Hedland Senior High School

Course Outline

Materials Design and Technology – General Year 12

Unit 3 and Unit 4

Reviewed December 28th, 2015 – Mr P. Murray

Course Outline

Materials Design and Technology – General Year 12

Unit 3 and Unit 4

Semester 1

Week / Key teaching points
1–2 / Overview of unit and assessment requirements
Introduction to design process
Design fundamentals and skills
  • investigate:
  • designs in practice
  • needs, values and beliefs of the designer/developer
  • sources of design inspiration
  • performance criteria for products
  • application of design fundamentals and factors affecting design
Task 1: Design project one - Hanging Basket Bracket D&R Folio
  • development of a design portfolio
  • statement of intent, and investigation

3–4 / Materials in context
  • the uses and classification of the types of materials within context
  • the environmental impacts as per context:
  • raw material extraction and processing
  • end-of-life of a product – recycling and safe disposal
Task 2: Investigate materials and production methods
  • research materials and processes suitable for the development of a solution

5–7 / Apply skills and techniques listed in Unit 3 of the General Syllabus to devise and present a design solution.
Task 3: Devise a solution for project one to include:
  • annotated pictorial drawings of ideas to a final drawn proposal
  • annotated, orthographic concept drawings, either CAD or hand-drawn
  • working drawings – detailed orthogonal drawings
  • lists of materials, parts and components
  • production plan on a timeline

7–8 / Skills and techniques
  • use workroom/studio terminology appropriate to context
  • select appropriate materials and calculate the correct amount required to order and purchase materials to complete the project
  • with supervision, operate machinery and tools appropriate to context
  • correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE), where applicable
  • occupational safety and health (OSH) practices appropriate to tasks being undertaken in workshops
  • apply risk-management strategies in the workshop/studio
  • assess the condition of tools and machinery
Task 4: Pre-production skills
  • develop production skills; apply safety and practical task/s to develop hand and machine skills; modelling, prototype or toile

9–14 / Production management
  • production planning:
  • maintain a production plan
  • maintain time management while using tools, equipment and machinery to complete production:
  • follow instructions from plans
  • maintain safety requirements
  • record changes to materials lists or costing
  • record regular journal/diary entries
  • ongoing evaluation techniques: diary, journal or portfolio notes and use of photography to record ongoing progress/decision changes made to the project
Task 5:Production of proposed project oneHanging Basket Bracket; using prepared production plan, materials and available equipment; record progress in design portfolio
13 / Externally set task
All students enrolled in the Materials Design and Technology General Year 12 course will complete the externally set task developed by the Authority.
Schools are required to administer this task in Term 2 at a time prescribed by the Authority.
14 / Design fundamentals and skills
  • evaluate:
  • final product against design brief, initial design and performance criteria related to needs, values and beliefs of the end user
Task 6: Evaluation of completed project one; written report on, and photographs of, completed product
15–16 / Overview of Unit 4 and assessment requirements
Re-introduction to design process, and development of a design portfolio
Design fundamentals and skills
  • investigate:
  • needs, values and beliefs of the designer/developer
  • needs, values and beliefs of the client/target audience/market
  • performance criteria related to needs, values and beliefs of the end user
  • application of design fundamentals and factors affecting design
Skills and techniques
  • ICT, portfolio development and communication skills:
  • client and market research techniques
  • client presentation techniques
  • photography – ongoing record of progress and processes used and final product
  • documenting presentations and evaluations
  • develop context-appropriate drawings and relevant technical information to produce the final product
Task 7: Design project two –Model Cannon
Apply a design process:
  • determine design brief
  • investigate and develop ideas

Semester 2

Week / Key teaching points
1–2 / Materials in context
  • identification of examples of recycling methods for different materials in context
Task 8: Investigate materials
Research and report on materials and recycling methods suitable for the development of a solution.
3–5 / Design fundamentals and skills
  • devise:
  • communication and documentation techniques
  • applying of elements and principles of design where applicable in context
  • rapid concept development techniques, images and annotation
  • design development
  • production plan
  • materials list
  • estimated and actual costing for all materials and components
  • production plan and time line
Task 9:Devise a solution for project two to include:
  • annotated pictorial drawings of ideas to a final drawn proposal
  • lists of materials, parts and components
  • working drawings – detailed orthogonal drawings
  • production plan on a timeline

