IP Brokerage Sale Questionnaire

Intellectual Property (IP)

Please provide a list of IP (patents, patent applications, foreign patents, and/or foreign applications. Can also be an attachment: ______

IP Information and Seller Contact Information

Legal name of IP assignee. (Who owns and will be able to reassign the IP?)

IP Assignee:______

What is your relationship to the IP assignee? (i.e. representing yourself or others):______

Seller Contact Info(Address and Phone):______


Has the IP been licensed? Yes/No If Yes, briefly explain:______

Are there any liens on the IP? Yes/No If Yes, explain: ______

Has the IP ever been asserted or involved in litigation? Yes/No If Yes, explain: ______


Are all the maintenance fees paid in full? Yes/No ______

Are any maintenance fees due within the next nine (9) months? Yes/No. If yes, please identify whether the fees will be paid or not:______

Potential Infringement and Third Parties

Are you aware of any infringers of the IP? If so, please list companies (Please provide a separate detailed list of infringers per patent if multiple infringers per patents)______


Are you aware of anyone with similar products to your invention:______



Who might be interested in developing technology covered by the IP?



What products does the IP cover?


What are the current and expected future market revenue for these products or services?______

Does the IP cover any products or services that you currently practice or sell? Yes/No If Yes, explain:______

Reasons for Monetization (Sale or License)

Explain the reasons you are interested to monetize these patents (i.e. company going out of business, not being used, patents are infringed, etc).______



Deal Dynamics

What would you consider a reasonable transaction value for the patents?


What is the minimum dollar price you would accept for the Patents (Patent sales are market driven, and some patents do not sell. One of the reasons can be the asking price is too high. Our goal is to sell the patents for the highest price, however, a realistic and flexible price is important. Minimum price you are willing to accept: ______

Are there any needs or requirements from the IP sale? For example, do you require grant back rights?______

Are there any companies that you do NOT want to sell to? If so, please list them: ______

What, besides the IP, can you contribute to the IP sale? Knowhow, Technology, Engineer time? Commercialization assistance? Industry knowledge? ______

Have you or a representative tried selling or licensing the Patents previously? Yes/No ______

If Yes, explain and identify companies contacted: ______


Has anyone contacted you about selling the Patents? Yes/No______

If Yes, explain: ______

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