Introduction to internal medicine (7) (double language)

Course Name: internal medicine (7) (double language)

Course Code: CLIM4016


Teaching Hours:209 hours


Internal medicine is an importantsubject of clinical medicine, includingrespiratory Disease,digestive disease, circulatory disease, urinary disease, hematological disease, endocrinous disease, metabolism and nutrition disease, connective tissue and rheumatism disease, and physi-chemical factor related disease. To undergraduate course of five year student, common and important disease of the first seven sub-subjects will be taught, while physi-chemical factor related disease will be introduced in emergency medicine. The contents for 7 year students are a little more than that for 5 year students. which will be taught in double language. Internship will visit the patients, and demonstrate at any time.

Required Course in Advance: diagnostic

Course level: grade 4-5


Jiyao wang《internal medicine》 1th edition, People’s medical publishing house,2002.ISBN 7-117-04458-6/R·4459

ntroduction tointernal medicine(for student major in forensic medicine and phylaxiology)

Course Name: internal medicine

Course Code: CLIM3018


Teaching Hours:131 hours


Internal medicine is an importantsubject of clinical medicine, includingrespiratory Disease,digestive disease, circulatory disease, urinary disease, hematological disease, endocrinous disease, metabolism and nutrition disease, connective tissue and rheumatism disease, and physi-chemical factor related disease. To undergraduate course of five year student, common and important disease of the first seven sub-subjects will be taught, while physi-chemical factor related disease will be introduced in emergency medicine.Internship will demonstrate with multimedia, students will visit the patients once for every system’s diseases , also demonstrate at any time.

Required Course in Advance: diagnostic

Course level: grade 3-4


Rengao Ye 《internal medicine》 5th People’s medical publishing house, 2002.ISBN 7-117-03895-0/R·3896

Introduction tointernal nursing

Course Name: internal nursing

Course Code: NURS3011


Teaching Hours:


Internal medicine is an importantsubject of clinical nursing, which concerns understanding of the disease, prophylaxis and treatment, nursing the patient, and promoting rehabilitation and health. Being the basis of clinical nursing, and also having close relationship with clinical nursing, internal nursing is significant in theory and practice of clinical nursing. Students can understand the concept, etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestation of internal common disease, be familiar with laboratoryexamination, treatment and diagnosis of the diseases, perform general nurse to patients, and assistdoctor to rescue and treat patients. Practice after class includes visiting the internal and senile patients, understanding the clinical features and nursing procedure of internal medicine, participatingnursing round and discussion of intractable case.

Required Course in Advance: Anthropomorphology, medical physiology and biochemistry, pathophysiology, pharmacology, Introduction to Nursing, basis of nursing, Health assessment etc.

Course level: grade 3


1.Liming You 《internal nursing》, People’s medical publishing house, 2002.

2. Rengao Ye 《internal medicine》, People’s medical publishing house, 2004.

Teaching Staff:

Xiaomei Li; Associate Professor;nursing faculty;

Aili Lv; instructor; nursing faculty;

Ning Li; instructor; nursing faculty;

Introduction to Internal medicine

Course Name: Internal medicine

Course Code: CLIM3020


Teaching Hours:178 hours


Internal medicine is an importantsubject of clinical medicine, includingrespiratory Disease,digestive disease, circulatory disease, urinary disease, hematological disease, endocrinous disease, metabolism and nutrition disease, connective tissue and rheumatism disease, and physi-chemical factor related disease. To undergraduate course of five year student, common and important disease of the first seven sub-subjects will be taught, while physi-chemical factor related disease will be introduced in emergency medicine.Internship will use multimedia, visit the patients, and demonstrate at any time.

Required Course in Advance: diagnostic

Course level: grade 3-4


Rengao Ye 《internal medicine》 5th People’s medical publishing house, 2002.ISBN 7-117-03895-0/R·3896