Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2011

Crossroads Elementary



“Achieving Success Together”


Responsible Person: _____Kim Visse______

Contact Person: ______Kim Visse______

SBDM Approved:______

Link to current District Assurances on KDE web page:

Campbell County Schools – Our Community, Our Schools, Our Commitment

Crossroads Elementary – “Achieving Success Together”


Campbell County Schools will be a district which:

·  Focuses on student learning, utilizing research-based instruction to meet the needs of every student

·  Sets high expectations for all and supports stakeholders in achieving these expectations

·  Provides a wealth of opportunities in which students can excel

·  Supports and retains dedicated, highly-trained staff members, treating each member as part of a learning community

·  Is vested in the community, inspiring pride and a tradition of excellence

·  Builds positive relationships among all groups, promoting open communication and valuing input

Our Mission:

The mission of the Campbell County School District, in partnership with students, staff, parents, and community, is to provide the best possible education for all students in a safe environment, enabling them to become contributing, successful citizens and lifelong learners.

We Believe:

·  Students come first.

·  All students can learn and will succeed given time and support.

·  All students must develop self-discipline and personal responsibility.

·  All students must be challenged to reach their highest potential.

·  Community, parents, and educators working together will create the best support for students.

·  Community, families, educators, and students share in the responsibility for learning.

·  Learning is a lifelong process.

·  Everyone must be treated with dignity and respect.

Plan Summary:

Since 2004, the CCS district has set an expectation that all schools identify and monitor the progress of the bottom 20% and top 10% academic performers at each school. As this priority has continued, Crossroads now identifies, monitors, and intervenes with all students not on track for proficiency in Reading and Mathematics as well. Utilizing the District Continuous Assessment plan which consists of common assessments, multiple formative assessment measures, and benchmark assessments, student learning is monitored closely. Students not on track for proficiency are progress monitored utilizing a systematic RtI process. Students in the top performance levels are also monitored to ensure that they are meeting their growth targets as well.

All professional development and department initiatives align to these overarching goals to ensure that Crossroads meets AYP according to NCLB.

1.  Mission Statement Development and Review: Each year, Crossroads Elementary reviews our mission statement. We still believe that “Achieving Success Together” represents our belief in how we educate our students.

2.  Needs Assessment process aligned with Kentucky’s Standards and Indicators for School Improvement or other comprehensive needs assessment process used: Each year, Crossroads has reviewed the draft SIP at each meeting stated in (1). Surveys used to assess needs include individual school surveys, Lighthouse survey results and a customer services comprehensive survey. For the 2011-13 SIP, CCS will be utilizing the Pathways to Proficiency Planning Instrument which will allow us to assess our needs via a survey of students, parents, employees, and community, and which aligns with the SISI document.

3.  The results of the Needs Assessment process were shared with the following groups/organizations: SBDM, Student Achievement Committee, staff and was available for review and comment on the Crossroads website.


Comprehensive School Improvement Plan 2011

Action Component _Academic Progress (Math)

District Name: Campbell County Component Manager: Kim Visse

School Name ______Crossroads Elementary______Date December 2011

Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
According to 2011 NCLB Report, Crossroads scored below KY’s goal in Mathematics of 100 as follows:
Crossroads Combined Total:
74.70 % of all students scored Proficient and above
67.81% of students qualifying for Free and Reduced Lunch scored Proficient
41.94 % of students with disabilities scored Proficient. / The Mathematics NCLB Goal for the 2011-2012 school year is
80.61% for each group of students.
On the Jan. MAP test, 80 % of all students will be Proficient in Math.
On the Jan. MAP test, 80 % of free and reduced qualifying students will be Proficient in Math.
On the Jan. MAP test, 50 % of all students with disabilities will be Proficient in Math.
On the May MAP test, 90 % of all students will be Proficient in Math.
On the May MAP test, 90 % of free and reduced qualifying students will be Proficient in Math.
On the May MAP test, 60 % of all students with disabilities will be Proficient in Math.



