November 2, 2017

Words from the Pastor

One of the scripture readings for our worship serviceon Sundaywas from the Gospel of Matthew.In this story one of the Pharisees, a lawyer, a scholar of the law, asked Jesus which commandment in the law is the greatest?Notice that he asked this question to test Jesus.If folks test Jesus, know that they will test you.Take courage; do not be discouraged when you are tested.Know that God loves, guides, protects, cares, provides, and will be with you when you are tested.

Jesus told the Pharisees that the greatest commandment is:“You shalllovethe Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”This is the greatest and first commandment.And the second is like it:“You shallloveyour neighbor as yourself.”On these two commandments hang the law and the prophets(Matthew 22:37-40).

Love is a very confusing concept these days.People use the word love to describe very different relationships.However, the bible is not confused or vague about the powerful concept it calls love.Greek, the international language of Jesus’ day and the language the New Testament was written in, had four distinct words for love, each with its own shade of meaning:Eros,Stergos,PhilosandAgape.

When Jesus recalled the greatest of the commandments in Matthew 22:34-40, both of which had to do with love, He was calling for Agape love.Agape love is a sustained and conscious choice to graciously serve God, neighbor and self, and expecting nothing in return.Followers of Christ learn this kind of love, as God loves them first.Jesus then commands us to live in the same way towards others (1 John 3:11-24).

God’s love empowers us to love by choice rather than just emotion or senses, and to sustain our love even in the face of hostility or rejection.Agape love is perhaps seen in God’s love for the world (John3:16) and in the love that God calls believers to display (1 Corinthians 13:1-13).

My prayer is that God empowers us more to give and receive agape love.This type of supreme love involves a conscious and deliberate choice to do good for another, a commitment based on our willful choice to love, rather than on the qualities of the person receiving the love.God wants us to give agape love to one another.

Source:NKJV, Study Bible

The journey continues…

Pastor Nation

Sunday, November 5, 2017.Pastor Nation will be giving the Sermon; Kenneth Richardson is the Organist and Chancel Choir Director; Kim Neri is the Director of the Westminster Ringers; Flowers are given in loving memory of Waltraut (Trudy) and Dr. Fred Budde Jr. by their daughter Petra; Ushers are Everett Fitch, Easton Hazell, Brian Lynch, Carol Provenzano, Michael Provenzano, and Richard Tiedge; Counting Team members include Yvonne Basnight, JoAnne Hazell, Vicki Pemberton, Don Pike, and Matt Roth.

The Scriptures forSunday, November 5, 2017,will be:Joshua 3:7-17; Revelation 7:9-11; Matthew 23:1-12.

Prayer List.♥Connor Murray (friend of Fran and Al Greifenberger), ♥Carlos Godinho (son of Gloria Godinho), ♥Helen Phillip (mother of Eleanor Phillip), Rita Gallagher (friend of Naomi Brown), ♥Anna Shirshokiba (friend of Naomi Brown), ♥Michelle Fitch (daughter-in law of Everett Fitch), ♥Regina Krebs (friend of Christine and Adam Doeringer), ♥Kristen DeMasi-Lopez (friend of Debbielee Thomsen), ♥Emma Nicole Lewis, (friend of Debbielee Thomsen), ♥Andrew Thomsen (nephew of Debbielee Thomsen), ♥Richard Keidel, ♥Beverly Budde, ♥Rose Ramsaran (mother of Savi Thomas); ♥Carmelita Seraphin (grandmother of Brianna and Jessica Knice),♥Loretta Lewis Zimmer, ♥Sandy Jones (niece of Edith and Charles Zipperlen), ♥Vincent Morrison, ♥Rondolph Ives (brother of Margo Morrison), ♥Elaine and Mark Treske, ♥Bernard Basnight (son of Yvonne Basnight), ♥John Simpson, ♥Marge Frank, ♥Bob Zimmer (husband of Loretta Lewis Zimmer),♥Bob Bryant, Robert T. Bryant (nephew of Bob Bryant),Arthur Lund (friend of Bob Bryant), Elizabeth Bryant (daughter of Bob Bryant), Donna and Brian Turner (friends of Bob Bryant), Myra Bryant (sister-in-law of Bob Bryant), ♥Joan Bertie, ♥Bess Condelles, ♥Peggy Lee (mother of Laurel Brown).Note. Prayer List names will continue to be listed for two weeks. After that period of time, the names will be removed unless you call us with current information.

