afPE London Secretary - John I’Anson


afPE London Region and the London Borough of Bexley

is bringing you

Safe Practice in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity


Tuesday 15th November 2016

9.30 – 3.30


Angela James afPE Health and Safety Officer


Bexley Civic Offices

The Association of Physical Education

Cost £100.00. afPE Members £60

Students £30.00

This coincides with the publication of the 2016 Edition of Safe Practice in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity, September 2016, which all schools should purchase and bring with them on the day

·  All will benefit from being brought fully up to date with regard to safe practice in physical education and school sport.

·  It will include current issue such as the delegation of “the duty of care” and the current debate around concussion

·  It is incumbent on schools to provide physical education in a safe environment for their pupils. (TS7)

·  It will enable delegates to establish a safe and stimulating environment for learning (TS1), engage pupils in out of class activities contributing to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum within physical education (TS4). It will also support the development of subject knowledge (TS3).

·  Most importantly it is an opportunity for all teachers and especially those beginning their careers in physical education at both secondary and primary schools to update themselves. (TS8)

·  Members of senior leadership teams and Premises Managers with responsibility for health and safety issues across the school would also benefit from attending the course

Application form for Safe Practice in Physical Education and Sport


Bexley Civic Centre


Tuesday 15th November 2016:

9.30am - 3.30pm


Local Authority______


E mail address______Mobile ______

afPE membership number if applicable______

Address for invoice: (include telephone number and e mail address)


Please complete and return by e mail if possible or by post to the address below

John I’Anson

afPE London Region Secretary, 139 Amyand Park Road, Twickenham, TW1 3HN

, 07880796174

Terms and Conditions

·  Payment must be received prior to the commencement of the course. Some consideration for late applicants may be given.

·  By applying for the course and taking receipt of the invoice you are entering into a contract with afPE London.

·  Payment to be made within 15 working days of receipt of the invoice.

·  Any cancellation must be received 15 days prior to the start of the course in order to receive a refund.

·  Any cancellation later than 15 days, except in exceptional circumstances, will incur half payment for the course.

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