 / 9.93
(b) / Cumulative value of trade during the year from
1stApril to 15th July / 1982847.84 / 1725457.22 / 14.92
2 / (a) / Total value of trade in Agri Commodities during the fortnight ending 15th July / 54922.70 / 63883.64 / -14.03
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Agri Commodities during the year from 1stApril to 15th July / 412581.25 / 364574.18 / 13.17
3 / (a) / Total value of trade in Bullion during the fortnight ending 15th July / 76477.21 / 95539.19 / -19.95
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Bullion during the year from 1stApril to 15th July / 561663.30 / 618569.83 / -9.20
4 / (a) / Total value of trade in Metals other than Bullion during the fortnight ending 15th July / 79646.04 / 59508.04 / 33.84
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Metals other than Bullion during the year from 1stApril to 15th July / 441067.68 / 372367.07 / 18.45
5 / (a) / Total value of trade in Energy during the fortnight ending 15th July / 86001.28 / 51283.70 / 67.70
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in Energy during the year from 1stApril to 15th July / 567535.60 / 369946.14 / 53.41
6 / (a) / Total value of trade in other Commodities during the fortnight ending 15th July / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
(b) / Cumulative value of trade in other Commodities during the year from 1stApril to 15th July / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00

The Statement gives Exchange wise/Commodity wise comparative picture as on 1.7.2015 and 15.7.2015.The figures for 1.7.2015are given in parenthesis in each row in column numbers 5 to 12. The total volume and value of trade during the fortnight is given in column 13 and 14 respectively.

Volume in Natural Gas in mmBtuand for other Commodities in MT
Value of Trade in₹crore
Position as on 15.7.2015 / During 1–15 July15
Sr. No / Name of Exchange / Name of
Commodity / Price Unit / Prices in₹ / Open Interest / Trading Volume / Value of Trade / Total
Spot / Futures Near Month Contract / Near Month Contract / All
Contracts / Near Month Contract / All Contracts / Near Month Contract / All Contracts / Volume / Value
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
1 / Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited, Mumbai / CRUDEOIL / 1 BBL / 3,368.00
(3,792.00) / 3,288.00
(3,649.00) / 204,638.47
(280,013.64) / 277,257.84
(305,443.38) / 2,330,995.91
(1,993,410.64) / 2,518,512.96
(2,072,742.16) / 5,691.28
(5,425.34) / 6,155.69
(5,643.95) / 30,051,240.11 / 74,960.25
GOLD / 10 GRMS / 25,890.00
(26,263.00) / 25,847.00
(26,411.00) / 7.97
(7.63) / 11.28
(9.82) / 11.65
(9.97) / 11.95
(10.20) / 3,014.48
(2,636.91) / 3,092.07
(2,699.89) / 150.93 / 39,416.03
SILVER / 1 KG / 34,904.00
(35,533.00) / 34,696.00
(35,376.00) / 543.90
(66.81) / 563.13
(566.64) / 698.40
(85.53) / 705.45
(578.31) / 2,433.86
(303.54) / 2,458.99
(2,081.71) / 10,166.40 / 35,951.31
COPPER / 1 KG / 354.85
(368.75) / 356.35
(373.95) / 17,585.00
(14,301.00) / 18,520.00
(14,794.00) / 39,446.00
(37,879.00) / 40,221.00
(38,341.00) / 1,417.88
(1,412.30) / 1,446.25
(1,429.83) / 627,130.75 / 22,431.01
ZINC / 1 KG / 132.80
(128.85) / 132.15
(130.55) / 15,060.00
(17,555.00) / 17,980.00
(20,500.00) / 129,800.00
(120,650.00) / 134,605.00
(125,265.00) / 1,720.52
(1,556.30) / 1,784.68
(1,616.32) / 1,462,326.00 / 18,711.05
NICKEL / 1 KG / 743.70
(757.30) / 729.40
(767.90) / 6,242.00
(7,957.25) / 6,789.25
(8,244.25) / 13,769.25
