Click here to enter text.McGill ID
Section 1 |List of Research Publications
[Instructions (delete before submitting): 1) In the document header, enter your last name, first name(s) and McGill identification number. 2) In this section (Section 1), provide a summarised list of the research publications for which you are involved. Use either Vancouver or APA citation styles. Do not modify the font type or font size, but you are free to include basic formatting functions such as bold, italics and underlined text in this section. There is no limit to the length of this section. Ensure that the <END OF SECTION 1> line appears at the very end to denote the conclusion of your entries in this section. Verify that your McGill ID number and name appear on each page. You may delete this text one you no longer need use of it]
< END OF SECTION 1 > Do not delete this line. (This section has no specified limitation of number of pages).
Section 2: Narrative of Research Experiences, Interests and Goals
Instructions for this section (delete before submitting):
In no more than one page (this page), compose a narrative describing your research experience to date, your career goals, and your subject area of interest for potential Ph.D. studies. For the latter, please refer to specific research that is being conducted at McGill University. You may make reference to items in Section 1 of this document. Applicants should specifically address their interest for the joint MDCM-PhD program (rather than pursuing only an MD or PhD).
Your text must not surpass one page (this page). Do not modify formatting, including font or font size (Arial/Helvetica 11 point, single-spaced, with 1-line spacing after each paragraph). About 600 words will fit in this section. [Delete these instructions to free up space]
< END OF SECTION 2 > Do not delete this line. This line must not surpass this page.
Admissions, Equity & Diversity (Medicine), McGill University — MDCM&PhD – RESEARCHSUMMARY AND NARRATIVE (RSPN) 2015 — Page 1 of 2