Equality Impact and Needs Assessment Form

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A) Description
Name of service, function, policy (or other) being assessed
2011/12 Budget Setting Process
Directorate or organisation responsible (and service, if it is a policy)
Finance Services
Date of assessment (DD/MM/YY)
1st February 2011
Date next assessment due (3 years)
1st February 2014
Names and/or job titles of people carrying out the assessment
Christopher Phillips, Assistant Director of Finance
Name and Signature of Accountable person (e.g. Head of Service)
Mary Davis, Director of Finance
Date EINA Form approved by accountable person (e.g. Head of Service)
1.  / What are the aims or main purpose of the service, function or policy? What does it provide and how does it provide it?
The aim of the strategy is to
-  produce a balanced and deliverable revenue budget for 2011/12, against a background of significant reductions in central government grant funding,
-  provide a Medium Term Financial Plan that highlights spending and financing pressures in the financial years preceding 2011/12,
-  produce a medium term capital programme for the period 2011/12 to 2015/16
which Members approve at the County Council meeting of 17th February 2011
2.  / Location or any other relevant information (such as profile of the area)
Covers the geographic area of Devon excluding Plymouth and Torbay Unitary Authority areas
3.  / List any key policies or procedures to be reviewed as part of this assessment.
Government direction on the use of grants, Council Tax impact, Reserves review.
4.  / Who is intended to benefit from the service, function or policy?
All users of DCC services, employees of the County Council, partner organisations, stakeholders in receipt of grants from the Authority, Council Taxpayers
5.  / Who are the stakeholders? What is their interest?
Local Health Authorities, Police Authority, Fire & Rescue Service, National Park Authorities, District Councils, Unitary Authorities, business community, Unions and Third Sector Organisations who either share finance arrangements with the Council or are in receipt of grant payments from the Authority
6.  / Are there any concerns at this stage which indicate the possibility of inequalities/negative impacts? For example: complaints, comments, research, outcomes of a scrutiny review. Please describe:
The County Council faces a medium term period of reduced spending. A Service Prioritisation review was undertaken to determine where financial savings could be achieved to balance the revenue budget in the 2011/12 financial year and beyond. Where possible, front-line service provision will be maintained however targeted service reduction will be necessary, Specific EINA review is available, arising from the Service Prioritisation review. The County Council leader held a series of “Tough Choices” roadshows during the Autumn 2010, as a fore-runner to the budget reductions in 2011/12. This was open to all sections of the Devon community and enabled the general public to inform decisions on areas where public spending reductions should apply. In addition, formal consultation meetings were held with staff union representatives, those from the Business Community and the Voluntary Sector.. Outcomes from the consultation process were considered by Cabinet at its budget meeting held on 9th February 2011. Members of the County Council held a budget Scrutiny day on 24th January, to consider proposals within budget targets set by Cabinet at its meeting on 15th December 2010. This meeting was attended by members of the general public who were specifically concerned about proposals to reduce funding related to Against Domestic Violence and Abuse provision. The linked webcast records the debate on this issue.

Cabinet indicated an intention to reconsider proposals at its February budget meeting. It is likely that as financial provision reduces in specific areas, users will complain against the impact of spending reductions. Similar concerns are also likely from employee representative Unions, local business groups and third sector organisations. The Employment strategy (published) and Corporate Restructure EINAs (currently underway) link to these issues
B) Relevance – Note: if not relevant, do not complete this form
Select all that apply: / Scale of relevance
7.  / Service or function that people use. / X / Low
8.  / Discretion is exercised, or potential for people to experience different outcomes or level of satisfaction. / X / Medium / Section C applies
9.  / Employment policy – where discretion is not exercised. / X / Medium
10. / Employment policy – where discretion is exercised (e.g. recruitment or disciplinary process). / X / High / Sections C & E apply
11. / Concerns at a local, regional or national level of discrimination/inequalities. / High
12. / Major change such as the closure, removal or transfer of a service/provision. / X / High
13. / Community and regeneration strategies, local area agreements and organisational or directorate/partnership strategies/plans. / X / High
State why it is relevant:
How relevant (high, medium or low?):
Initial Screening:
Mark an ‘X’ in the box to confirm which strands are relevant to the review. Ensure they are assessed against in Section D. / If not relevant, please explain why not (refer to pages 25-30 of the Toolkit for guidance). Do not say “everyone is treated equally/fairly” or similar.
Age / X
Disability / X
Gender (men and women) / X
Race/ethnicity / X
Religion/belief / X
Sexual orientation / X
Trans-gender / X
Other (state below)
Any other (such as Human Rights, people on low incomes and specific sub-strands requiring particular focus such as Travellers and Gypsies, Deaf people):
C) Information
14. / What information (monitoring or consultation data) have you got and what is it telling you? Required where relevance is Medium or High.
The outcome of the budget consultation is contained within the report to Cabinet on 9th February.
D) Assessment
15. / Describe any NEGATIVE impacts (actual or potential):
Strand/community / Impact (how they may be affected). Include assessment of risk (likelihood and severity).
Non-English Speakers / The budget consultation and setting process has focussed information dissemination on the use of English. However, if non-English speakers had engaged at any stage with the budget process, every effort would have been made to provide support
Visual Impairment / As above, no specific provision was made but support would have been provided where necessary.
Audio Impairment / As above, no specific provision was made but support would have been provided where necessary.
16. / Describe any POSITIVE impacts:
Strand/community / Impact (how they may be affected)
17. / Provide any information about NEUTRAL impacts that have been identified (there is neither a positive or negative impact):
Strand/community / Why there is ‘no differential impact’
E) Consultation
18. / Did you carry out any consultations? Required where relevance is High.
19. / Who was consulted? Include your findings in 15, 16 and 17 above.
See comments in Section 6.
DCC Services and therefore the budget setting process affects all Devon residents and communities. The timing and locations of public roadshows and the webcasting of related Committee meetings was aimed at including the widest possible number of individuals and groups, or their representatives. The County Council also allowed all sections of the community to provide observations / suggestions / commentary on budget issues via a specific website which was open from September 2010 to mid January 2011.
20. / Describe other research, studies or information used to assist with the assessment and include your findings above:
F) Conclusions
Action/objective/target OR
Justification / Resources required / Timescale / I/R/S/O
a)  / The budget setting process for 2011/12 and beyond is a critical issue because of the scale of financial reductions facing the authority. Targeted spending and service reductions will be necessary to produce a balanced budget. EINA’s have been produced where such reductions will apply, in order to help inform decisions, mitigate potential negative impacts and maximise opportunity where investment is possible. In terms of the consultation process, the “Tough Choices” roadshows and formal events have been open to all sectors of the community. The outcomes of these meetings have influenced the final budget that will be approved by Members. / None / 17th February 2011 / I

(I) Taking immediate effect.

(R) Recommended to Council/Directors through a Committee or other Report*.

(S) Added to the Service Plan.

(O) Added to the Fair for All Programme (as an organisational improvement)**

1 - No change needed: the EINA demonstrates there is no potential for discrimination or negative impact. All opportunities to promote equality have been taken.

Send your form to the person responsible for equality in your directorate for publishing on the website at: www.devon.gov.uk/equality_impact_needs_assess.