(13,384.75) / 14,375.25
(13,761.00) / 1,022.02
(1,025.36) / 1,067.36
(1,054.44) / 232,568.95 / 16,949.33
LEAD / 1 KG / 117.65
(111.40) / 118.15
(113.85) / 13,580.00
(16,585.00) / 14,815.00
(17,130.00) / 106,490.00
(83,010.00) / 109,430.00
(85,095.00) / 1,256.82
(939.33) / 1,291.81
(963.10) / 1,250,878.00 / 14,215.82
NATURALGAS / 1 mmBtu / 180.30
(180.60) / 185.30
(177.60) / 8,162,500.00
(7,667,500.00) / 9,545,000.00
(8,357,500.00) / 55,762,500.00
(67,715,000.00) / 58,791,250.00
(70,472,500.00) / 1,024.64
(1,214.87) / 1,080.54
(1,264.96) / 619,138,750.00 / 11,041.03
ALUMINIUM / 1 KG / 106.10
(105.95) / 106.95
(109.25) / 32,265.00
(30,640.00) / 34,530.00
(31,450.00) / 42,585.00
(53,805.00) / 44,590.00
(55,050.00) / 455.72
(581.19) / 477.55
(594.82) / 688,929.00 / 7,338.82
MENTHAOIL / 1 KG / 1,094.60
(1,143.00) / 994.30
(1,057.60) / 2,682.00
(2,686.68) / 5,534.64
(4,935.96) / 935.28
(2,338.92) / 1,361.16
(2,990.16) / 92.32
(251.87) / 135.17
(323.16) / 26,584.20 / 2,766.67
Total of the Exchange :- / 21,389.40
(17,897.31) / 22,549.38
(20,679.38) / 34689796.240 / 245617.085
2 / National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd. Mumbai / CHANA / Rs/Quintal / 4500.00
(4387.10) / 4407.00
(4248.00) / 5100
(81370) / 263430
(344230) / 3640
(102560) / 168970
(290280) / 16.10
(435.33) / 760.26
(1257.30) / 2398418 / 10621.63
GUARSEED10 / Rs/Quintal / 4246.75
(4433.95) / 4025.00
(4403.00) / 1000
(26060) / 51310
(47790) / 1710
(112690) / 142320
(161910) / 6.96
(498.93) / 604.79
(724.55) / 1620342 / 7157.15
SOYA_OIL / Rs/10Kgs / 600.00
(607.95) / 576.35
(584.60) / 175400
(219950) / 292550
(297300) / 46935
(66865) / 73385
(89640) / 271.86
(392.94) / 421.60
(523.79) / 980065 / 5649.12
RMSEED / Rs/Quintal / 4271.40
(4280.50) / 4214.00
(4253.00) / 4750
(35040) / 115830
(100090) / 1190
(74910) / 102750
(144350) / 5.03
(318.93) / 437.21
(618.79) / 1255650 / 5319.04
SOYABEAN / Rs/Quintal / 3518.00
(3616.00) / 3494.00
(3644.00) / 55810
(57530) / 111510
(99560) / 89550
(93140) / 120010
(121130) / 315.23
(340.64) / 416.48
(436.27) / 1213710 / 4250.93
CASTOR_SEED / Rs/Quintal / 4005.50
(4025.00) / 3917.00
(4014.00) / 4650
(88240) / 298000
(296230) / 870
(32070) / 48560
(60240) / 3.42
(128.81) / 196.28
(245.53) / 831322 / 3345.47
JEERA / Rs/Quintal / 17012.50
(17000.00) / 16180.00
(15905.00) / 912
(15969) / 33639
(35502) / 132
(9717) / 6957
(18201) / 2.14
(154.80) / 113.80
(292.10) / 186129 / 3023.58
CORIANDER / Rs/Quintal / 11813.75
(11768.50) / 11672.00
(11937.00) / 1400
(14200) / 62670
(63140) / 570
(15090) / 12980
(32910) / 6.66
(179.19) / 153.74
(393.66) / 208300 / 2496.67
GUAR_GUM / Rs/Quintal / 9574.05
(10213.90) / 9210.00
(10250.00) / 592
(9183) / 21591
(21858) / 243
(11439) / 13062
(17891) / 2.33
(118.15) / 130.07
(188.22) / 211778 / 2166.82
TURMERIC / Rs/Quintal / 7409.50
(7275.00) / 7520.00
(7014.00) / 3715
(17245) / 29900
(35195) / 135
(8020) / 11725
(14575) / 1.02
(56.46) / 89.11
(102.91) / 218470 / 1612.07
Total of the Exchange :- / 763.41
(2793.21) / 3630.69
(5070.30) / 10352679.270 / 49191.950
3 / National Multi-Commodity Exchange of India Limited, Ahmedabad / ISABGULSEED / 100 Kg / 8065.00
(8130.00) / 8146.00
(8248.00) / 232.87
(162.00) / 445.50
(303.75) / 2217.37
(982.12) / 4394.25
(1923.75) / 17.75
(8.03) / 35.55
(15.88) / 43243.87 / 354.39
RAPE/MUSTARD SEED / 20 Kg / 793.00
(780.00) / 793.00
(778.00) / 0.00
(500.00) / 920.00
(980.00) / 0.00
(4220.00) / 9480.00
(8200.00) / 0.00
(16.31) / 37.36
