Coastlands CP School - Ysgol Y Glannau

School Prospectus

Head Teacher

Mr Jeremy Evans

Chair of Governors

Mrs Yvonne Evans


School Office Tel No. 01646 636340

Coastlands CP School

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Coastlands CP School. At Coastlands we aim to provide a happy, caring, safe and secure learning environment where every child is given the opportunity and encouragement to achieve all they can be at each stage of their development.

Coastlands School is known as the school on the Peninsula. It serves 6 different communities - Dale, Marloes, St Brides, St Ishmaels, Herbrandston and Waterson.

There are 3 classesin our school.

Class One is a Foundation Phase Class with Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children. It was purpose built for the Foundation Phase and is run by Mrs A Thorpe.

Class Two is for our Year 23 children and they are taught by Miss E Thomas and Mr J Evans.

Class Three is for our Year 4, 5 & 6 children and they are taught by Mrs W Davies.

There are over 80 pupils on roll. The number on roll has risen significantly since the time of the last Estyn Inspection which took place in the summer term 2011(a copy of which is available on our website).

We have achieved Pembrokeshire’sSustainable Schools Gold Award; the Woodland Trusts Platinum Award and we were recently runners up in the WWF’s National Green Ambassadors Award. These initiatives are sustained by our Eco Warriors, ably supported and directed by volunteer parents.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like a tour of the school and the opportunity to meet the staff.

Yours sincerely

Mr J Evans

Head Teacher


  • This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all governors, staff, volunteers, community partnersand any visitor to the school to share this commitment.
  • This school aims to ensure that all staff are fully engaged in being vigilant about radicalisation; we must overcome professional disbelief that such issues will not happen here and ensure that we work alongside other professional bodies and agencies to ensure that our pupils (and their families) are safe from harm.
  • We aim to provide a caring environment where children are happy, valued, motivated and challenged; an environment which encourages them to take an active part in their own learning, to become independent learners, and to support them in achieving their potential. To this end we aim to have high quality, innovative teaching, with meaningful learning and assessment practices throughout the school and where effective teaching, meaningful use of IT and leadership are principle levers for improving outcomes for our learners and making them digitally competent.
  • This school aims to implement and encourage a Growth Mindsetphilosophy where children start to take charge of their own success and develop ‘smarter’ brains because ‘the more they challenge themselves the stronger the brain becomes’.
  • This school aims to work closely with all school partners to raise standards of teaching and learning, be they parents, local businesses or education support agencies. Also, we aim to work with other school partners (TRIADS) to facilitate visits, arrange ‘teacher swaps’ and coordinate meaningful activities to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
  • We work to develop the whole child. We wish to develop a positive attitude towards school and the community, to encourage children to have a sense of responsibility, to be increasingly independent, to be proud of their achievements and readily accept new challenges.
  • This is an inclusive school, where all pupils feelings and views are to be valued and cared for and the views and opinions of all staff are listened to.
  • We aim to be firm but fair in order to have a calm, disciplined school.
  • We work closely with our Governors involving them as fully as possible in the learning process in order to achieve our aims.
  • Coastlands CP School is a Health Promoting School where we encourage the children to understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, focusing on both what we eat as, how we live and how we keep fit. We promote an active lifestyle through our PE lessons and through other specific sporting events.
  • We are an Eco/Outdoor School; we encourage sustainable and environmental values along with global and local citizenship. We promote the use of our school grounds and local environment as an outdoor classroom.

Admissions Policy

All admissions are now handled through the Local Education Office at County Hall in Haverfordwest. Parents should contact the Local Education Office if they wish their child to attend CoastlandsSchool. If you would like to look round the school prior to applying for your child’s admission please contact the school office so we can arrange an appointment for you (please read the Admissions Policy on the website).

Admission to the Early Years Unit

Our Early Years Unit takes Nursery and Reception age children.Children can start part time in our nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday.Children can start full time in our nursery in the term following their 4th birthday. Children start Reception (full time) if they are 4 before the 1st of September (please read ourAdmissions Policy on the school website).

The School Office

The admin officer isbased in the school office from 8:50 to 12:00 noon each day. Please could parents contact the school during these times. If it is urgent then contact can be made with the teaching staff after school or during playtimes. We will do our best to return any calls at the earliest opportunity.

