Teaching cross-cultural communication in Russian universities

The manager of the Volkswagen funded project (Hannover, Germany) for creating and introducting the course "Cross-Cultural Communication" in Russian high schools is Dr. Juliana Roth, an instructor at Munich University. Her assistant is Galina Kopteltseva. The Russian partner is Kaluzhsky State Pedagogic University represented by A.P. Sadokhin, T.G. Grushevitskaya (Ethnology Department) and V.D. Popkov (Institute of sociologic research).

The goal of this project is creation and teaching of a six-month course on cross-cultural communication (36 academic hours) which could become a basis for curricula in Russian high schools, especially for humanities and social-studies faculties. Ten-years of experience of teaching cross-cultural communication in Munich University is used. The Munich program is based on research in cultural antropology and ethnology. Much attention is paid to the questions of non-verbal communication, culture theories, contact between culture and communication and to the issues of interpretation and stereotyping. An additional component, which is dedicated to basic parameters of Russian culture and specifically of Russian-American and Russian-German communication (especially social and business communication), is included into curricula for Russian universities.

The program "Cross-cultural Communication" developed within the framework of this project was taught for students of Kaluzhsky State Pedagogic University, International Tourism Faculty twice (in March and September). It was an intensive ten-day course, in Russian. Special emphasis was paid to the questions of didactics and methodology, the experience of the Munich program was adjusted to the teaching in Russian high schools.

Additionally, the goals of the project are preparation and advising of Russian partners for introduction of the "Cross-cultural communication" course as well as compiling a bibliography on questions of communication (in Russian, English, German and French). At present our German partners are working on creation of a manual, which includes the description of the theoretical basis, methods of cross-cultural teaching as well as practical tasks for teaching cross-cultural communication in high schools. The Russian partners, for their part, work on creating an introductory textbook on basic questions of cross-cultural communication.

For more information about the project in English, German or Russian please contact Dr. Juliaha Roth, email:

or Galina Kopteltseva, email:

Main publications of scientific and research laboratory "Language & Personality", scientific works by scholars of Volgograd State Pedagogic University.


V.I. Shakhovsky "Kategorization of emotions in lexical and semantic system of language". - Voronezh: Voronezh State University publishing house, 1987. - 192p.

This monograph reveals the main laws of semantics and functioning of vocabulary of English language in which person's emotions are illustrated. Analysis of emotives is realized according to the plan: from dictionary to field and then to the text, i.e. in both systematic and active plans. Categorization of man's emotions in lexical and semantic system (by components of semantics, types of vocabulary, its grouping) as well as the functioning of this system with the expression of emotions is investigated for the first time in contrast to their description and indication. A wide scope of issues on emotive semantics of language is surveyed. The answer to these issues is an urgent task for modern linguistics; it has an important applied meaning for lexicography, interpretation, for pragmatics of interpersonal and international communication, for practice of conducting propaganda and contrpropaganda in mass media.

V.I. Karasik "The language of social status". - Moscow: Institute of linguistics (Russian Science Academy); Volgograd State Pedagogic Institute, 1992. - 330p.

This monograph is dedicated to the linguistic study of a person's social status on the basis of the modern English language. Problems of sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics and linguistic semantics in description of lifestyle, verbal and non-verbal indicators of a social status, norms of behaviour and etiquette are examined. Conversational postulates, speech acts and genres are analyzed as applied to disparity of status relations.

T.A. Ivushkina "The language of the English aristocracy: social and historical aspect".Volgograd: Peremena, 1997. - 157p.

The monograph is dedicated to sociolinguistic study of the speech of English aristocracy. Historical and social reasons of variability of the English language in Great Britain are taken up here. The features of English aristocracy's speech, which are illustrated in works of English writers of XIX century, are analyzed here. Some tendencies of developing the speech of the English aristocracy, especially the vocabulary of the English nobility, linguistically meaningful characteristics of utterance and voice styles of the British high life representatives are revealed here.

V.I. Shakhovsky, U.A. Sorokin, I.V. Tomasheva "Text and its cognitive-emotive metamorphoses (cross-cultural understanding and linguoecology)". Volgograd: Peremena, 1998. - 149p.

General theoretic issues of text linguistics and translation studies are considered together with some emotive text's regularities and pragmatics as well as the categories of its emotive sense and emotive lacunas. Some new terminological series are offered for the description of cognitive-emotive components of the text. Reconstruction of G. Orwell's quazi-linguistic paradigm and some principles of verbal and non-verbal behaviour of representatives of Chinese linguistic-cultural community is attempted.

E.I. Sheigal "Semiotics of political discourse". Monograph/ Institute of linguistics (Russian Science Academy); Volgograd State Pedagogic University. Volgograd: Peremena, 2000. - 368p.

