K. Marquez

Kindergarten Spanish Lesson Plans

Week: October 26, 2009


These are the lessons for a Kindergarten unit on Commands. In this third week we will continue learning to recognize four basic commands for groups: Levántense-stand up. Siéntense-sit down. Brinquen-jump. The new material to be covered this week will be commands related to classroom activities: formense- get in line; saquen un marcador- take out a markerl; guarden el marcador- put the marker away; escriban su nombre- write your name; saquen sus pizarras- take out your whiteboards; guarden sus pizarras; put your whiteboards away; burbujas- bubbles.

Students will review basic commands using TPR actions as the teacher calls out the commands and practice politely giving commands to others using the words por favor- please, gracias-thank you, and de nada- you’re welcome. TPR will likewise be used to learn the new commands with the teacher modeling each action while the students repeat the words in unison and perform the commands together. By the end of the week students will have bonded to the new input sufficiently to play the game Be the Teacher where they will pretend to be the teacher and give directions to the class in Spanish.

Lasting Ideas and Results

·  Students will learn to ask for something politely in Spanish

·  Students will learn to ask a group of people to do something

Desired Learning Outcomes


·  Students will aurally recognize four basic commands for groups in Spanish

·  Students will be able to give four basic commands for groups in Spanish

·  Students will aurally recognize four classroom commands for groups in Spanish

·  Students will be able to give four classroom commands for groups in Spanish

·  Students will learn to be polite in Spanish

Daily Engagement Activities


Review: TPR for basic commands

Intro to New Material: Follow the Leader (same order)

Day 2

Review: Be the Teacher- Basic commands

Practice: Follow the Leader (mixed up)

Day 3

Review: Be the Teacher- all commands

Practice: Follow the Leader (student led)

Application: What is That???

Day 4

Review: Be the Teacher- all commands

Practice: Follow the Leader (student led)

Application: What is That???

Day 5



Class begins in a circle on the floor. I greet the class by saying "Buenas tardes, Jaguars!" and the class greets me back. I ask someone to translate "Buenas tardes" for the class. Students then sing the Buenas Tardes Song.

We then review the rules: Your fingers are on your lips. You are sitting up tall and proud. You are trying your very best. You are following my directions the first time given. If the entire class is following the rules, you have a "happy face" on the board. If not, you have a "sad face" on the board. At the end of class if you still have a happy face on the board, the class will get a piece of the Wiggly Worm. Remind students that when the Wiggly Worm grows and grows and grows long enough to cross the finish line, the class will get a Small Sized Prize.

Note: Throughout the class I will ask, “Hmmm….what kind of a face should the class be getting right now?” If they are following the rules, then I will say “A happy face!”. If not, they get a sad face. At the end of class I announce whether they are getting a piece of the Wiggly Worm and then pick a helper to go put the piece up on the board outside the Art Room (they will pick either a piece of the body, a shirt, or a shoe and I staple it to the board.)

I will then ask “How many days are in the week? Cuantos dias hay en las semana?” and have a volunteer say “Siete dias!”. We then sing the Days of the Week Song (Dr. Jean En Espanol Track number 4). I will then ask for a volunteer to tell us what the Day of the Week is today and give clues (“if yesterday was martes and tomorrow is jueves, what day is today? Miercoles!!”)

If time allows I will play Macarena Math (Dr. Jean en Espanol Track 19 (English) and Track 20 (Spanish) and have the kids sing and count on their fingers, or I will play the Opuestos Songs in English and Spanish (Track 11 in English, Track 12 in Spanish)

I then introduce the Word of the Day using Sr. Hipopotamo: write the word of the day (in this case levantense) on a 3x5 card (or for Day One, I bring in a picture of someone standing up) and place it in the hippo's mouth. Call on a helper exhibiting Super Star behavior to take the Word of the Day out of the hippo's mouth. If you are using a picture, say the word for the class and have the class repeat what you say or for Day 3 of the unit or later, ask who can remember how to say this word and call on a volunteer. If you have a word written out, have the class spell the word of the day and then pronounce it for the class or ask who can read this word and call on a volunteer.

Intro to New Material

Follow the Leader: the teacher will call out directions and model the action for the students. The students will not have to repeat or say the words. They will simply perform the action that the teacher is modeling.


TPR: The teacher will call out the four basic commands (levantense, sientense, brinquen, bailen) and the entire class will act them out.

TPR/Be the Teacher: the teacher will call on a student to “be the teacher” and give the basic commands to the entire class (levantense, sientense, brinquen, bailen) or the new commands (get in line, take out a marker, etc)


Follow the Leader: the teacher will call out directions and model the action for the students. The students will not have to repeat or say the words. They will simply perform the action that the teacher is modeling. For Day 1, the teacher will consistently call out the same commands in the same order. For Day 2, the teacher will mix the commands up and use them in a different order. As the week progresses, starting on Day 3, the teacher should encourage students to repeat the commands as they feel comfortable. Starting on Day 3 the teacher will call on helpers to give the commands while the class follows their directions.

What is that??- the teacher will mime the commands and the class will call out the corresponding commands. Then the teacher will call on helpers to come up and mime while the class calls out the corresponding commands in unison.

Centers: This will be an opportunity to review the two units that we have covered so far. I will set up two Colors Centers and two Commands centers. At the first set of Colors Centers students will be practicing making patterns using Color Cubes and Frogs on Logs. At the second set of Colors Centers students will be practicing making the word “azul” using clay. At the Commands Center students will take turns politely giving their small group commands and following them. I will assess them at this center and will be giving them a quiz grade.


Check for Understanding-Application/Classwork Grade: (For use during Follow The Leader Days 3 and 4)check for participation in these Group Practices of commands. Does the student chant along? Does the student chant independently or are they looking at their neighbors? Once the student appears to be saying the commands with confidence, you may ask them to be the Leader in Follow The Leader

Assesment (Quiz Grade):

For use during Follow the Leader-student led version (Day 4) and Commands Center (Day 5)

V= gives correct commands without prompting. Uses polite phrases correctly without prompting.

M= needs one or two prompts to give correct commands and use polite phrases.

A= needs three or more prompts to give correct commands and use polite phrases

N= cannot give correct commands even with three or more prompts and/or will not participate


Word Chart

Commands picture flashcards

For centers: play dough, the word “azul” written on sentence strips, frogs on logs

Dr. Jean En Espanol CD

Modifications,Adaptations, Accommodations

*If students appear to grasp the differences between the groups and individual versions of the commands, you may progress to the Bossy Game this week.

Bossy Game: Call on five helpers. Have one student stand to your left and the other four stand to your right. Hold up each command picture card and point either to the group or to the individual. Call on students remaining on the carpet to give commands to the group you point to. Remind students that the way we tell a GROUP to do something is DIFFERENT from the way we tell ONE person to do something!

The reason I leave this for Week Three of the Commands Unit (or even later in the unit) is that students should NOT be asked to speak alone until the entire class has had ample opportunity to practice saying the new Spanish words and until students are extremely comfortable using the new vocabulary. Call on volunteers first and then call on the more shy students.

*If students are not grasping the new vocabulary quickly, spend more time doing TPR and choral activities such as Mixed Up and Follow the Leader (teacher-led version)


Will advise.