А м е р и к а н с к а я Л ю б и т е л ь с к а я Ф е д е р а ц и я С а м б о
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
Premier Wrestling Arena
153 North Midland Avenue,
Tournament Director: Vitaly Zaslavsky
Contact for the Veterans/Masters:
Boris Brezhnev
Tel/Fax: (310) 552-0095
Contact for the Youth/Juniors:
Felix Sverdlin
Tel: (718) 303-2632
The organizational committee of American Amateur Sambo Federation invite you to participate in the XVUSA Open Sambo Championship.This competition is sanctioned by the Federation Internationale desAmatuers de Sambo (FIAS).
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
May 3rd, 2008 (Saturday)Arrival of delegations
Check in and accreditation
19:00 – 20:00 / Medical control and weighting of the athletes at the following locations:
- CombatSamboCenter- 1515 Sheepshead Bay Rd., Brooklyn, NY11235
- Premier Wrestling Arena - 153 North Midland Ave., Saddle Brook, NJ07663
May 4th, 2008 (Sunday) USA Open Sambo Championship
8:15-9:15 / Weighting
10:00 / Grand Opening of the Sambo Championship
10:15 / Preliminary matches starts (kids and juniors)
12:00 / Preliminary matches starts (adults and masters)
16:00 / Finals, Awards Ceremony
Terms and conditions:
1. / Registration fee for Juniors, Seniors and Masters is $75; Members of the AASF $55. Registration fee for Youth is $55; Youth members of the AASF $35.The fee must be received before April 4, 2008.There is a possibility to register on the day of the tournament but this is to the discretion of the Tournament Director.
Transfer fee is $20.00 at arriving/departure for each person (reservation required by April 15th, 2008).
2. / Each team/delegation must bring at least one referee.
Alsoeach National delegation must bring and present to the Organizing Committee 2 National Flags and the audio-CD of the National Anthem.
3. / Each participant has to insure himself, to pass a medical examination in his own country and present the insurance certificate to the Organizing Committee.
We kindly ask you to inform us about your participation and the number of official and non-official members of the delegation. The registration forms should be submitted not later then April 4th, 2008.
Weight classes:
Youth 9-16 / -30, -32, -35, -38, -41, -45, -49, -53, -57, -62, -67, -73, -78, +78 kgJunior 17-18 / -48, -52, -56, -60, -65, -70, -75, -81, -87, +87 kg
Seniors 18 and older / -48, -52, -57, -62, -68, -74, -82, -90, -100, +100 kg
Masters 35 and older / -52, -57, -62, -68, -74, -82, -90, -100, +100 kg
Masters age groups:
35-39 years, 40-44 years, 45-49 years, 50-54 years,55-59 years, 60-64 years 65 and older.
If one of the weight classes has insufficient participation, classes will be put together. Be aware of a good registration! Too late at the weigh-in means disqualification!
Each category has three medals and awards.
Match rules:
Article 1: For the Tournament, the age division ofthe participant is determined by his birth dateon the 3rd of May, 2008.
Article 2: A photocopy of your photo ID must be sent withyour registration.
Article 3: The Rules and Regulations of the International Amateur Sambo Federation (FIAS) are applied. The blue and redJackets and sambo shoes are mandatory. For a complete list of Sambo Competition Rules please visit our website at:
Article 5: The Golden Score Formula is in application.
Article 6: A minimum of two (2) competitors is neededin each weight/age class to be declared a champion.
Article 7: The Tournament Director reserves the right toapply the type of competition formula basedon the number of participants in a weight/agecategory.
Please address your checks no later than April 4th, 2008 to: «American Amateur Sambo Federation» and mail to the following address:
American Amateur Sambo Federation
39 Trish’s Court,
Matawan, NJ 07747 USA
Fax: 1-419-715-3691
Each competitor must be in the possession of a valid passport and plays on his/her own risk. We wish all competitors a good trip and a lot of success! Hope to meet you in New York.
With kind regards,
Organizing Committee of the XV USA Open Sambo Championship
Tel: +1 2014103894 |Fax: +1 419 7153691 | Email: | Web:
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
May 3 - 4, 2008
*Wyndham Hotel *
50 Kenney Place,
Saddle Brook, New Jersey07663USA
Reservations: 1.888.446.1106 US Toll Free
Hotel Front Desk: 1.201.8430600
When call please refer to "Sambo USA Open" for a special rate of $129 per room per night based on double occupancy (two double beds). Also the rooms can fit one rollover bed for an extra $15 per night.
* Hotel is conveniently located within walking distance from the tournament venue.