NYAC 2017 Intercessory Prayer Calendar:Staten Island: Christ English; Christ Korean; Faith; Korean; Marn-Baeksung; St. Mark’s (MET).

Fall Food Drive- We are collecting food to help those in need.Please bring boxed or canned foods only.Collection dates:November 5, 12, 19 and 25.Collection boxes will be in the Narthex and Ed building.Food will benefit the INN in Hempstead and the Far Rockaway Mission.Questions? See Janet Stone or call the Church Office 825-1182.

The Grace United Methodist Womenwill be hosting aSoup and Sandwich LuncheononSaturday, November 18, 2017, at 12PM.The tickets are $20 for an adult and $10 for students.Proceeds will be donated to the Mary Brennan INN in Hempstead.Friends and family are welcome.The luncheon will be accompanied by a program, Challenging Cultural Mindsets:Musical Theatre as an Agent of Change. The presentation by Virginia Hart Pike will highlight moments in musical theatre history that expose blind spots in our cultural conscience, and reveal how those blind spots were prolonged or challenged through certain prominent people or works.Some of the musicals that will be highlighted are the iconic Showboat, South Pacific, West Side Story, Hair, Golden Boy, Rent, Next to Normal, and Hamilton.Tickets for the UMW luncheon onNovember 18th at 12:00 noonwill be available after churchonSundayduring coffee hour.The price is $20.00 for an adult and $10.00 for a student.Please make checks payable to the Grace United Methodist Women for this tax deductible donation.

The Grace UMW havepens available for purchaseat $2 per pen.The pens have Grace United Methodist Church with address and phone number printed on the side.They are high quality with a stylus top.Pens will be available for sale after church and during the coffee hour.

Church School.Twenty-one students were in attendance at Church School on October 29th.There were three students present in the PreK/Kindergarten class and two students in the First and Second grade class. There were six students present in the Third and Fourth grade class and three students in the Fifth and Sixth grade class. There were seven students in the Seventh through Eighth grade class.Next week's lesson is entitledBe Humble basedon Matthew 23:1-12. We look forward to seeing you in church and working with your children. Janet Stone, Church School Director

LOST AND FOUND.There is a Lost and Found Box in the Kitchen.For several months there have been three sets of keys.One set is for a car; one set is has many club cards; one set perhaps belongs to someone from the Village.If you believe one of these sets may be yours, please contact Eileen in the Church Office.

Seeking Church Nursery Attendant.As a part of our pledge to offer great welcome and accommodation to our members and guests, we are seeking to hire an individual who will be willing to work in the Nursery eachSunday.The primary role would be to watchbabies and toddlersduring theSundayWorship service.This is a paid position.Please contact Eileen in the Church Office or Easton Hazell, SPPR Chair.

Thank you to all who participated inYouthSunday!David Earl Boyd, Stephanie Robinson, Stephanie Neri, Chris Becker, Jackson Morton, Tyler Vendryes, Warren Pershad, Casey Morton, Alanna Bolden, Adrianna Becker, Timothy Neri and Jaxson Baptichon served others through their service to their church and we are grateful!

Volunteers Needed.If anyone would like to volunteer to help out at Coffee Hour, please speak with Margo Morrison or call the Church Office.Thank you.

Bible Study.Our Bible Study group meets this Wednesday, 11/1/2017, and on 11/8 and 11/15 at 7 PM in the BKR.Hope to see you there.

October Calendar

Tuesday, 10/31 –HAPPY HALLOWEEN

November Calendar

Wednesday, 11/1 – Bible Study7PM/BKR

Sunday, 11/5– Evangelism Committee after Church/UL

Tuesday, 11/7– Board of Trustees7:30PM/BKR

Wednesday, 11/8– Bible Study – 7PM/BKR

Sunday, 11/12– UMW after Church/UL

Tuesday, 11/14– GMNS Committee7PM/Rm#2

Wednesday, 11/15– Bible Study7PM/BKR

Thursday, 11/16– Finance Committee7:30PM/BKR

Friday, 11/17– Pack 109 Thanksgiving Dinner/G-K

Saturday, 11/18– UMW Luncheon 12N/Gym

Sunday, 11/19- Church Council Meeting after Church


Saturday, 11/25– Far Rockaway Food Prep10AM/K

Have a good week!


Grace United Methodist Church

21 South Franklin Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580

Church Office:516/825-1182

Music Office:516/825-1940; Nursery School:516/825-2354


10AMWorship Service;10AMSundaySchool