If you have any queries when completing this form, contact Steve Waterman on 01869 337461. Send the form to him at 11 Mill Close, Deddington, Oxon OX15 0UN or email .NB. Ignore questions that are not relevant to you or your produce. PLEASE PRINT.


Business name:


3Tel No:



Website address:

Facebook URL:

Twitter Name: @

5What produce do you intend to sell? Please describe each type of product and give details of how it is made/processed. (If necessary, put on a separate sheet).

6If you are a primary producer e.g. raw meat and vegetables, has the produce been grown by you? YES/NO

7If you are a secondary producer (cakes, preserves, pickles, beer etc) please give details of the ingredients used. We prefer at least 10% of the ingredients to be produced locally (within 30 miles).

8Do you use any prepared ingredients, e.g. Marmade, concentrates? YES/NO

9Does your produce contain any genetically modified ingredients?YES/NO

10.Please indicate your pricing policy and give a range of sample prices for your products.

11If your produce needs to meet Environmental Health and/or Trading Standards regulations, please specify them. If you become a stallholder, we will need to see copies of any necessary certificates etc. (If you are not sure about the requirements, please contact the relevant agency before completing this form).

12Do you have a public liability insurance policy that covers this activity, including attendance at farmers’ markets? If so, please enclose a copy of the certificate with your application.

13Are you planning to attend the market as:

(a)a commercial trader selling directly to the public?

(b) someone producing and selling for a hobby?

(c)someone producing and selling for another reason? Please specify.

14Would you:

(a) provide your own stall? If so, what are its dimensions? If not, what do you need?

(b) require an electricity supply? NB. If so, you will need to provide a current PAT (Portable Apparatus Test) certificate. YES/NO

15Will you yourself be attending the market to sell your produce?YES/NO

If not, who else will be regularly at the market? For us to qualify as a FARMA CertifiedMarket produce must be sold by the producer or a person directly involved in its production. (NOTE:- Our rules require the producer to attend at least one market in three.)



16If you attend other markets or sell through other outlets, please specify them.

17 If you are accredited by any of these outlets, please give details.

18Have you any food awards? If so please detail.

19 Please circle the months in which you would plan to attend Deddington Market.

All year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Signed…………………………….. Date………………………