4C #2 Worksheet

1)The pressure in the Afferent Arterioles is Greater/Lesser to aid in______.

2) In the Juxtaglomerulus Apparatus the ______cells functions as ______or ______,that adjust the ______and Na+ ______which controls blood ______and blood______.

3) Plasma protein stays in the blood vessel to keep the pressure higher/lower in the vessel and pressure in the Glomerulus (Bowman’s capsule) at______.

4) If the GFR is too high and the filtrate moves to slow/fast, needed substances can/cannotbe reabsorbed and are lost in the urine. But if GFR is too low the filtrate moves to slow/fast, and wastes are______.

5) When Intrinsic Controls regulate glomerular filtration, ______maintains a nearly ______glomerular filtration rate under normal conditions, but when the Sympathetic Nervous system is stimulated, ______is released, and epinephrine is also released from the______, which ______afferent arterioles and ______filtration.

6) In the Renin-Angiotensin Mechanism, the Juxtaglomerular ______cells release renin which acts on ______which is made in the ______to produce______, which is converted to ______by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) which is made by the endothelial cells in the______.

7) Angiotensin II causes mean arterial pressure to ______which ______the GFR, because the Adrenal cortex is stimulated to release ______which promotes Na+/K+ exchange conserving ___+, which also serves ______which is controlled by the Posterior Pituitary, which is stimulated to release ______-______which stimulates the hypothalamic neurons to stimulate______.

8) Other factors that affect filtration are the vasodilators, ______2,______2, which are produced by ______Nervous System stimulation preventing damage to the renal system when peripheral resistance is ______. Also ______which is produced by the vascular endothelium.

9) Sodium reabsorption is almost always done by ______transport which requires_____, while Water reabsorption is accomplished by ______or passive transport. Glucose and other organic nutrients are absorbed by ______or secondary active transport which does not use ATP but exchanges ______.

10) Substances reabsorbed by the Proximal Convoluted Tubules are: ______and______, all______, cations and ______, but also ______and ______-soluble solutes and small______.

11) In the Loop of Henle the descending limbs reabsorbs:______, ___+, ___-,___+.

While the ascending limb reabsorbs: ____2+, ____2+, and ____+.

12) The Distal Convoluted Tubules absorbs: ____2+, ____+, ____+, ____+, and______,

but also ______3- and ____-.

13) The collecting ducts absorbs: ______and ______via hormonal controls.

14) Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) ______Na+ reabsorption by the medullary collecting ducts, counteracting the effects of angiotensin II, ______water reabsorption.

15)Tubular secretion is important for elimination undesirable substances like ______and uric acid, ______K+ and controlling blood __ __.

16) The Descending Loop of Henle is ______to solutes including ions but ______to water by osmosis, while the Ascending Loop of Henle is ______to solutes and ions and ______to water.

17) An important characteristic of urine is its specific gravity or density, which is in the range of______-______.

18)When the urinary bladder is full, but it is inconvenient to urinate, spinal reflexes will stimulate contraction of the ______and ______urethral ______and inhibit contraction of the ______muscle.

19) The stretching of the bladder wall serves as the trigger for the initiation of ______(voiding).