Proctor Amateur Hockey Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Members present: Kim Seguin, Elizabeth Baczkiewicz, Jay Boysen,Jesse Annala, Josh Ruhnke,Jason Seguin,Amy Pocrnich

Members absent:Kevin Bryant,Dave Reyelts

Others present:None

Vice President JayBoysencalled the meeting to order at 6:02pm.

Minutes: Jesse motioned to approve the minutes, Joshseconded.All in favor.

Public Speakers: None

Treasurer report:Amy - Reviewed written report. There isn't much to report since it is off season. Registration is open and payments are already coming in. Amy is currently working on budget for next year. Discussed replacing one level jerseys next year and continue once per year ($3000). No other big expenses for next year from general fund were reported at this time. Amy requested to let her know if there's anything else. Outdoor equipment (John Deere tractor - $50,000) will likely be needed.

Rink Manager report:Kris absent. He submitted quarter page ads for tournaments.

JR Mirage:No report. Amy motioned to approve Desiree Milbridge as the new JR Mirage Coordinator. Jesse second. All in favor.

Equipment manager report: Josh - just waiting on jersey quotes. No other report.

Fundraising report:Kim. The city signed off on gambling permit, she is just waiting to receive it and then it will need to be sent to the gambling board. Hoghead - discussed registering a float. Chris Lillo will get and pull a flatbed, we will recruit kids for the float and walking around in jerseys and passing out flyers and candy. The golf scramble is set for Sept 9, 2:00 shotgun start. Grilling and everything else will take place there afterwards. Kim will not likely be there but Crystal will hold down the fort. Sponsors are still needed. Amy will look into the hole in one. Kim will send flyer out to the association. Wild Rails 5k - will start to look at this soon. Josh will talk to the gambling guy and ask him to come to a future meeting. Still planning on craft show and paint and pallet for September.

Indoor rink report:Nothing new. Will work on some repairs this summer - threshold and dasher. All new lightbulbs have been put in.

Outdoor rink report:Jesse - nothing new.

Old Business

Parent Coach Advisory Committee: Developed in response to the parent surveys. Looked at disciplinary actions and player handbooks of other associations - tier 1-3 responses. Will review the current handbook at the next meeting and create a tiered response. Parents and players would have to initial that they have read the discipline plans. Discussed inviting one parent per level to sit on committee. This would be an ongoing committee to review any disciplinary issues throughout the year. Discussed developing Player code of conduct, Coach code of conduct, discipline plan, policy about parent coaches at the higher levels (ideally not), 24-48 hour cool down period, etc. Amy will send out a meeting invitation.

Parent Surveys: Question regarding whether the Board was going to discuss these. The parent coach advisory committee was created for this reason andhopefully with the new committee and policies this will address the concerns.

2017 Pictures: Marnie has been booked for next season - last week in October and first week in November. She will get back to us about dates. Guaranteed order by Christmas. Individual and team pictures.

2017 Squirt Levels: Discussed having a meeting to discuss Squirt levels - we are unsure what Twig plans to do at this point. Jay is going to get together with other Squirt level coaches (Twig and Proctor).

2017 Level Coordinators:VanceOakstad was nominated for Pee Wee Coordinator - so moved by Jason and seconded by Kim. All in favor. AnnReyelts was nominated for Bantam Coordinator. So moved by Amy and seconded by Josh. 7 affirm, 1 opposed. Stephanie Peterson was nominated for Mite Coordinator. So moved by Amy and seconded by Jason. All in favor. Will continue to recruit for Squirts. A second reading was heldfor the proposed change to the bylaws: Level Coordinators are to be appointed in April and their term will be April until the next appointment in April.

New Business

Players from other schools: Can kids continue to play hockey for Proctor if already established but changing schools - they should be able to continue playing through youth hockey, even if they go to an outside school.

Joshmotioned to adjourn. Jasonsecond. Meeting adjourned at7:28pm.