ENG4U/4UG page 3

Merivale High School

English Department

ENG 4U English Gr. 12 University Preparation

Prerequisite: ENG3U or ENG3UG University Preparation

Fee: (none)

Course Description:

This course emphasizes the consolidation of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will analyse a range of challenging texts from various time periods, countries, and cultures; write analytical and argumentative essays and a major oral presentation for an independent study project; and apply key concepts to analyse media works. An important focus will be on understanding academic language and using it coherently and confidently in discussion and argument.

The entire curriculum document is available from:


Units of Study:

Unit 1 / Short stories, essays, poetry / Viewpoints 12 ($40) Essays Thought & Style ($25)
Unit 2 / Major Unit: Shakespearean Drama / Hamlet ($16) or King Lear (20$)
Unit 3 / Minor Unit: Modern Drama / A Man For All Seasons ($10), or The Importance of Being Earnest ($10)
Unit 4 / Major Unit: Modern Fiction / The Stone Angel ($12) or The Great Gatsby ($12), or Fifth Business ($22)
Unit 5 / Culminating Task (Independent Study) / Various resources stressing primary sources
Unit 6 / Exam preparation / OCDSB 4U Exemplar Book ($5)
Resource Text / Reference Points ($30)

Student Responsibilities:

Student Responsibilities:

Tests, Assignments, and Group work

Essential Curriculum Expectations

To be met by each student to ensure successful completion of the course:

The entire curriculum document is available from:


Students who complete ENG 4U must show written and oral evidence of skills developed to a standard set by rubrics and assignments developed in conjunction with Ministry guidelines by the English Department, both as set out in the course outline and developed within individual courses. Specific evidence presented by the student must include the range of material represented in the following areas:

1.  Listening and Reading to Understand

-  Students will extend understanding of written and oral texts, including complex and challenging texts, by making insightful connections between the ideas in them and personal knowledge, experience, and insights; other texts; and the world around them.

-  Students will focus on the ways in which these texts communicate information, ideas, issues, and themes and influence the listener’s/ viewer’s response.

-  Students will evaluate both the effectiveness of texts and their elements of style, including complex and challenging texts, using specific evidence from the text insightfully to support their opinions.

2.  Writing

-  Students will generate, expand, explore, and focus ideas for potential writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and print, electronic and other resources as appropriate.

-  Students will locate and select information to fully and effectively support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies.

-  Students will write complete sentences, communicate clearly and with insight and sophistication to suit audience and purpose, using grammar conventions and documentation formats correctly.

-  Students will regularly revise drafts to improve content, organization, clarity and style of their written work and will proofread and correct their writing.

3.  Speaking to Communicate

-  Students will communicate in a clear, coherent manner, using a structure and style effective for the purpose, subject matter, and intended audience.

-  Students will use the most appropriate words, phrases, and terminology, and a variety of stylistic devices, to communicate in a compelling way and to engage their intended audience, identifying and implementing a variety of vocal strategies and audio-visual aids with sensitivity to suit the needs of their audience.

4.  Media

-  Students will explain and interpret how media texts, including complex and challenging texts, are created to suit particular audiences and purposes, identifying with insight in writing and discussion the overt and implied messages they convey.

-  Students will identify and evaluate the perspectives and/or biases evident in texts, including complex and challenging texts, commenting with understanding and insight on questions they raise about beliefs, values, identity and power.

-  Students will create media texts using appropriate forms, conventions and techniques.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Category / Weight
Knowledge/Understanding (KU)
·  Assessment in this category includes knowledge of forms of text; strategies used when listening and speaking, reading, writing and viewing and representing; elements of style; literary terminology, concepts, and theories; language; and conventions, and the comprehension of the significance of concepts; ideas; opinions; relationships among facts, ideas, concepts and themes. / 15%
Thinking/Inquiry (TI)
·  Assessment in this category includes the use of critical and creative thinking in planning and/or processing through generating ideas, gathering information,
focusing research, organizing information, drawing inferences, interpreting, analysing, synthesizing, evaluating oral discourse, research, critical analysis, critical literacy, metacognition, creative process / 20%
Communication (C)
·  Assessment in this category includes conveying of meaning in various forms, through clear expressions and logical organization of ideas and information, communication for various audiences and purposes through the use of appropriate voice, style, and point of view in oral, graphic, written and media forms, and proper use and understanding of conventions in reading, writing, speaking and media and vocabulary and terminology in the discipline.
·  / 20%
Application (A)
·  Assessment in this category includes applying knowledge and skills of literacy strategies and processes, terminology, and concepts and theories in familiar contexts; transferring those skills to new contexts; and making connections within and between various contexts such as between text, personal experience and the world beyond school . / 15%
ISU: This summative project is an independent study of one or more texts, culminating in a formal oral presentation including use of secondary sources according to MLA format. / 10%
·  OCDSB Board wide Exam / 20%

I have read and understood the English Department Policies.


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date