School Times:

First Session9.00 - 10.30

Morning Break10.30 - 10.45

Second Session10.45 - 11.55 Infants

10.45 - 12.10 Juniors


Third Session 1.00 - 2.20 pm

Afternoon Break2.20 - 2.30 pm

Fourth Session2.30 - 3.30 pm

Term Dates and School Holidays 2015-16

Term / Begin / Half-term / End / Number ofschool days
Begin / End
2015 /
2015 /
26 October
2015 /
2015 /
18 December
2015 /
2016 /
2016 /
2016 /
2016 /
24 March
2016 /
2016 /
2016 /
30 May
2016 /
3 June
2016 /
20 July
2016 /
Directed teachers'
closure days: /
Tuesday1 September 2015 and Monday 11 April 2016 /
Total / 195

Term Dates & School Holidays 2016-17

Term / Begin / End / Mid-term break / Begin / End / School
Begin / End
2016 / Monday 5
2016 / Friday 21
2016 / Monday 24
2016 / Friday 28
2016 / Monday 31
2016 / Friday 16
2016 / 70
2017 / Tuesday 3
2017 / Friday 17
2017 / Monday 20
2017 / Friday 24
2017 / Monday 27
2017 / Friday 7
2017 / 64
2017 / Tuesday 25
2017 / Friday 26
2017 / Monday 29
2017 / Friday 2
2017 / Monday 5
2017 / Friday 21
2017 / 58
staff training
closure days: / Thursday 1 September 2016
Friday 2 September 2016
Monday 24 April 2017 / 3
Total / 195


Due to the unique nature of the school, transport is provided for children who are eligible. There are two LEA provided buses, one from the village of Herbrandston that leaves at approx. 8:45 am.The other bus starts from Dale at 8:15 am approx. and then travels through the other villages on its way to the school. (For more information on the bus timetable, please contact the school.).

The return buses leave at 3:30pm.

Breakfast Club

The school has a free breakfast club which starts at 8.15 am. Children must be registered with the breakfast club and forms are available at the school.

After School Club

We also offer an after school club which runs on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.30 -6.00pm. For more information please contact the school.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of inclement weather, heating or power failure or another emergency the school may need to close, parents will be contacted as soon as possible.If this happens,Information will be placed on the County Council website. We will also contact Radio Pembrokeshire to pass on an announcement if needed (please read ourSevere Weather Guidance Policy on the school website).

In the event of bad weather, the decision to run the school buses is that of the bus driver and buscompany. At no time will children be sent home if parents, or given contact persons authorised by parents, are unable to be contacted. Staff will remain until all the children are collected. Parents’ home and work numbers and those of authorised contacts are held in at the school (please read ourBusiness Continuity Policy on school website).

Collection of children

It is parents’responsibility to notify the school if arrangements for collection of children change. If a child is not being collected by a person that we recognise then for safety reasons we will not allow the child to leave with that person. Any changes to the ‘normal’ arrangements for children leaving school at the end of the day should be made clear via phone, email, verbal or written communication to the admin officer or apertinent staff member.

Absence and health

Unfortunately we have no additional staff to deal with sick children, so those who become ill during school hours will have to be sent home. Staff will notify parents in this case, so they can collect their child. Please ensure contact addresses and telephone numbers are up to date and given to the school.

Please telephone the school as soon as possible if your child is absent.If we do not hear from you before 9:30 am we will do our best to contact you. Absence notes must be received on the child’s return to school if no other notification has been given. A reminder letter will be sent from the school if there is no note or telephone call explaining the child’s absence.The school is required to keep attendance records; if attendance falls below a certain level (95%) we are expected to investigate(an absence of 10 school days is equal to 5% of the school year).(please read ourAttendance Policy on the school website)

Health and Safety

A policy operates within the school and has been approved by the Governing Body. The Fire Officer regularly visits the school buildings. Fire drills/emergency evacuations are held once every half term.

Accidents and incidents are recorded at the school. The Head Teacher also records serious accidents and the appropriate information is sent to the L.E.A.

Accidents must be reported. Minor cuts can be dealt with at the time. All bumps on the head must be reported and noted and an attempt must be made to notify parents/carers. We are always particularly careful to assess and monitor them, if we have any concerns we will contact you immediately, otherwise we will inform you at the end of the school day. If a serious accident occurs every effort will be made to contact parents. If we cannot reach you then we will take whatever action is needed to ensure your child receives the best care. We will continue to try to contact the parents or another emergency contact until we are successful. Records of emergency contact numbers are kept by the Admin and with the Head Teacher (please read ourHealth and Safety Policy on the school website).

A First Aid Box is located on the wall next to the front door near the school office.

In line with recommendations from the LEA, it is the school’s policy that only trained staff are allowed to administer prescription medicine. Non prescription medicines cannot be administered by any member of staff. Prescription medicines can only be administered if they are in the original container with the specific information on how the medicine is to be administered (dosage and frequency). If a measured dose is needed then the correct measuring device (spoon or syringe) must be included (please read ourSupporting Pupils with Medical needs Policy on the school website)

Parents are asked to complete a consent form for the school to administer prescription medicines or follow the guidelines on the Intimate Care Policy (please read our Intimate Care Policy on theschool website).