*Radisson Hotel
129 Pehle Avenue,
Saddle Brook, New Jersey07663USA
Reservations: (888) 201-1718 US Toll Free
Telephone: (201) 845-7800 Fax: (201) 845-7061
* Marriott®
138 Pehle Avenue
Saddle Brook, New Jersey07663USA
Phone: 1-201-843-9500
Fax: 1-201-843-7760
Toll-free: 1-800-832-6254
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
Registration form for participants
Registration required by Friday, April 4, 2008
Entry fee is $75 ($55 for AASF members) per participant.
There is a possibility of registering on the day of the tournament, but this is at the discretion of the Tournament
Director, and there will be an increase in the fee of $20.00.
LAST NAME:______FIRST NAME: ______
DATE OF BIRTH: (day) ______(month) ______(year) ______
AGE: ______SEX: ______RANK: ______
ADDRESS: ______
CITY: ______PROV/STATE: ______
PC/ZIP: ______COUNTRY: ______
TELEPHONE: ______E-MAIL: ______
CLUB: ______
I certify that the information indicated above is correct:
Print Signature
Please address your checks to: «American Amateur Sambo Federation»and mail to the following address:
American Amateur Sambo Federation
39 Trish’s Court,
Matawan, NJ07747USA
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
Registration form for teams
Name school/association:Contact person:
City, Country/State, Zip code:
Telephone number: / Fax number:
First Name / Last Name / M/F / Date of birth / Rank / Weight (kg) / E-Mail
Please address your checks no later than April 4th, 2008 to: «American Amateur Sambo Federation» and mail to the following address:
American Amateur Sambo Federation
39 Trish’s Court,
Matawan, NJ 07747 USA
Fax: 1-419-715-3691
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
Registration form for coaches and referees
Name school/association:Contact person:
City, Country/State, Zip code:
Telephone number: / Fax number:
First Name / Last Name / M/F / Date of birth / E-Mail1
First Name / Last Name / M/F / License/Rank / E-mail1
Please address your checks no later than April 4th, 2008 to: «American Amateur Sambo Federation» and mail to the following address:
American Amateur Sambo Federation
39 Trish’s Court,
Matawan, NJ 07747 USA
Fax: 1-419-715-3691
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
NOTICE:This is a legal document which must be properly completed andsigned or your entry will not be accepted. PLEASE READCAREFULLY. It eliminates your right to sue under all circumstances.If you do not understand it, obtain legal advice before signing.
In consideration of the acceptance of the entry to compete in and/or my beingpermitted to participate in the XV USA Open Sambo Championship (hereinafter referred to as "this event"), I hereby release, remise and foreverdischarge, and agree to indemnify and save harmless the American Amateur Sambo Federation, the organizer of this event, their respectiveofficers, executives, directors, officials, agents, servants and representatives(hereinafter referred to as "the releases") from and against all claims, actions,costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to myperson or property, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with mycompeting or participating in this event and notwithstanding that the same mayhave been caused by, contributed to or occasioned by the negligence, breach ofcontract, breach of a common duty of care as an occupier of premises, orotherwise, of or by the releases or any of them.I agree to assume all risks, both known and unknown, and all consequencesthereof, arising out of or in connection with my competing or participating in thisevent. I agree to adhere to all rules, regulations and conditions of this event.
XVUSA Open SAMBO Championship
Release form
I certify that:
I am in good physical condition and I have no injury, disease or disability norhave I injected or ingested anything that would impair my performance orphysical condition or increase the likelihood of injury in competing orparticipating in this event.
No physician, nurse, therapist, trainer, coach, manager or other person hasadvised me not to compete or participate in a body contact sport or in thisevent.
I am familiar with the sport of sambo and the nature of a sambo contest. I amaware that there is a high risk of injury by the very nature of the sport.
I further agree that the organization has the right to use, in such form plus for suchtime period as this organization may in its sole discretion choose, without paymentof any fee or charge, the photographs, images, likeness, video tapes or any otherrecordings or reproductions of me, to further the objectives of American Amateur Sambo Federation,including without limiting the generality of the foregoing:
a) the training, education, development of sambists, coaches, officials and
b) for promotional purposes
This document shall be binding upon myself, my heirs, executors, administrators,assigns and personal representatives.
I have read this document, understand that I give up substantial rights by signing itand knowing this, sign it voluntarily. I agree to participate knowing the risks andconditions involved and do so entirely upon my own free will.
Participant Signature Date
Witness signature Date
АмериканскаялюбительскаяфедерацияСамбо . Federation Americaine des Amatuers de Lutteurs Sambo.