Complex analysis of political discourse as an object of linguistic-cultural studies is given in this monograph; constitutive characteristics and functions of political discourse are determined, its basic concepts are revealed, the principals of modeling its semiotic area are showed here too. The typology of political discourse' signs is being worked out and its intentional and genre aspects are being analyzed.

G.G. Slyshkin "From text to symbol: linguistic-cultural concepts of precedent texts in perception and discourse". Moscow: Academia, 2000. - 128p.

The monograph is dedicated to linguistic-culturological studying of intertextuality. Linguistic-cultural concept as a base of synthesis research of the culture, perception and discourse is examined here. The notion of a linguistic-cultural concept of a precedent text is introduced, the classifications of precedent text concepts along with the text reminiscences are designed. Much attention is paid to illustration of precedent texts in parodies and anecdotes. The connection between precedentity of texts and working manners of textual violence is being studied here.


O.A. Leontovich, E.I. Sheigal "USA life & culture: linguistic-geographical dictionary". - Volgodrad: Stranitsa-2, 1998 (first edition); 2000 (second edition). - 416p.

This dictionary contains over 8000 words and combinations explaining notions, which are connected with social life, government, geography, history, literature and art, education, way of life, sport and customs in the USA. The translations, definitions and culture comments of US real life are give here. The difference between British and American English is explained in the dictionary.


R. Vodak "Language. Discourse. Politics"/ translation from English and German; Volgograd State Pedagogic University. - Volgograd: Peremena, 1997. - 139p.

The issues of critical linguistics, social inequality in communication, communication manipulations which representatives of high class always use to control their nationals are taken up in articles of a well-known Austrian social linguist Ruth Vodak. The language of instructions, mass media is analyzed, methods for discourse analyses of modern political situation in Austria are shown here.


Linguistic personality: issues of meaning and sense: Collected scientific works. - Volgograd: Peremena, 1994. - 204p.

(N.F. Alefirenko Methodological issues of theory of interaction between consciousness, meaning and sense; I.V. Sentenberg Linguistic personality in communicative-active aspect; V.I. Karasik Linguistic personality in category of language; V.V. Gurevich Semantic contrasting of verb and noun; V.M. Savitsky Usage of figurative tools in argumentative discourse; N.A. Krasavsky Colour sense of emotions in Russian and German; T.A. Ivushkina Linguistic peculiarities of character-foreigner in English fiction; T.N. Snitko Modeling of an action in nominalyzing processes (logical arguments and linguistic mechanisms); T.N. Astafurova Pragmalinguistic aspect of business communication; E.I. Sheigal Anthroponyms-slang words in the linguistic world image; etc).

Language and emotions: Collected scientific works. /Volgograd State Pedagogic University. - Volgograd: Peremena, 1995. - 252p.

(V.I. Shakhovsky About emotions' linguistics; B. Volek Typology of emotive signs; V.I. Zhelvis Several emotiogenic peculiarities of invective communication; R.S. Sakieva About issues on emotional resources in German grammar; G. Eitchison Linguistic representation of love, anger and fear: chains, nets or containers?; S.G. Vorkachev Semantization of love concept in Russian and Spanish lexicography (comparative analysis); M.A. Yagubova Assessments and emotions in spoken language; E.I. Sheigal Linguistic-creative personality and innovation processes in English slang; V.I. Karasik Paradox as emotional text; N.S. Bolotnova About issues on pragmatics of fiction: communication universal words compared with P. Graise's maxima of quantity; V.A. Maslova Some ontological aspects of text's emotivity; Z.E. Fomina Words-khronofacts in the language of political texts; I.V. Bydina Poetic text as an emotive kind of text; O.P.Vorobyova Emotivity of fiction and readers' reflection; etc).

Linguistic personality: cultural concepts: Collected scientific works /Volgograd State Pedagogic University, PMPU. - Volgograd - Arkhangelsk: Peremena, 1996. - 260p.

(V.I. Karasik Cultural dominants in language; S.G. Vorkachev Ethnosemantics of paremia: comparative analysis of metaforizated indicators of indifference in Russian and Spanish; E.V. Babaeva Lexical meaning as a way of expression of cultural-linguistic concept; O.G. Prokhvacheva "Private" space in the linguistic world image (on basis of Russian and English phraseology); N.A. Krasavsky, I.M. Kirnosov An image of a woman in German fund of proverbs and sayings; G.G. Slyshkin Honor concept in American and Russian cultures (on material of explanatory dictionaries); S.M. Voronina Theme of competition: English-Russian assessment parallels; E.A. Kurchenkova Ethnic-cultural values in newspapers' advertisements; V.I. Shakhovsky Emotional cultural concepts: parallels and contrasts; A.A. Khudyakov Concept and meaning; V.P. Moskvin Classification of Russian metaphors; V.V. Dementiev Deductive and inductive studies of fatic communication; T.N. Snitko Predicates of comprehension in Japanese; D.N. Medrish Ethnic-cultural associations in titles' poetics; E.I. Sheigal Computer slang as linguistic-cultural phenomenon; O.A. Leontovich An issue of comprehension in cross-cultural communication; etc).
Linguistic personality: semantic and pragmatic issues: Collected scientific works. Volgograd: RPO, 1997. - 182p.

