Katie Armistead

Greek Mythology Character Business Cards
Fifth Grade / 4-6:40 minute lessons
Essential Standards met:
5.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
5.V.1.5: Apply the Principles of Design in creating art compositions.
5.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
5.V.2.2 Use ideas and imagery from global environment as sources for creating art.
5.V.2.3 Create realistic, imaginary, abstract and non-objective art.
5.V.3 Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and appropriately.
5.V.3.2 Use the appropriate media for the creation of original art.
5.V.3.3 Create art using the processes of drawing, painting, weaving, printing, stitchery, collage, mixed media, ceramics, sculpture, and current technology.
5.CX.1: Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of the visual arts.
5.CX.1.1: Understand how the visual arts have affected, and are reflected in the culture, traditions and history of the united States.
5.CR.1 Use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts.
5.CR.1.2 Critique personal art based on teacher established criteria and expressive qualities. / ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S)
  • What is emphasis?
  • How can I create emphasis in my work?
  • What character from Greek Mythology can I use to create an artistic business card?
  • What is a business card used for and what characteristics does it have to be effective.
  • What descriptive adjectives do I need to include on the business card to represent my Greek character?
  • How can I use markers and crayons to enhance my work.
  • How would I evaluate myself on my art work based on goals and criteria that the teacher has established?
  • I can use color and size to emphasize a Greek character in my art.
  • I can create a successful composition that represent a Greek character Including the attributes of a business card.
  • I can use drawing and decorative text to create a business card representing a Greek character.
  • I can use marker and crayon to enhance my art.
  • I can evaluate my art using criteria that the teacher has established.

ART OBJECTIVES:Students will create a work based on a business card representing a Greek character. The business card will include a drawing of the character, decorative text which will include the name of the character, 3 descriptive adjectives that describe the character and the place where the character resides, and a tag line/catch phrase.
(Students read 3 stories from the Odyssey in reading class prior to doing this project in art.)
Odyssey, business card, adjective, emphasis, tag line, catch phrase / MATERIALS:
Brown and Black Construction Paper 12x18
Black and Brown Construction Paper. 8x11
Black and Brown Construction Paper strips 1 inch wide
Glue sticks
Liquid Metal Markers by “Sergeant”
Metallic Crayons
White Colored pencils
White Construction Paper Crayons
ARTWORKS: Variety of business cards,Teacher Example of Greek character business card.
Handouts of images of Greek characters from the 3 myths, “ Odysseus and the Cyclops”,” Circe Enchants Odysseus” and “The Call of the Sirens”. (Part of the 5th grade reading curriculum)
  1. Begin by introducing the project. We look at a variety of actual business cards and discuss what images and textsthat are included on them. We also discuss how elements on the business card are arranged. It is good to include a vertical as well as a horizontal business card for observation and discussion.
Show the teacher created finished example of Greek business card. Explain to the students that they will be drawing a Greek character with decorative text including the character’s name, 3 descriptive adjectives about the character and where the character resides. The business card will be done on brown and black paper representing ancient Greek vases with mythological characters. (Black background with brown or brown background with black)
  1. Planning: Students will choose a character and write 3 attributes about that character in their sketchbook. Then, sketches can be done of their character to help students decide how they want to depict their character.
  1. Preparing the paper: I will show the students how to glue the black 8x11 paper and strips to the brown 12x18 paper and discuss options for arranging the paper on the background paper.Works can be vertical or horizontal.
    Things for students to consider are that the image of the character should take up the most space and the name of the character should be the largest text. The other text should be large and neat but does not have to be in a decorative lettering style.
  1. Drawing the character: Students will begin by drawing the character on the 8”x11” black or brown paper that is mounted on the 12”x18” paper. The goal is to draw the character large, filling the entire space. Decorations can be added around the character such as columns, olive branch, Greek Key design, etc…The name of the character is drawn using decorative lettering style and should have some thickness to it. Students practice in their sketch book. (Projects with lettering have been done in the past so most students can come up with a creative lettering style fairly quickly.) Next they come up with 3 descriptive adjectives that describe their character. Students create a tag line or a catch phrase to use on their card describing their character. The class has fun thinking of phases that are used in the commercial environment. (Nike- “Just Do It” , Coke – “Have a Coke and a Smile”, McDonald’s – I’m Lovin’ It!”, Arby’s – “Slicing Up Freshness”(I check students’ phases for appropriateness.)
  1. Outlining and coloring: Using Liquid Metal markers and Metallic Crayons students can outline the Greek character and letters and decide what to fill with color. We discuss emphasis and which parts should really stand out. Students then make the decision as to what to color in and what to leave just outlined.
*** I monitor each student’s work by circulating around the room. I help students individually on drawing and coloring skills. I have a copy of the book if students need to reread to come up with adjectives to describe the character.
  1. Signing Work: Students should sign their work at the bottom right or left hand corner.

Summarizing Strategy:Ticket out the door:
Answer in a compound sentence one of the EQs? The EQ may change daily based on what component of the project we are working on that day.
Assessment: Check students work and progress by walking around the room. Verbal responses to questions are checked and questions are restated to assure accuracy and students understanding based on student’s response. GCS rubric is used for assessing work. Students will also complete a self-assessment based on content of the lesson upon completion of their work.

Katie Armistead

Guilford County Schools

Monticello Brown Summit Elementary