Academic Vocabulary for EOC testing
-Examples of Use:
1)What is the author’s main idea in the passage?
2)With which idea would the narrator agree most?
3)With which idea would the writer disagree most?
4)Which lines best describe the writer’sperspective of the issue?
-Synonyms: Writer, Narrator, Perspective, Speaker, Poet
-Examples of Use:
1)What is the effect of the figurative language on the poem?
2)What does the author’s diction say about the context of the poem?
3)What function does imagery serve in the passage?
-Synonyms: Diction, Figurative language, Imagery, Literary elements
-Examples of Use:
1)Which of the following statements best explains the author’s argument in the selection?
2)What is the main point of the first paragraph of the passage?
3)What is the writer’s purpose in writing this text?
-Synonyms: Objective, Main idea, Main point, Theme, Argument, Reason, Reasoning
-Examples of Use:
1)How does the use of imagery support or develop the author’s theme?
2)Which of the following paragraphs should follow the last paragraph to bolster the writer’s argument?
3)Which fact would reinforce the author’s argument?
-Synonyms: Bolster, Improve upon, Strengthen, Add to, Increase, Boost, Reinforce, Augment, Emphasize, Highlight, Underline, Accentuate, Develop, Supplement, Complement
Take away from
-Examples of Use:
1)If true, which fact would take away from the argument of the passage?
2)Which statement undermines the main idea of the selection?
3)Which of the following ideas would challenge the author’s main point?
-Synonyms: Diminish, Detract from, Weaken, Lessen, Reduce, Undermine, Damage, Dent, Challenge, Oppose
-Sample Questions:
1)Which of the following best describes the structure of the article?
2)Which of the following lists the main ideas of each paragraph in the correct order?
3)How does the use of a final couplet affect the meaning of the poem?
4)How do the stanzas complement the theme of the poem?
1)Narrative essay
2)Informative article
5)Drama (scene, dialogue)
6)Expository paragraphs
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Literary Elements/Techniques
-Sample Questions:
1)What is the purpose of the use of apostrophe in the poem?
2)What effect does the use of innuendo have on the meaning of the selection?
3)How does imagery affect the author’s tone?
4)Which words best indicate the mood of the passage?
1)Figurative language
- Metaphor
- Simile
- Onomatopoeia
- Symbolism
- Allegory
- Personification
- Anthropomorphism
- Apostrophe
- Irony
- Verbal:
- Situational:
- Socratic:
- Dramatic:
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