Subject PE / Class / UnitVolleyball 4. / Topic
The spike
Achievement Objective(s)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?
To be able to describe the correct technique of a spike / Assessment and/or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
Be able to describe the technique to a spike.( see below)
To be able to complete a spike in drills
To be able to use a spike in a modified game.
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Thinking-, the spike is used normally as a final attack .Therefore the players must learn to become increasing accurate in where they are spiking the ball too, trying to avoid where players are
Time / Student Learning Activities / Teacher Activities
10mins / Starter
SLO should be written on the board to see.
(see above)
Today we are going to review the set, from last week, and also move onto the spike.
Who can demonstrate a spike technique?
Review with class the 3 key points of a volley ball warm up (Aerobic, stretches, and drill based)
Ask one student to lead the first 2 stages. warm up.
(Students in this class are capable of doing this, but keep an eye on them to make sure they keep it relevant and step in if required).
Activity 1.
Place students so that when they spike they spike towards a wall.
Player one will set the ball and player 2 will spike the ball.
Those who are more able aim to get more accurate, ask them to pick a spot or a line on the floor. Aim to hit that place as many times as they can. ( if they cant have them explain to you why think this)… connecting the ball at different places, not getting as much height on the jump.
Now practice this going over the net. ( this will make students jump a bit higher and reinforce the need for a jump.
Activity 3.
Activty 4.
set spike
make sure students rotate positions.
Conclusion (wrap up)
Recap the technique of a spike
Where did you use a spike today?
Who’s team could complete the 4 stage pass? / Introduce today’s activity.
Teaching points to set:
The hands should form a triangle “looking window” and the shot will require a push from the fingers, as the ball comes into contact. The legs should be bent, on contact with the ball, the arms extend upwards ( pushing the ball forwards) and so do the legs.
Teaching points to spike:
The player must make contact with the ball at the peak of their jump. The elbow should be away from the body and the palm of the hand should make good solid contact with the ball.
Have none participants circling the room and telling you’re their top 5 based on technique. These boys will then report back to the whole class
Group students into 4s. one sets the ball, for the other in turn in the semi-circle to spike back. Change over the feeder.
Join to groups together and practice this formation over the net. As a group you score a point every time you can complete a full cycle. In competition with other teams
Server serves to dig, dig to set and then a spike.
Volleyball 1 between 4. Volley ball net and court x2
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?
Teacher practice – what have I learnt?
what will I change?
Observer Activities Sport:
Name: Date:
What are we learning today? ......
What are the key points...... ?
Circle the class, rank your top 5 class mates at performing this task, and state why.
1. ......
2. ......
3. ......
4. ......
5. ......
Draw a picture and describe an activity that is being performed in class.
T:\SECONDARY\TLE\Lesson Plan - students.doc