International Harvester Collectors Club, Chapter 5

Grant Application for FFA Members inIowa that restore IHtractors,

farm equipment, stationary engines, & IH Cub Cadets.

Due Date: July 15th, 2013 (late applications will not be accepted)

Name ______FFA District: NW NC NE

FFA ID Number: ______SW SC SE

IA Chapter: ______School town: ______

IH Project: ______Model: ______

Class/Division entered into the state Fair: 1a 1958 and older

Circle one 1b 1959 and newer

2 1st year tractor exhibitor

5 Restored Farm Equipment

(Class 5 includes garden tractors and stationary engines)

**class 3, of the Iowa State Fair FFA Ag Mechanics division,‘group

tractors’ are not eligible for these awards**

The following information must be included at the time of judging at the Iowa State Fair.

1) A detailed description of work done on this project.

2) A detailed description of any work that was done by outside sources.

(examples would be: machine work done on a head or painting done by


3) A detailed list of financial expenses associated with this project (DO NOT SEND BOOKS OR PHOTOS WITH APPLICATION, BRING TO THE FAIR WITH YOU)

4) Photos of before and after pictures of project. (DO NOT SEND BOOKS OR PHOTOS WITH APPLICATION, BRING TO THE FAIR WITH YOU)

I verify that the above information is true and accurate.

______(signature of applicant)

______(signature of FFA Advisor)

Rules for International Harvester Collector's Club, Chapter 5 FFA Grant

1. Applicants must be current FFA Members.

2. Completed restoration must be one of the following:

ItemAmount of Grant

IH tractor or Farmall tractor$1000.00

IH farm equipment - small$ 500.00

- large$ 750.00

IH stationary engines$ 750.00

IH Cub Cadet tractors$ 750.00

3. Projects must be judged at the Iowa State Fair

4. Projects must be exhibited in one of the following classes at the Iowa State Fair.

1. a 1958 and older

1. b 1959 and newer

2. 1st year tractor exhibitor

5. Restored Farm Equipment

5. Judges have the right to not award all grants if they feel a project is not worthy.

6. Only one grant may be awarded per district.

7. If selected as a winner, Iowa International CollectorsClub #5 would like to have you attend an IH Collectors club #5 meeting during the upcoming year and share the story of your restoration and a practical exhibit/project. On years with the Farm Progress Show in Iowa, you will also be asked to exhibit your wining piece with their club as well. Grant winners will receive a year membership in IH Iowa Chapter #5 Collectors Club.

8. Projects must be entered AND exhibited in the Iowa State Fair by the FFA Due Date. Judging of IH grant awards will be in conjunction with the Iowa State Fair FFA project judging.

9. Grant application forms must be completed and sent by July 15th to:

Evan Babcock

Iowa State Fair Ag Mechanics Supervisor

Panorama Community Schools

701 West Main Street

Panora, IA 50216

10. Grant winners from the previous year areNOT eligible to enter again if they have a different project in any of the above (#2) listed IH grant categories.