Meeting Notes - Darlington Organisation (DOT)

Wednesday 21 May 2014 12.00-14.00

The Seminar Room – Dolphin Centre

Present: Jane Lightfoot DAIT

Laura Bush Tees Valley YMCA

Rachel McCormack DISC Young Carers

Mary Hall DBC

Susan Carter Age UK Darlington

Jean Coltman GOLD

Margaret Weeks Talking Newspaper

Steve Metcalfe Tees Valley Transport

Carol Houghton Darlington Library

Jenny Leeming Alzheimer’s Society

Julie Currie PFIS

Apologies Margaret Hunter Parkinsons UK

Liz McAllister Healthwatch

Maureen Jackson CAB

Dawn Gill CAB

Tracy White Foundation

Jackie Cussons Victim Support

Wendy Tarrelli DBC

Maggie McCulloch DBC

Betty Hoy Patient Representative

Elaine Williams Foundation

Michelle Panchen H.I.S

/ Action By / Target Date
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Apologies
As above
3. Notes from the last meeting.
4. Guest Speaker – Laura Bush – Tees Valley YMCA
Laura explained the new scheme to the group. They offer a disability inclusive sports club on a Thursday evening in the Dolphin Centre offering sport/gam activity for any person with any disability between the ages of 14-30. Philip Haye is the lead coach in Darlington. Individual projects can be arranged and there are numerous volunteer opportunities available.
5. Around the room updates
TVRCC-Transport Officer. Utilise other vehicles to provide group transport to small community organisations for shopping, social visits etc. They train drivers up and as a result 3 people been employed. Vehicles and drivers can be used where needed. Recruiting volunteer drivers. It’s funded by the National Lottery.
£10 annual fee membership. £5 admin fee per journey. Darlington now have access to one vehicle.
Talking Newspaper – The Talking Newspaper has been in operation in the town for over 35 years and offer services to the Borough. This free service is accessed by people with a visual impairment or those who cannot hold a paper. The Talking Newspaper will be hosting a collection day on Saturday 26th July?
GOLD – Funding from the Local Authority will cease in March. Dignity in Care training is ongoing. The GOLD tea dance will take place on Wednesday 13 August. Health group is still going strong and Dr Assisi attends when appropriate to update them on the stroke unit. Podiatry services are changing again.
Age UK Darlington – Offer information and advice for over 50’s. Brought 1.6 million into Darlington last year, through benefits. HEAT project looking at reducing energy costs and increasing insulation. A home care and repair service has been offered and costs are £7.50 per half hour. Home computing service. Home Cleaning service - £15 an hour. Launching shopping/handypersons service. Approved service man directory. 620 people are currently registered as ‘Good Friends’. Drivers service available and is virtually full to capacity.
Darlington Borough Council - The council website has been revamped and now has a new voluntary sector page with links and information about the sector. This will help to link people up and have information about tendering for contracts. There are currently two large pieces of work taking place – a Tees wide review of Healthwatch, currently Darlington is positive. The second piece of work is looking at the Infrastructure support and a report is due out mid-June. What does the sector want? What options does the local authority have for the sector? Please let Mary know if you wish to advertise or promote any events. 01325 406053
People and Families Information Service (PFIS) – Deal with enquiries about social care/leisure and recreation/childrens services, issues with schools etc. They have a directory of information. Help with appeals for schooling, the SEN provision and help parents.
Alzheimer’s Society – Currently promoting their services in an attempt to get more people using them. Hospital now have their own dementia friends campaign, all it involves is a 45 minute training session. There is a push to see 1 million dementia friends trained nationally by 2015.
Library Services – Stop smoking clinics have stopped in the library and people are now being referred back to their GP or pharmacist. There is now a knitting group taking place on Monday’s at 10am. Anyone can access the group regardless of their knitting ability. The mobile library now has litter picking equipment on board which is available to loan for 3 weeks, and this is going well. Audio book group has just started on 1st Monday of every month 1.30pm. Conversations are still taking place about Cockerton Library.
DISC- Work with young people 25 or under for anyone who has a caring role. Do a lot of 1 to 1 work, aiming to reduce the negative impact of caring. Look at getting people as much outside help as possible to eliminate the pressures on the young person. Very holistic, whole family approach using a 3 tiered assessment. Help to build resilience, and educate around the illness. Work closely with schools to raise awareness of the young carers with permission. Offer age appropriate activities, visiting farms/high ropes etc. Service user lead trips to forbidden corner. Used YMCA for tie dying, artwork etc. Offer support groups, themed around subjects such as bullying etc. Family support – link closely with other services. 90 young people on services, sometimes just brief interventions/sometimes long term depending on needs of the family. Targeting BAME communities – low referrals at present. Working in schools. Cakes and carers event on 12th June – groups are invited to take a stall – I.E.S Building, Homdale Avenue, Newton Aycliffe.
D.A.I.T (Neca) – clients aged 18+ with a drug or alcohol concern. Working with their families and carers as well. Use 3 phased model, 1. Engagement Phase, 2. Treatment Phase, 3. Recovery Phase. Can visit GP practices, drop in at YMCA, LA and Housing and domestic services. Recovery Centre – Abstinence based service, deliver to groups and services, AA, Drop-In, Art and Media, Veterans etc. Tesing DRR orders – arrest referral officers, drug intervention service. Keen to target the older population both as users/carers, there are a lot of unmet alcohol issue amongst this age group. Still a lot of stigma to battle with but they offer home visits and have a rear entrance for anyone with mobility problems. Keen to make links to meet these needs.
6. Healthwatch Update –
Mental Health Follow up event 13 June 2014, Central Hall, Dolphin Centre.
There will shortly be a second edition of the Healthwatch directory. All organisations are asked to think about local groups who may have no funding for marketing or promotion. Let Healthwatch know and these could be included in the information and signposting section of the directory.
7. Yammer
A yammer group has now been set up for D.O.T, everyone is welcome to join. Information can be shared between meetings and conversations can take place.
20 August, Dolphin Centre, 12.00-14.00 – The Studio