Fall 2016

South Iredell High School

Common Core Math I

Mr. Creason G-106


Phone:704-528-4536 ext: 1405

Welcome to Math I! This course continues and expands on the study of algebraic concepts. Some topics that will be taught are operations with polynomials, geometric proofs, linear applications and an introduction to non-linear functions.

At the end of this course, a successful student will be able to:

  • Perform operations with numbers and expressions to solve problems
  • Describe geometric figures in the coordinate plane algebraically
  • Use relations and functions to solve problems

According to North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, students must demonstrate proficiency by scoring level III or IV on the End-of-Course Exam.

End-Of-Course Exams: There will be an EOC for Math I in January.

SMART Lunch: Students Maximizing Academics, Relationships, and Time, otherwise known as SMART Lunch! South Iredell has found a way to provide all students the opportunity to have additional time with teachers, time for clubs, time to reinforce classroom instruction, and time for reflection each and every day. SMART Lunch is an hour in the middle of every day where students choose how to spend their time. South Iredell faculty open their classrooms to students to provide formal instruction, a place to gather and share ideas, and a place to get extra help, or a place to join with friends to work on club activities.

All assignments and important dates will be posted to my website

listed above. We will also use Edmodo and Remind for announcements and assignments.


  • Folder/3 Ring Binder
  • 2 Expo Markers
  • 2 Highlighters (different colors)
  • Pencil
  • TI-83 plus calculator optional

I agree to bring the above supplies to class everyday!


Grading Scale:Assignments:

A = 90 – 100Tests50%

B = 80-89Quizzes30%

C = 70-79Homework20%

D = 60-69

Attendance and Homework:

It is important for students to come to class and do their work. This class is

modeled to benefit the student, and in order to master the content, these two

elements are keys to success. Students are expected to complete all assignments.

Assignments are constructed to review important concepts and enhance

student learning.

Classroom and School Expectations:

  • Be respectful of the rights of others.
  • Arrive to class on time.
  • Bring all required materials and assignments to class.

South Iredell Mission Statement

By way of collaborative relationships with students, parents, teachers and the community, the mission of South Iredell High School is to challenge students to develop as self-confident, life-long learners who are ethical, globally-minded critical thinkers. South Iredell High School is committed to improving student learning by igniting a passion for learning.

Core Values

• Student and learning focus

• Motivated faculty and staff

• Partnerships and teamwork

• Continuous improvement focus

• Management by fact

• Results focus

• High ethical standards

*Note to Parent: I am very excited for the school year, and in order to make sure your child is getting the best education in my classroom, I would like to be able to contact you if any problems arise, or there are major improvements that I would like to share with you.

Parent Name:______

Email:______Phone: ______