LGBT Paper 05/2017

LGBT Minutes

15th February 2017 , LGBT Meeting

Venue: CWU HQ, 4th Floor, Room 1

Start time: 2pm

ATTENDANCE: Linda Roy (Officer)

John Monk

Jean Sharrocks

Merlin Reader

Tara Morgan

Theresa Clark

Jason Reynolds

Suzanne Dorritt

APOLOGIES : William Byrne
Keith Tyrell (OUB)
Ian Ward
Pauline Granstan (S/L)
Nick Darbyshire (NEC)


1.  Introductions

Linda Roy welcomed everyone.

2.  Attendance and Apologies

As above

3.  Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Linda Roy called for nomination of a new Chair in light of Kate Stewart resigning.
Theresa Clark was nominated as Chair, this was seconded by Tara Morgan.
Jason Reynolds was nominated as Vice Chair, this was seconded by Jean Sharrocks.

Theresa Clark, as the Chair, took over the running of the meeting.

4.  Minutes of the Last Meeting 1st September 2016 – LGBTAC Paper No. 7/16.
Minutes agreed however, Jason Reynolds raised a question under AOB section, point three “ and enquired what is the “LGBT Score”? Linda Roy to make enquiries.

5.  Matters Arising from the Last Minutes - (Action Points)

All action points done.

6.  Policy Enactment

CWU LGBT Policy Enactment document updated. Members of the Committee were paired up to work on the motions.
Please send out and circulate an update on what work is currently being done or has been done before the next meeting

7.  Advisory Committee Protocol

This document indicates what you need to know and do in your role on the Committee. Everyone was urged to read it.
A typing error was highlighted in the document.

Under New Structure to Meetings, third row down, the “1am” should read “1pm”. This was noted.

8.  Proportionality and Representation : LGBTAC Paper 4/17 – Proportionality Report

This is a quarterly report which has been distributed to all Advisory Committees. Linda Roy to update figures in the table.
It was highlighted that there are some branches that are not sending any representation to the Equality Meetings. Theresa Clark to contact Angela Niven for information on which branches did not send delegates to the LGBT Conferences and send out a letter to the respective branches.
The Paper was noted.

9.  LGBTAC Working Parties Update

Updates given. Northern Ireland and Scotland have not had presentation.
Tara Morgan to contact Kate Hudson to find out if the Midlands have had the presentation. Presentations are ongoing.

10. Report Back from Regional Meetings

Scotland / Sally Wilson No Meeting, no report.
NI / John Monk Report sent to Regional Sec
NW / Tara Morgan Presentation given at Regional Meeting.
NE / Suzanne Dorritt Nothing to report
London / Jason Reynolds Attended and a report given
Eastern / Merlin Reader Unable to attend
SE / John Monk Attended and report given
SW / John Monks and Jason Reynolds to replace Kate Stewart No Report
Wales / Tara Morgan to replace Kate Stewart.
No Report

11. Pride Update

Jason Reynolds gave an update and advised following dates for Pride events around the country for 2017 which he has shown an interest in and registered. Please let Jason know if you are interested in going, this will depend on funds:

Bristol / 8th July
Hull / 22nd July
Norwich / 29th July
Belfast / 6th August
Plymouth / 12th August
Manchester / 26th August
London / 8th July

12. IDAHO School – 12th to 14th May 2017

Attendance at this event was discussed and as there are only 3 people who have shown interest, this may be cancelled. Committee members who have not done the course are strongly recommended to do so. This is not an exclusive LGBT event.

13. Harassment Presentation to the NEC in February 2017

This is on the agenda for next week. John Monk went through the presentation and amendments made.

Theresa Clark and Tara Morgan to do the presentation and time allocated for the presentation and questions needs to be confirmed.
Merlin Reader to do presentation at the Postal Executive and the date of this to be confirmed by Jane Loftus.

14. CWU LGBT Conference 2016

14.1 LGBTAC Paper 1/2017 : Equality Officers Experience – Feedback Report

14.2 LGBTAC Paper 2/2017 : 2016 CWU LGBT Conference – Evaluation Form


15. CWU LGBT Conference 2017

15.1 LGBTAC Paper 3/2017

It was agreed that this conference will take place in Bristol on 22nd November 2017.

The following dates were agreed:

22nd May 2017 - Joint Regional Equality Officers Chairs and Secretaries

23rd May 2017 - Equality Officers Seminar

31st May 2017 - BAME Officers Event
20th September 2017 - Women’s Officers Event

28th November 2017 - Joint Advisory Committee

16. CWU Annual Conference 2017

A social networking event will take place on 22nd April at the Elstead Hotel at 8pm.

A Fringe meeting will take place on Monday 24th April at the Hermitage Hotel from 1 – 2pm. This meeting will be based on the White Ribbon Campaign on Domestic Violence. Each of the Chairs will speak on their equality strand and domestic violence. A guest speaker, Mr Chris Green OBE, Founder White Ribbon Campaign will address the meeting.

17. Budget Report
The budget is the same as last year with a 4% cut.

Please ensure all claims are submitted within the 3 month time scale

Get permission before travelling and use the cheapest transport and overnight accommodation, if this is necessary.

18. LGBTAC Members – RMG Network Committee
18.1 Tara Morgan advised that there has not been a meeting since May 2016, with nothing planned. Tara advised that there are now two groups : the Trans Group and the LGBT Steering Group.

19. TUC LGBT Conference 2017 6th and 7th July 2017
The motion has been agreed and John Monk has been nominated to the TUC LGBT Committee. This was agreed.

20. STUC LGBT Conference 2017
The motions have been circulated and Sally Wilson has been nominated to sit on the LGBT STUC Committee. This was agreed.

21. The WORD/OUTtalk Magazine
After a discussion, it was agreed that a letter be sent to Chris Webb and Dave Ward expressing concern to the watering down of Equality.

John Monk would like his name on the letter.

22. A.O.B.

·  Tara Morgan advised she has a Trans Awareness Training Presentation which takes approximately 1 hour and would be advantageous to give to the Regions. There is a lack of education with Trans. Tara was advised to link this presentation and education to the Motion, to get it going.

·  Sally Wilson – Raised the issue of “asking questions when you need to know”

·  John Monk wished to pass on thanks to Ian Ward for all his help with the Committee. He will be missed.

23. Date of next meeting – 14th June 2017 at 2pm