Parents are welcome to come in, if necessary, and administer medicine to their child. Children who need asthma inhalers should notify staff when they need to use them. They have immediate access to their inhalers with the teacher’s supervision. Inhalers must be labelled with the child’s name.

Other medical equipment such as Epi Pens are stored safely.


When the school is in session, all building accesses are locked internally. A bell is fitted to the main access to the building. Workers and visitors must prove their identity to staff before being admitted. A Visitors’ Book must be signed. Unfortunately open access to school is not possible for security reasons. Please remember these measures are taken in the best interests of the children to ensure that they are safe (please read ourSafeguarding Policy on the school website)


Members of staff are on duty15 minutes before and after school,at playtime and at lunchtime. No child/ren should be left unsupervised.

School Meals

Lunches are cooked on the premises. The LEA determines the cost.

It is requested that dinner money be paid in advance, alternatively it can be paid on a daily basis. Children may bring a packed lunch to eat in the dining hall. Those families entitled to free meals can obtain the relevant information/forms from the school or Local Education Office.

We are a Health Promoting School and encourage healthy eating and so prefer that children do not bring sweets or sugary drinks to school. The school has a water cooler to provide filtered, cooled water but the children do need to have a plastic container for their water.

Home - School Partnership

Please keep us informed of any change of circumstances, which may affect your child.It is very important that we have contact numbers for emergencies.

In accordance with Government legislation all new pupils are issued with a copy of the Home/School Agreement (please read our Home-School Agreement Policy on the school website).

We are fortunate to have parents and friends who give their time to help us in school with a number of activities, e.g. reading, play, craft, PE, gardening, trips, IT etc.

We also have an active PTA fully committed to working alongside the school to raise standards and offer extra-curricular opportunities through focused financial contributions.

Opportunities for parents to meet staff to discuss their child’s progress are arranged through the year. We hold several meetings throughout the year to inform parents about new initiatives (like Unhomework) and to deal with issues raised by parents through questionnaires. An annual written report is sent out in the Summer Term followed by a meeting between staff and parents to discuss the progress report.

If there is any matter of concern about your child, please contact the school. Try to telephone before or after school or at lunchtime as staff have full time teaching commitments.In an emergency, we do understand if you have to telephone during lesson time.

Parents should not contact staff at home. In an emergency the Chair of Governors can be contacted.


All complaints will be fully and fairly investigated. We will keep the complainant informed at each stage.

Complaints should be made to the Head Teacher, in the first instance, or to the Chair of Governors. The Head Teacher will take the appropriate action and inform the complainant of the result. If satisfaction is not reached, the laid down LEA procedures must be followed. The Head Teacher will inform the Chairperson and Clerk of the Governing Body (please read ourComplaints Policy on the school website).


Coastlands’ parents are very involved in the school, supporting staff, and with fund-raising. Fund-raising events are held throughout the year. If you are able to help with organising any events then please contact the PTA through the school (please look at the PTA section on the school website).

Child Protection

Parents should be aware that schools have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of all pupils. This responsibility means that the school:-

  • should have a child protection policy and procedures; (please read ourChild Protection/Safeguarding Policy on the school website)
  • should make parents aware of its child protection policy possibly through the school prospectus, and that this may require their child to be referred to the statutory child welfare agencies;
  • should endeavour to work with parents and remain impartial if their child is being, or has been referred;
  • should help parents understand that a referral is in the interests of the child and that the school will be involved in the child protection enquiry or police investigation in relation to children’s educational progress; and
  • should keep the parents informed of the educational progress of the child.

School staff are required to follow the All Wales Child Protection Procedures which have been locally endorsed by the Pembrokeshire Local Safeguarding Children Board.

If we suspect that a child or young person is at risk:

  • we never assume that somebody else will report when children are at risk
  • we never delay passing our concerns to someone in a position to ensure that a proper investigation takes place – it is better to discuss our concerns with someone who has the experience to make an assessment

Referrals are initially made by telephone to the County Council's Child Care Service or to the Police without delay. Both have a 24 hour service. Concerns will always be taken seriously and fully investigated. Formal referrals will be confirmed in writing at a later stage.

The designated individual (the Headteacher, Mr Evans) at the school should clarify with these statutory agencies, when, how and by whom, the parents will be told about any referral. They should also seek advice as to whether or not the child should be informed of the process (please read ourChild Protection Policy on the school website).