(31.90) / 79280 / 310.45
DESI CHANA / 100 Kg / 4500.00
(4387.00) / 4423.00
(4250.00) / 0.00
(260.00) / 840.00
(500.00) / 0.00
(2450.00) / 8260.00
(4860.00) / 0.00
(10.34) / 37.59
(20.80) / 67860 / 300.07
RAW JUTE / 100 Kg / 4399.40
(4341.40) / 4393.00
(4382.00) / 370.00
(240.00) / 720.00
(460.00) / 4010.00
(1670.00) / 7990.00
(3310.00) / 17.43
(7.33) / 34.95
(14.60) / 60240 / 261.58
CASTOR SEED 10 MT / 100 Kg / 3861.00
(3890.00) / 3861.00
(4015.00) / 0.00
(260.00) / 760.00
(500.00) / 0.00
(2590.00) / 8620.00
(5140.00) / 0.00
(10.37) / 35.14
(20.79) / 63230 / 255.48
Total of the Exchange / 35.34
(55.58) / 186.98
(113.10) / 324834.875 / 1617.912
Total for the National Exchanges(A) / 45367310.385 / 296426.947
4 / Chamber of Commerce, Hapur / MUSTARD SEED / 100 Kg / 4506.75
(4538.30) / NT
(4353.30) / 58
(132) / 832
(410) / 0
(672) / 12766
(9946) / 0
(2.93) / 59.63
(46.70) / 118162 / 550.08
Total of the Exchange / 0
(2.93) / 59.63
(46.70) / 118162 / 550.08
5 / Rajkot Commodity Exchange Ltd., Rajkot / CASTOR SEED / 100 Kg / 3837.50
(3875.00) / 4115
(4211) / 295
(725) / 295
(725) / 1240
(1165) / 1240
(1165) / 5.11
(4.91) / 5.11
(4.91) / 14460 / 59.89
Total of the Exchange / 5.11
(4.91) / 5.11
(4.91) / 14460 / 59.89
6 / India Pepper & Spice Trade Association, Kochi / PEPPER MG 1 / 100 Kg / 65000
(66500) / NT
(67505) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(10) / 8
(18) / 0
(0.67) / 0.52
(1.22) / 154 / 10.31
Total of the Exchange / 0
(0.67) / 0.52
(1.22) / 154 / 10.31
7 / Bombay Commodity Exchange Ltd., Vashi / CASTOR SEED / 100 Kg / -- / NP
(NP) / 0
(0) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
(0) / 0
(0 ) / 0
(0) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
(0) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
8 / Spices & Oilseeds Exchange Ltd.,Sangli / TURMERIC / 100 Kg / --- / NP
(NP) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
( 0 ) / 0
( 0 ) / 0 / 0
9 / Cotton Association of India Mumbai / COTTON / 100 Kg / --- / NP
(NP) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0 / 0
Total of the Exchange / 0
(0) / 0
(0) / 0 / 0
Total for the Regional Exchanges(B) / 132776 / 620.28
Grand Total (A+B) / 45500086.385 / 297047.227

Note: Natural Gas volume is not included in the Total Volume

Review of Exchange-wise Commodities traded during the fortnight 1stJuly 2015 to 15th July2015
1. Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd., Mumbai- During the period from 1.07.2015 to 15.07.2015, 14 commodities were traded at the Exchange.
Out of these, Crude Oil, Gold & Silver had the highest volume of trade.
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract -20 Jul 2015 / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Crude Oil / 20-Jul-15;
18-Dec-15 / ₹3762 per BBL on 01.07.2015 / ₹ 3226 per BBL on 07.07.2015 / ₹64443.00 Crore / 285620.74 MT on 03.07.2015 / ₹74960.25
Gold / 05-Aug-15;
03-Jun-16 / Near month contract - - 05Aug 2015 / ₹ 39416.03
₹26531 per 10 Gram on 01.07.2015 / ₹25764 per 10 Gram on 15.07.2015 / ₹ 33850.91 Crore / 8.19 MT on 02.07.2015
Silver / 04-Sep-15;
05-May-16 / Near month contract- - 04Sept 2015 / ₹35951.31
₹36320 per KG on 06.07.2015 / ₹34011 per KG on 07.07.2015 / ₹26662.47 Crore / 543.90 MT on 15.07.2015
2.National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited, Mumbai-During the period from 1.07.2015 to 15.07.2015, 20 commodities were traded at the Exchange. Out of these Chana, GuarSeed10 and Soya Oil had the highest volume of trade.
