Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan
Teacher: K Creasy / Pacing Guide Week #:4Dates: 9/2 – 9/5
Subject: World History
Common Core Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
W.4 Draw evidence from informational texts to explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to evolve from a constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic Empire. (C, H, P)
W.5 Describe how nationalism spread across Europe with Napoleon then repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe until the Revolutions of 1848. (C, H, P)
Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing:
· Bellringers
· Exit Slips
· Primary Document analysis
I Can Statements :
· Draw evidence from texts to describe France’s transformation from monarchy to democratic despotism to Napoleonic Empire.
· Analyze a primary document and formulate facts and ideas into writing
· Recognize the rise of Napoleon and the fall out / Student Agenda:
· Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan
Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Assessment used to determine mastery daily: If a quiz or test is given, include in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Students will be assessed through classroom observations and discussions, as well as written work. Students will be given a bell ringer at the beginning of class to test prior knowledge, while also developing essential writing skills. Students will be in a computer lab and typing an analytical essay. Students will also be given an exit slip to monitor knowledge retained from the daily lesson.
Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): All instructional materials are to be included in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Computer, internet, primary documents, PowerPoint presentation, worksheet, textbook
Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction. / Formative Assessment:
Day 1
· Bellringer
· Section 1 WS covering beginnings of the revolution
· Powerpoint presentation over the Radical takeover of France
· Text-based writing revision over “Fall of Bastille” primary document
· Map exercise exit slip / Bellringer
Section 1 WS
Teacher Observation
Classroom Discussion
Group Peer Review
Exit Slip
Day 2
· Bellringer
· Section 1 WS covering beginnings of the revolution
· Powerpoint presentation over the Radical takeover of France
· Text-based writing revision over “Fall of Bastille” primary document
· Map exercise exit slip / Bellringer
Section 1 WS
Teacher Observation
Classroom Discussion
Group Peer Review
Exit Slip
Day 3
· Bellringer KWL
· Notes Quiz
· Intro Powerpoint presentation to Napoleon’s Rise
· Writing prompt Analytical Summary Q&A / Bellringer
Call Discussion
Teacher Observation
Day 4
· Bellringer KWL
· Notes Quiz
· Intro Powerpoint presentation to Napoleon’s Rise
· Writing prompt Analytical Summary Q&A
· / TBW assessment
Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching.
Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson.
· Powerpoint will allow students to enhance their learning capabilities.