May, 2016

Michal Icht, PhD

Department of Communication Disorders

Ariel University

Address: 10 Uriel Ofekst., Herzelia, Israel

Date and Place of Birth: 1973, Israel



Web site:

Academic Education

2005-2008PhD, Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University. Supervisors: Prof. Daniel Algom (Department of Psychology), Prof. LiatKishon-Rabin (Department of Communication Disorders), Dr. Eran Chajut (Department of Psychology, Open University). Dissertation Title: Directed Forgetting of words: Reduced Rehearsal or Response Inhibition.

1997-2001MA (cum laude), Department of Communication Disorders, TelAvivUniversity. Supervisors: Prof. Daniel Algom (Department of Psychology), Prof. Hava Muchnik (Department of Communication Disorders). Thesis Title: The Cross-Modal Stroop Effect: The Role of Location.

1994-1997BA, Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University.

Academic Employment

2010–CurrentLecturer (senior staff), Department of Communication Disorders, Ariel University. Courses taught: Speech and Language Seminar, Voice Disorders, Articulation and Phonological Disorders, Clinical Integration in Speech and Language.

Speech and Language Practicum Advisor.

2008-2010 Lecturer (senior staff), Department of CommunicationDisorders, Ariel University Center of Samaria. Courses taught:Advanced Audiology, Clinical Audiology, Child Audiology, Speech perception and production of Hearing Impaired Children.

Professional (Clinical) Experience

1997-CurrentSpeech and Language pathologist – private clinics, "Maccabi" Health Services, Evaluation and treatment forchildrenandadults (Language,speech, voice, and fluency disorders).

Audiologist - Private clinics, "Maccabi" Healthservices. Hearing evaluation and rehabilitation.

Professional Activities


2015Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologieexpérimentale

2016Creative Education

Research Grants

Icht, M. & Mama, Y. (2016) / 59,000 NIS
Fostick, L. Icht, M. & Zukerman, G. (2015) / 98,000 NIS / IDF Medical Corps / The effect of sleep deprivation and different levels of combat-related noise on personal communication


Mama, Y. & Icht, M. (Submitted). Production on hold: Delaying vocal production enhances the Production Effect in free recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Taitelbaum Swead, R., Icht, M. & Mama, Y. (Submitted). The effect of learning modality and auditory feedback on word memory: cochlear implanted vs normal hearing adults. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.

Mama, Y., Fostik, L. & Icht, M. (Submitted).The impact of different background noises on the Production Effect: Evidence for costs and benefits in free recall. Acta Psychologica.

Icht, M. Mama, Y. (Submitted). Vocalizing written words or writing vocalized words: Which production yields higher recall rates?Instructional Science.

Ben-David, B. M. & Icht, M. (Submitted).Two is the magic number:

The effect of two vs. three practice rounds and visual feedback on oral-diadochokinetic rates for younger and older adults. Journal of communication disorders.

Mama, Y.Icht, M. (Submitted).To produce or not to produce?

Vocalization does not improve overall memory performance in mixed lists. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

Ben-David, B. M. & Icht, M. (In press). Oral-diadochokinetic rates for Hebrew-speaking normal aging population: Non-words vs. real-words repetition. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.

Mama, Y. & Icht, M.(In press). The influence of retrieval mode on the effects of production: Evidence for costs in free recall. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue canadienne de psychologieexpérimentale.

Mama, Y., & Icht, M. (2016). Auditioning the distinctiveness account: Expanding the production effect to the auditory modality reveals the superiority of writing over vocalising. Memory, 24(1), 98-113.

Ben-David, B. M., & Icht, M. (2015). Voice Changes in Real Speaking Situations During a Day, With and Without Vocal Loading: Assessing Call Center Operators. Journal of Voice.

Icht, M., & Ben-David, B. M. (2015). Oral-Diadochokinetic Rates for Hebrew-Speaking Children: Real-Words vs. Non-words Repetition. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. 29(2): 102–114. doi:10.3109/02699206.2014.961650

Icht, M. & Mama, Y. (2015). The production effect in memory: aprominent mnemonic in children. Journal of Child Language, 42, 1102-1124.


