Course Name: Leadership Education I

Instructor Names: MSgt Story

Required Text: Leadership I textbook.

Course Description: The LE-100 textbook introduces cadets to the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program providing a basis for progression through the rest of the AFJROTC program while instilling elements of good citizenship. It contains sections on cadet and Air Force organizational structure; uniform wear; customs, courtesies, and other military traditions; health and wellness; fitness; individual self-control; and citizenship.


1. Analyze the heritage, organization, and tradition of service programs.

2. Analyze the benefits of positive personal behavior.

3. Evaluate healthy living through physical activity and good nutrition.

4. Apply safe, drug-free decisions.

5. Analyze the importance of citizenship in the United States.

Course Units

Introduction to JROTC programs- Introduction to JROTC Programs” explains the purpose and structure of the nation’s JROTC programs. In this chapter, cadets will discuss the history and current organization of each JROTC program, including the lines of responsibility and authority. Cadets will learn about the military uniform, including how to properly wear the uniform and meet the appearance and grooming standards expected of a cadet. Cadets will also learn to recognize the different US military ranks and grades. They will learn about military customs and courtesies such as saluting, many based on historic practices, which distinguish the JROTC as an important part of our nation’s traditions. Through understanding JROTC as an environment that builds leadership and good citizenship through respect for others, cadets will learn how to project a positive attitude and self-discipline. Cadets will consider how to apply ethical and moral concepts, including those of the military services and various cultures. The chapter’s final lesson will help cadets build social skills through proper behavior, personal hygiene, and grooming. Finally they will learn how to plan and participate in military functions, especially Military Balls, Dining-Ins, and Dining-Outs.

Unit Two Personal Behavior- Personal Behavior” focuses on success in school, personal life, and community. Cadets will learn effective methods for taking notes and studying. They will also learn to manage stress in school and elsewhere by recognizing its main causes, positive versus negative stress, and stress’ effects on the body. Stress-handling strategies, including time management, can help cadets be more productive in all aspects of their life. The chapter then covers how to make positive decisions on behavior through goal setting and effective communications— important for success and leadership in today’s high-tech environment. Cadets will find out how to recognize emotional problems, and how to seek professional mental health care for themselves and others. They will learn about factors that contribute to teen violence in our society, from bullying and cyberbullying to gangs and drug use. Finally, cadets will learn to identify ways to deal with violence in schools and elsewhere, including ways of preventing bullying, rape, and other sexual violence.

Unit Three Be Health Smart- Be Health Smart” first examines body systems by identifying the key components of the human body. Cadets will explore the functions of the skeletal, muscular, circulatory and respiratory systems, as well as those of the nervous, digestive, and waste systems. Applying this knowledge, cadets learn how to make healthful dietary decisions. They will then consider the importance of physical fitness and the benefits of an active lifestyle. Cadets will also consider how body image, eating, and physical activity affect health. To reduce risks of physical injury during exercise, cadets will identify safety concerns for participating in sports, and consider the risks of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). This chapter also covers first aid for treating them self or others in a medical emergency. They’ll learn how to recognize and treat common emergencies, from sprains, choking, and shock to heat-related illnesses. Finally, cadets will also learn how cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can save lives.

Unit Four Foundations of United States Citizenship- Foundations of United States Citizenship” opens with a history of the American flag, and discusses the courtesies rendered to the flag, the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the American’s Creed. Cadets will learn about the Great Seal of the United States and the military services’ seals. They will consider the role of civics in society and the need for effective government. They will study the nature of citizenship and how the naturalization process grants this lifelong privilege to those who were not born citizens. The lesson will then cover the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. Cadets will then learn about the fundamental document of our government, the United States Constitution, by studying its parts and what they mean. They will also cover the process of amending the Constitution and be able to explain how the Constitution is interpreted. Cadets will look at each amendment to identify ways the Bill of Rights and other amendments to the Constitution protect the rights of all Americans, in all possible situations. The final lesson of this chapter covers the three branches of the national government. By analyzing the functions of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, cadets will understand the concept of checks and balances. By looking at the political system in operation in the House of Representatives and the Senate, they will be able to see how Congress works to meet the nation’s needs and interests.

MAKEUP ASSIGNMENTS: There are makeup assignments for excused absences. Cadets will receive a grade of zero for unexcused absences.



A 93 – 100 B 83 – 92 C 76 – 82 D 68 – 75 F 67 and below