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract-20th July 2015 / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Chana / 20-Jul-2015
20-Nov-2015 / ₹4492.00/ per Quintal on 13.07.2015 / ₹4159.00/ per Quintal on 03.07.2015 / ₹ 1444.45
crore / 81370 MT on 01.07.2015 / ₹ 10621.63
Guarseed 10 / 20-Jul-2015
18-Dec-2015 / Near month contract - 20th July 2015 / ₹ 7157.15
₹4644.00/ per Quintal on 03.07.2015 / ₹3980.00/ per Quintal on 15.07.2015 / ₹ 2607.79
crore / 27380 MT on 02.07.2015
Soya Oil / 20-Aug-2015
20-Jan-2016 / Near month contract - 20th Aug 2015 / ₹ 5649.12
₹590.50/ per 10 Kg on 01.07.2015 / ₹566.80/ per 10 Kg on 08.07.2015 / ₹ 4039.14
crore / 219950 MT on 01.07.2015
3.National Multi-Commodity Exchange of India Ltd., Ahmedabad - During the fortnight ending on 15/07/2015, 7 commodities were traded at the Exchange, Out of these Isabgulseed, Rape/Mustard Seed and Desi Chana had the highest volume of trade.
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract – 14 Aug 2015 / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Isabgulseed / 14 Aug 2015
15 Oct 2015
15 Dec 2015 / ₹8368.80/-per 100 Kgon 07.07.2015 / ₹8049.00/-per 100 Kgon 15.07.2015 / ₹177.97
crore / 344.25 MT
on 09.07.2015 / ₹354.39
Rape/Mustard Seed / 15 Jul 2015
14 Aug 2015
15 Sep 2015
15 Oct 2015 / Near month contract – 15 Jul 2015 / ₹310.45
₹ 785.00/-per 20 Kg
on 02.07.2015 / ₹762.00/-per 20 Kg
on 10.07.2015 / ₹ 92.01
crore / 500.00 MT
on 01.07.2015
Desi Chana / 20 Jul 2015
20 Aug 2015
18 Sep 2015
20 Oct 2015
20 Nov 2015 / Near month contract – 20Jul 2015 / ₹300.07
₹ 4433.00/-per 100 Kgon 10.07.2015 / ₹4159.00/-per 100 Kgon 03.07.2015 / ₹84.36
crore / 380.00 MT
on 09.07.2015
4. Chamber of Commerce, Hapur
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract -20th July 2015 / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Mustard seed / 20th July 2015 &
20th October 2015 / ₹ 4359.50/- per
100 kg on 13.7.2015 / ₹4335/- per
100 kg on 8.7.2015 / ₹ 14.14
crore / 176 MT
on 3.7.15 / ₹550.08
5. The Rajkot Commodity Exchange Ltd., Rajkot
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract - 30th September 2015 / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Castor Seed / 30th September 2015 / ₹ 4234/- per 100 kg
on 2.7.2015 / ₹ 4084/- per 100 kg on 8.7.2015 / ₹ 59.89
crore / 755 MT
on 3.7.2015 / ₹ 59.89
6. India Pepper & Spice Trade Association, Kochi
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract -15th July 2015 / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Pepper MG1 / 15th July 2015
15th August 2015
15th September 2015 / ₹68505/- per 100 kg
on 2.7.2015 / ₹65000/- per 100 kg
on 10.7.2015 / ₹ 4.40
crore / NIL / ₹ 10.31
7.Bombay Commodity Exchange Ltd., Vashi
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
Traded / Near month contract – / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Castor seed / Permission not granted / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
8. Spices & Oilseed Exchange Ltd., Sangli
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract – / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Turmeric / Permission not granted / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
9. Cotton Association of India, Mumbai
Name of Commodities / Contracts being
traded / Near month contract – / Total Value of Trade across all contracts
Highest Price Quoted / Lowest Price Quoted / Total Value of Trade / Highest Net Open Position
Cotton / Permission not granted / -- / -- / -- / -- / --

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