May2, 2011

Dear Juniors,

Any Junior who is interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister in Senior year needs to be aware of the following criteria and information before she applies:

1. A Eucharistic Minister mandated for Immaculate Heart Academy must be a Senior.

2. She must be a practicing Catholic who regularly attends Sunday liturgy and has received all three sacraments of initiation.

3. She must be able to obtain a letter of recommendation from the pastor or another

priest in her parish. (See attached letter of request to give to your pastor)

4. A Eucharistic Minister must also possess exemplary personal qualities consistent with a person appointed to function as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist to her peers.

5. She must be able to pass the approval of the faculty.

If you think you meet the above criteria, you can download the application from Miss Gansley’s web site. Completed applications are due to Miss Gansley no later than Monday, May 16, 2011. A complete application will contain the following: 1.) the application form, 2.) the personal essay, 3.) the recommendation of your pastor/parish priest .

Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted, considered, or processed.


Name______Birthdate______Home Room______



Parish & Date you received Baptism______

Parish & Date you received First Communion______

Parish & Date you received Confirmation______

Are you participating in any parish activities that we should know about when considering your application?



Are you a member of any I.H.A. club or activity (or considering membership as a Senior) that we should know about?



What personal qualities do you feel you possess that qualify you to be considered as a Eucharistic Minister?



Write a well developed essay answering the following questions. This essay must be typed, minimum one page / maximum two pages, using standard margins and fonts.

1. What does the sacrament of the Eucharist mean to you?

2. How would you describe your prayer life? Do you participate fully in Sunday liturgies?

3. Do you think that a person designated to distribute the Eucharist to her peers should be held to certain standards of behavior? What standards? Why? Why not?

4. Why do you want to be a Eucharistic Minister?

5. What else will help us recognize that you are ready and willing to accept this responsibility.

500 Van Emburgh Avenue(201) 445-6800

Washington Township, New Jersey 07675Fax: (201) 445-7416

May 1, 2011

Dear Father,

______, a student at Immaculate Heart Academy and a member of your parish, is applying to be mandated as a Eucharistic Minister for Immaculate Heart Academy during the 2010-2011 school year. As part of her application process, she must obtain a letter of recommendation from the Pastor of her parish addressing his knowledge about her character and testifying that she regularly attends Sunday liturgy.

It is important to us that a Eucharistic minister at IHA be an exceptional role model to her peers as she functions in this ministry and that others who know her can also testify to this.We appreciate your time and attention. Thank you for supporting our goals and for affirming this young woman from your parish.

Sincerely in Christ,

Lynn Gansley


Eucharistic Ministry