(V.I.Shakhovsky Linguistic personality in linguistics of emotions; N.A. Krasavsky Gradual characteristics of emotional nominations in German; L.I. Wilms Essays on interpretation of emotions in love proverbs (on Russian and German stuff); F.P. Sergeev Usage of the word ideology in Russian; R.I. Kudryashova About modern processes in Russian dialects; U.V. Fedosov Relations of integrality and differentiality in the lexical-semantic system of the Russian language;E.V. Bobyreva Cluturological aspect of replicas in dialogues; S.V. Ionova Elements of textual emotivity's matter (on fiction material); E.A. Popova About publicistic style; V.I. Karasik The language of the post-writing era; E.S. Buneeva About culturology unit; I.V. Tomasheva Emotive lacuna: linguistic aspect; etc).

Linguistic personality: verbal behaviour: Collected scientific works. Volgograd: RPO, 1998. - 212p.

(V.I. Karasik, V.I. Shakhovsky About estimated presuppositions; N.A. Krasavsky The ways of semantic explications of emotions' nominants in Russian explanatory dictionaries; Y.A. Pokrovskaya Conceptualization of anger in English and Russian; N.N. Panchenko National and specific interpretation of the words "deception" in paremiological aspect; V.V. Leontiev The English linguistic personality: verbalization of intentions of complement and praise subjects; S.V. Ionova Emotive background and emotive tonality as elements of a text's contents; V.P. Moskvin Types of dissonance in Russian (experience of classification); M.P. Zheltukhina Differentiation of comic kinds in the structure of lexical connotation; V.A. Buryakovskaya Usage of ethnonim in ethnically prejudiced discourse; E.V. Kozlov Verificational synsemantic relation in a comic strip; O.V. Koroteeva Social and communication characteristics of members of a pedagogic discourse; E.V. Mikhailova Categories of text and some aspects of studying the system of text categories; G.G. Slyshkin Etiquette, motivation and provocation strategies of usage of the concept "honor" in discourse; etc).

Linguistic personality: social-linguistic and emotive aspects: Collected scientific works. /Volgograd State Pedagogic University, Saratov State University. - Volgograd - Saratov: Peremena, 1998. - 234p.

(O.B. Sirotina Social-linguistic factor in formation of a linguistic personality; K.F. Sedov Communication strategies of discursive behaviour and formation of a linguistic personality; M.A. Kormilitsyna About relevant differences in the speech of native speakers from different cultures; M.A. Yagubova An appraisal of men's and women's speech; E.I. Sheigal Political scandal as a narrative; M.P.Zheltukhina Realization of the comic in discursive strategies of a struggle for the power; V.I. Shakhovsky Emotions-thoughts in fiction communication as a stylistic method; L.V. Balasheva Metaphor and world language image in diachrony (by the example of division "space - time" in Russian; O.A. Dmitrieva The change of an evaluative concept sign; O.A. Leontovich The influence of Indian culture on formation of an American variant of British English; V.P. Moskvin The ways of euphemistic encoding in modern Russian; V.I. Karasik About discourse categories; G.G. Slyshkin An appeal to the precedent texts in a discourse; O.V. Koroteeva The issue of definition in pedagogic discourse; O.S. Syshikov Communication competention and business discourse; etc).

Linguistic personality: aspects of linguistics and linguistic didactics: Collected scientific works. /Volgograd State Pedagogic University. Volgograd: Peremena, 1999. - 196p.

(V.I. Karasik Characteristics of pedagogic discourse; G.G. Slyshkin Text conceptosphere and its units; E.V. Mikhailova Intertextuality: aspects of issue studying; O.V. Koroteeva The riddle as a kind of training definition in a situation of live communication; L.A. Kochetova Valuable characteristics of promotional discourse; E.V. Tryapitsyna About faithfulness of a fictional text; O.A. Leontovich Paradoxes of cross-cultural communication; V.A. Buryakovskaya The valuable component of ethnonim's meaning; O.V. Tolochko "Education" frame through irony prism; M.A. Tulnova The ways of introduction of social-cultural connotations into modern dictionaries; V.K. Andreeva, L.V. Kozuchenko The expression of dynamics of the English nouns of "sensitive activity" in a text; I.A. Sidorov About functional method to periphrasis; etc).

Linguistic personality: issues on linguistic culturology and functional semantics: Collected scientific works. /Volgograd State Pedagogic University. Volgograd: Peremena, 1999. - 272p.

