Mr Stephenson'sHonors Precalculus Assignments for 2011-2012Quarter 4 (v. 6/10, 10:52)

Textbook: Blitzer, Precalculus, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004
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L := Lesson, C := C.Lab., Q := Quiz, T := Test, E := Exam, PE := Practice Exercises, CW := Classwork.


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Planned Q1: P.1-P.5, P.7-P.8, 1.1-1.4, 1.7-1.9 (linear), T, 1.5-1.6, 2.2-2.3, 1.9 (Area & Volume)

Past S1: 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 1.5, 9.1-9.3, 9.4ex1, 9.5, 3.1-3.5, 2.1-2.6, 10.1-10.3, 11.1-11.4, 10.4-10.6

Past S2: 4.1-4.6, 4.8, 9.4, 5.1-5.3, 5.4 (overview), 5.5, 6.1-6.4, 9.6, 6.5-6.7

DoY / Day / Date / Activity / Description
133 / F3/30 / L5.1.1 / Verifying Trig Identities (by Ms. Sullivan); PE: p.553: 16-30
134 / 1 / M4/2 / L5.1.2 / Trig in a Nutshell (to get on "same page" as Mr. Stephenson)
PE: p.554: 57, 64, 74-76 [n=5]
135 / 2 / T4/3 / L5.2.1 / Difference Formula for Cosine; Ex's 1-3
PE: p.563: 1-12; Handout; {ck 5.1.1: 16 & 28}
136 / 3 / W4/4 / L5.2.2 / Sum & Difference Formulas for Sine & Cosine; Ex's 4-6
PE: p.563: 13-31 odds [n=10]; Handout
137 / 4 / R4/5 / L5.2.3 / Sum & Difference Formulas for Tangent; Ex 7
PE: p.563: 33-51 odds [n=10]; {ck 5.2.1: 4, 8}
F4/6 H / Holiday / Good Friday
138 / 5 / M4/9 / L5.3.1 / Double Angle Formulas; Ex's 1-3
PE: p.573: (1-6) all, (9-11, 15-27) odds; [n=15]
139 / 6 / T4/10
NAEP / L5.3.2 / Half Angle Formulas; Ex's 4-7
PE: p.574: 35,41,45,50-52,(53-61,71 odds), 92-94; [n=15]
140 / 7 / W4/11 / Review / CW: create your review sheet to use & attach to quiz.
141 / 8 / R4/12 Q / Quiz 4-1
142 / 9 / F4/13
RprtCrds / L5.5.1 / Trig Equations; Ex's 1-3
PE: p.592: 1-37 odds; [n=19]
-F4/20 / Vacation / Spring Vacation
143 / 10 / M4/23 / L5.5.2 / Trig Equations; Ex's 4-5
PE: p.593: (39-55, 79-85) odds; [n=13]
144 / 11 / T4/24 / L5.5.3 / Trig Equations; Ex's 6-8
PE: p.593: 57-77 odds; [n=11]; Due Day 14.
145 / 12 / W4/25
ER1145 / L6.1.1 / The Law of Sines; Read p.599-Ex 2, p.606 Ex 7, and Handout.
PE: p.607: (1-15, 39-51) odds, p.594: 102-105; [n=19]
146 / 13 / R4/26 EPP / L6.1.2 / The Law of Sines & The Ambiguous Case; Ex's 3-5
PE: p.608: 17-31 odds, 63-65; [n=11]
147 / 14 / F4/27 EPP / L6.2.1 / The Law of Cosines; Ex's 1-3; Handout.
PE: p.616: (1-23, 33,39-41) odds; [n=15]
148 / 15 / M4/30 / Review
149 / 16 / T5/1 APT / Test 4-1
150 / 17 / W5/2 AP / L6.3.1 / Polar Coordinates; Ex's 1-2
PE: p.628: 1-25 odds [n=13]
151 / 18 / R5/3 AP / L6.3.2 / Rectangular/Polar Point Conversions; Ex's 3-5
PE: p.628: 27-47 odds [n=11]
152 / 19 / F5/4 AP / L6.3.3 / Rectangular/Polar Equation Conversions; Ex's 6-7
PE: p.628: 49-71 odds [n=12]
153 / 20 / M5/7 AP / L6.5.1 / Complex Numbers in Polar Form; Euler's Equation; Ex's 1-4; KA
PE: p.653: 1-35 odds [n=18]; Read Mandelbrot Set, watch video 1
154 / 21 / T5/8 AP / L6.5.2 / Products/Quotients/Powers of Complex Numbers; Ex's 5-8
PE: p.653: 37-63 odds [n=14]
155 / 22 / W5/9 AP
156 / 23 / R5/10 AP / Review
157 / 24 / F5/11APQ
ProgRprt / Quiz 4-2
158 / 25 / M5/14 / L6.5.3 / Roots of Complex Numbers; Ex's 9-10; Handout; KA
PE: p.654: (65-75, 93-95) odds; [n=8]; Due Day 29.
159 / 26 / T5/15 Adv
MCAS M / p3
p5A / No Class
1/2 Class - Q&A + HW catch up
160 / 27 / W5/16 Adv
MCAS M / p3
p5A / No Class
1/2 Class - Q&A + HW catch up
161 / 28 / R5/17 / L6.6.1 / Vectors; Ex's 1-3; KA-1, KA-2
PE: p.666: 1-19 odds; [n=10]
162 / 29 / F5/18 / L6.6.2 / Vectors; Ex's 4-6
PE: p.667: 21-37 odds; [n=9]
163 / 30 / M5/21 / Review
164 / 31 / T5/22 / p3Review
p5 Exam
165 / 32 / W5/23
ER1145 / p3 Review
p5 MUs
166 / 33 / R5/24 / p3 Exam
p5 MUs
167 / 34 / F5/25 / MUs
M5/28 H / Holiday / Memorial Day
168 / 35 / T5/29
Sr Prom / L6.6.3 / Vectors; Ex's 7-8
PE: p.667: 39-51 odds; [n=7]
169 / 36 / W5/30 / L6.6.4 / Vectors; Ex 9
PE: p.667: 53-69 odds; [n=9]
170 / 37 / R5/31 / L6.7.1 / The Dot Product; Ex's 1-3
PE: p.677: 1-29 eoo; [n=8]
171 / 38 / F6/1 / Review
172 / 39 / M6/4
ER115 / Review / PE: p.683: 82-101 (attach to Test 4-2: 4 points!)
173 / 40 / T6/5no 1-3
MCAS Sci / p5A / Review
174 / 41 / W6/6 no 1-3
6pm Grad / p5A / Review
175 / 42 / R6/7
4+7+Mtgs / No Class
176 / 43 / F6/8
3+6+Crtg / p3 / Test 4-2
177 / 44 / M6/11
2+5+Mtgs / p5A / Test 4-2
178 / 45 / T6/12
1+MU+Crtg / No Class
179 / 46 / W6/13 / MU
180 / 47 / R6/14
Rprt Crds