6–11 / Safety
  • correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE) where applicable
  • conduct risk assessment for using specific tools/machinery
  • demonstrate occupational safety and health (OSH) practices appropriate to tasks being undertaken in workshops
  • apply risk-management strategies in the workshop/studio
  • recognise need and purpose of materials safety data (MSD) with regard to storage and handling of hazardous substances and hazardous operations appropriate to situation
Production management
  • production planning:
  • maintain a detailed production plan
  • maintain time management while using tools, equipment and machinery to complete production:
  • adhere to sequential instructions
  • apply safety and risk management
  • record changes to materials lists or costing
  • record regular journal/diary entries
  • ongoing evaluation techniques: diary, journal or portfolio notes and use of photography to record ongoing progress/decision changes made to the project
Task 10:Production of proposed project two; using prepared production plan, materials and available equipment; record progress in design portfolio
11–12 / Design fundamentals and skills
  • evaluate:
  • design and production processes
  • production plan/journal/diary and accompanying photographic evidence to record ongoing evaluation
  • product against design brief, initial design and performance criteria related to needs, values and beliefs of the end user
Task 11: Evaluation of completed project twoModel Cannon; written report on, and photographs of, completed product

Design and Response Marking Key

Materials Design and Technology – General Year 12

  1. Think of a project you have designed and produced. Outline your design problem or situation by writing a statement of intent identifying the design considerations and requirements. (4 marks)

Description / Marks
Clearly identifies the design problem or situation to be solved and provides a detailed list of client requirements and limitations.
  • clear sentences that explain the need or problem (why) for a client or end user (who), and describe a likely use or function (what)
  • statements that may outline the environment or location (where), with a description of the event and frequency (when)
  • separate statements explaining client requirements and limitations
    i.e. constraints of cost, time, size, appearance and function
/ 3–4
Describes the design problem or situation and lists any needs, uses or limitations on the proposed solution. / 1–2
Total / 4
  1. Produce a series of annotated concept sketches, graphical displays, or drawn diagrams to demonstrate the development of design ideas and concepts around design fundamentals. Devise and propose an appropriate solution to your design problem or situation. (10 marks)

Description / Marks
Demonstrates clearly annotated development of design ideas and concepts around design fundamentals, with clear explanation of design choices that reflect back to the statement of intent, showing a clear design process to a solution.
  • clear connection and flow between each image or sketch, with each concept relating back to the design intent or client need, and flow to the final proposal
  • illustrations show decisions made about parts or specific sections of the design, including details about shape, dimensions, materials, colours and function
  • annotations, using appropriate design terminology, explain adaptations of earlier concepts, and variations at each development stage, i.e. the elements and principles of design
/ 9–10
Presents annotated development of design ideas and concepts relating to some design fundamentals to propose a solution to the design problem or situation. / 7–8
Provides a progressive development of design ideas and concept sketches with limited annotations. / 5–6
Provides a collection of some annotated design ideas and concept sketches. / 3–4
Shows a collection of isolated design ideas and concept sketches. / 1–2
Total / 10
  1. Using standard drawing conventions, prepare sketched presentation drawing/s of the proposed design solution. (6 marks)

Description / Marks
Accurate context-appropriate drawings, with relevant information to represent the design features of the final product.
  • presentation drawing/s accurate, and clearly indicates correct proportional sizes for all parts of the product
  • each drawing is clearly titled, and where necessary individual parts named and dimensioned
  • drawings show additional annotation to highlight surface finish – texture or colour, or special process for production
/ 5–6
Provides context-appropriate drawings with information to represent the final product. / 3–4
Provides poorly detailed and/or proportioned drawings with limited information about the final product. / 1–2
Total / 6
  1. Present a list of materials you would use in the production of the product. (4 marks)

Description / Marks
Provides a comprehensive list of all parts, components and/or embellishments, with each part correctly itemised and named, with a clear indication of type of material.
List provides correct calculated sizes and the required total lengths or number. / 3–4
Provides a list of the major materials required for manufacture of the item. / 1–2
Total / 4
  1. Outline a production plan, estimating the time required to complete the production. (6 marks)

Description / Marks
Provides a sequential, brief, yet explicit, explanation of processes within a realistically timed (approximate hours) schedule for production. / 5–6
Provides a logically set out plan which indicates some time estimates for the stages. / 3–4
Provides a list of the steps for the production of the product. / 1–2
Total / 6