Icht, M., Mama, Y.Algom, D. (2014) The Production Effect inMemory: Multiple Species of Distinctiveness. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:886.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00886

Icht, M., & Ben-David, B. M. (2014). Oral-diadochokinesisrates across languages: English and Hebrew norms. Journal of Communication Disorders, 48, 27-37.

Ben-Haim, S., Mama, Y., Icht. M, & Algom, D. (2014). Is the emotional Stroop task aspecial case of mood induction? Evidence from sustained effects of attention under emotion. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76 (1), 81-97

Icht, M., Chajut, E., & Algom, D. (2013). Segregation of study items in memory determines the magnitude and direction of directed forgetting. British Journal of Psychology, 104, 83-96.

Hebrew Publications

Icht, M., Brandesdorfer, R., & Eldar, L. (2014). A preliminary report of childhood dysphonia in Israel: prevalence and acoustic characteristics.The Israeli Journal of Language, Speech & Hearing Disorders, 33, 87-105 [Hebrew].

Icht, M., Maltz, D &. Korecky, O. (2013). Diadochokineticrate in young and elderly Hebrew speakers. The Israeli Journal of Language, Speech & Hearing Disorders, 32, 69-80 [Hebrew].

Icht, M., Sorin, E., &. Smolianov, Y. (2012). The effect of different background noises on word intelligibility in speech-in-noise test. The Israeli Journal of Language, Speech & Hearing Disorders, 31, 51-60 [Hebrew].

Oral Presentations

  1. Sibilant production in Hebrew-speaking adults: Apical vs. Dorsal- Paper presented at the 52nd annualconferenceofthe Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Tel Aviv, Israel (2016).
  2. The effect of learning modality and auditory feedback on word memory task: cochlear implanted vs normal hearing adults - Paper presented at the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (CI2015 DC), Washington, USA (2015).
  3. Individual Differences in the Production Effect in Memory - Paper presented at the 2nd Conference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel (2015).
  4. The Production Effect in Memory: A Prominent Mnemonic in Children - Paper presented at the 51stannualconferenceofthe Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Tel Aviv, Israel(2015).
  5. Individual Differences in the Production Effect in Memory - Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics - Fechner Day, Lund, Sweden (2014).
  6. Oral-diadochokinesisrates across languages: English and Hebrew norms -Paper presented at the 50thannualconferenceofthe Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Tel Aviv, Israel(2014).
  7. The impact of Distinctiveness on the Production Effect – Paper presented at the 49thannualconferenceoftheIsraeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Tel Aviv, Israel(2013).
  8. The effect of semantic and phonological relationship between study words on memory– Paper presented at the 48thannualconferenceofthe Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Tel Aviv, Israel(2012).
  9. The effect of different Signal-to-Noise Ratios on the perception of words and non-word – Paper presented at the 47thannualconferenceofthe Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Tel Aviv, Israel(2011).
  10. Directed forgetting of words: Reduced rehearsal or response inhibition - Paper presented at the45thannualconferenceofthe Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association (ISHLA), Ramat Gan, Israel (2009).

Poster Presentations

  1. Auditioning the Production Effect: Vocalizing is not Special. The 1stConference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel (2014).
  2. A Mood Induction Perspective of the Emotional Stroop Effect. The 1st Conference on Cognition Research of the Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology, Akko, Israel (2014).

Invited Lectures

  1. The auditory system – sensation and perception - Oral presentation (English), Communication, Aging and Neuropsychology Lab (CAN lab), School of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, Israel(2013).
  2. Periodontics and Articulation – Clinical Implications, Faculty Seminar, Department of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel (2013).
  3. Later language development - Oral presentation, the Educational and Treatment Intervention Programs - 13th annual conference, Jerusalem College, BayitVagan, Jerusalem, Israel (2011).