(V.I. Karasik Religious discourse; O.V. Koroteeva Definition and difining within pedagogic discourse; M.U. Kochkin Manipulation in political discourse; E.U. Ilyinova Social-cultural area of the text and its dimension; E.V. Kozlov Literal text of a comic strip; G.G. Slyshkin Concepts of precedent texts: classification according to degree of indirect perception; T.A. Ivushkina The English aristocracy today: on basis of surveys and interview; N.R. Surodina Ontology of poetic language; I.V. Permyakov The sense of a lyrics; E.I. Sheigal The language and the power; E.V. Vershenya The evolution of the language in culture context; O.A. Dmitrieva The kinds of moral in the texts of proverbs and aphorisms; N.A. Krasavsky Semantic structure of emotions in German and Russian; N.N. Panchenko Metaphor comprehension of lie and deception; V.V. Zhura The ways of explication emotional dexis of a linguistic personality in threat context; V.K. Andreeva, T.V. Maximova Language means of representation of basic concepts in modern social area (on basis of the English language); etc).

Linguistic personality: the problems of creative semantics: on 70th anniversary of professor Sentenberg: Collected scientific works /Volgograd State Pedagogic University. - Volgograd:Peremena, 2000. - 215p.

(V.I. Karasik About creative semantics; V.K. Andreeva, L.V. Kozuchenko Semantics of the verb and its voice characteristics; S.G. Vorkachev "Two fates" - two concepts of happiness; V.I. Suprun Freqiental characteristics of Russian surname anthroponomy; N.A. Krasavsky Emotional conceptosphere of the German language (etymological analysis of basic emotions); O.A. Leontovich Time: comparative aspect (Russians and Americans); O.V. Tolochko, G.G. Slyshkin The concept "A-student" and Russian world image; O.G. Prokhvacheva Frame introduction of privacy concept in linguistic culture of the USA; V.P. Moskvin Stylistically proved repeats and its classifications; V.M. Savitsky Pseudo-informational statements (logic aspect); A.V. Karasik The kinds of humor speech act; O.V. Koroteeva Study definition as a speech act; E.I. Sheigal Euphemization in political discourse; I.V. Permyakov Symbolicalness of lyrics; E.B. Ivanova Fiction video film as a text and its categories; E.N. Galichkina About constitutive characteristics of a computer discourse; etc)

Linguistic personality: institutional and personal discourse: Collected scientific works /Volgograd State Pedagogic University. - Volgograd: Peremena, 2000. - 228p.

(V.I. Karasik About types of discourse; V.V. Dementiev Indirect communication - indirect ? - indirect influence (to the issue on systematic introduction of indirect communication); G.G. Slyshkin Discourse and concept (about linguistic-cultural approach to the studying of discourse); E.I. Sheigal Functional structure of a political discourse; R. Vodak Critical analysis of a discourse: political rhetoric; V.N. Bazylev Politic phrase and politic text; M.R. Zheltukhina Voluntative function of comic and politic discourse; V.B. Kashkin Who should be taken to the railing? (to the issue on authorship in political and advertising discourse); N.N. Troshina Cultural ethnocentrism as an issue of an international business communication; O.S. Syshikov Conventional implicity in business discourse; L.S. Beilinson Medical discourse; O.V.Koroteeva Quasi- and pseudo-definitions in pedagogic discourse; E.V. Bobyreva Dialogues in a science text: its nature and linguistic ways of realization; I.V. Aleshyanova Publications a kind of informational discourse; L.A. Isaeva Indirectly linguistic means of literary text's implied sense presentation; E.V. Kozlov Annotation of paraliterature (its structure, strategies, narrative configurations); K.F. Pchelintseva The features of vanguard composition of texts; G.I. Bogin Pop song in cultural and culturological discourse; L.V. Sheglova, V.V. Sheglov Philosophic discourse and the problem of the Russian metaphysic language; V.P. Belyanin Linguistic personality of an author in date advertisements; O.A. Leontovich Computer discourse: linguistic personality in virtual area; V.V. Leontiev Complement as a genre of personal discourse; A.V. Zanadvorova The usage of communication within family: some features of nominations).


"Cultural Conditionality of Linguistic Communication", Opole, Poland


Organizers: The stylistic council of Linguistic Committee (Poland Science Academy) together with The Institute of Slavonics (Brno University of Masarik) and The Institute of Polish Philology (Opole University).

Dates for the conference: September 20-22, 2001

Themes: Besides the issues of cultural context in communication (fiction and non-fiction - everyday, science, religious etc), organizers anticipate the discussion of some issues connected with modern status and interaction between poetics and stylistics (including comparative poetics and stylistics).

Please address your applications to Professor Stanislaw Gaida up to April 15, 2001