Action Component ______Academic Progress (Math) ______

District Name _____Campbell County______Component Manager Kim Visse

School Name ____Crossroads Elementary_ Date December 2011


Strategy/Activity / Impact in Terms of Progress and Success (to be updated throughout the year) / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
8A / All students will be assessed with a comprehensive assessment system that is aligned to the program of studies, Common Core College Readiness Standards, and District curriculum pacing guides. The assessment system will allow for early and ongoing identification of students not meeting proficiency so that interventions can be provided and students can reach proficiency in Mathematics.
Students not scoring proficient in math will be identified and targeted for intervention and flexible use of time and space at Crossroads that will allow opportunity for interventions. In addition, all students with IEP goals in math will be included in targeted and intensive intervention instruction as needed. Crossroads will ensure that all targeted students are receiving interventions that are research-based, systematic, and are progress monitored. The Response to
Intervention process will be used for all students K-5 in Mathematics. Persistence to Graduate will be reviewed monthly.
Staff will receive professional development on the intervention strategies targeted as part of
the district-wide response to intervention. Crossroads will continue to identify areas of need and offer professional development to address these areas.
Professional Growth Plans will reflect this focus on intervention strategies for non-proficient
students. Staff will continue to receive job embedded professional development in the
implementation of intervention strategies through grade level meetings, faculty meetings,
and planning day programs.
The PLC model will be utilized to collaborate and discuss student progress. Intervention
strategies for targeted students will be documented, shared, and discussed. Work samples will be collected and analyzed for
success, next steps, and appropriateness of interventions. Frequent PLC meetings will keep a focus on students performing below proficiency.
Students will participate in the District Constructed Response checks which will assess strategic areas of weakness in constructed responses in mathematics and specific strands. Results will be analyzed during grade level meetings and shared with district level administration. Crossroads will utilize the information to base further support and professional development in the targeted areas.
Analyze growth of students participating in ESS, ELL, GT, Title I, and special education each trimester and annually to ensure that students are making adequate progress.
Students will use technology based programs based on their area of need. Choices are Fastt Math, Compass Math, and VMath Live. / See district and school assessment plan. The plan indicates that all assessments are balanced to meet student needs.
Students are identified and scheduled for interventions. Crossroads has a specific intervention by grade level with additional time being added as needed.
School specific PD is approved by the district and is job-embedded.
PGP’s are aligned as of September 30th, 2011
and focus on a variety of needs based on teacher
Held at least once a month during grade level meetings. All teams have also participated in a six hour data analysis of all students. Data boards, data binders and spreadsheets are completed by student, subject and grade level. November 2011
Crossroads completed the first round in October and analysis occurred the last week of October 2011.
Crossroads has completed the first trimester of analysis utilizing data boards, data sheets and spreadsheets to manage the data obtained from MAP, class work, interventions and KCCT. VMath and Voyager Reading Intervention report completed November 4th, 2011.
Technology usage will be monitored each trimester. / District, Kim Visse
Kim Visse, regular and special education teachers, Title I, RTA
Kim Visse
Kim Visse, Eric Ball
Kim Visse, Shannon Mann, Eric Ball, Diane Smith, Grade level and intervention teams
Kim Visse, Shannon Mann
Kim Visse, staff
Kim Visse, Classroom teachers / 8/11
8/11 / 5/2012
5/2012 / District Cost
Title I funds
PD funds from school and district, Title I funds
Title I funds, PD funds
, Title I funds, PD funds

Action Component: Academic (Reading)

District Name: Campbell County Component Manager: Kim Visse

School Name: Crossroads Elementary Date: December 2011

Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)
According to 2011 NCLB Report, Crossroads scored below KY’s goal in Reading of 100 as follows:
Crossroads Total: 79% of all students scored Proficient.
76 % of students qualifying for Free and Reduced Lunch
scored Proficient. 53 % of students with disabilities scored Proficient.
There is a small and inconsistent amount of students scoring Distinguished in Reading at Crossroads :
On the 2011KCCT, the following scores indicate a priority need:
- 3rd - 18 % Distinguished
- 4th - 5 % Distinguished
- 5th - 29 % Distinguished / The Reading NCLB Goal for the 2011-2012 school year is 86.82% for each group of students.
On the Jan. MAP test, 85 % of all students will be Proficient in Reading.
On the Jan. MAP test, 80 % of free and reduced qualifying students will be Proficient in Reading.
On the Jan. MAP test, 60 % of all students with disabilities will be Proficient in Reading.
On the May MAP test, 90 % of all students will be Proficient in Reading.
On the May MAP test, 85 % of free and reduced qualifying students will be Proficient in Reading.
On the May MAP test, 65% of all students with disabilities will be Proficient in Reading.
On the Jan MAP test, the following % of students will score
Distinguished in Reading:
- 3rd - 20 % Distinguished
- 4th - 25 % Distinguished
- 5th - 10 % Distinguished
On the May MAP test, the following % of students will score
Distinguished in Reading:
- 3rd - 25 % Distinguished
- 4th - 30 % Distinguished
- 5th - 15 % Distinguished

Action Component: Academic (Reading)

District Name ______Campbell County_____ Component Manager ____Kim Visse______

School Name ______Crossroads______Date ______December 2011______


Strategy/Activity / Impact in Terms of Progress and Success (to be recorded throughout the year) / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs
10B / All students will be assessed with a comprehensive assessment system that is aligned to the program of studies, Common Core College Readiness Standards, core content 4.1, and district curriculum pacing guides. The assessment system will allow for early and ongoing identification of students not meeting proficiency so that interventions can be provided and students can reach proficiency in Reading.
Students not scoring proficient in reading will be identified and targeted for intervention and flexible use of time and space at Crossroads that will allow opportunity for interventions. In addition, all students with IEP goals in reading will be included in targeted and intensive intervention instruction as needed. Crossroads will ensure that all targeted students are receiving interventions that are research-based, systematic, and are progress monitored. The Response to Intervention process will be used for all students K-5 in Reading.
Staff will receive professional development on the intervention strategies targeted as part of
the district-wide response to intervention.
Professional Growth Plans will reflect this focus on intervention strategies for non-proficient
students. Staff will continue to receive job embedded professional development in the
implementation of intervention strategies through grade level meetings, faculty meetings,
and planning day programs. Stipends will be provided to teachers for these initiatives.
The PLC model will be utilized to collaborate and discuss student progress. Intervention
strategies for targeted students will be documented, shared, and discussed. Work samples will be collected and analyzed for
success, next steps, and appropriateness of interventions. Frequent PLC meetings will keep a focus on students performing below proficiency.
Students will participate in the District Constructed Response review which will assess strategic areas of weakness such constructed responses in reading and specific strands. Results will be analyzed during grade level meetings and shared with district level administration. Crossroads will utilize the information to base further support and professional development in the targeted areas.
Analyze growth of students participating in ESS, ELL, GT, Title I, and special education each trimester and annually to ensure that students are making adequate progress.
All kindergarten through third grade students will participate in Fast ForWord to provide fluency, phonics, phonemic awareness, and comprehension skills for students.
Work with Council and staff in the review of our Writing Program Review and Guidelines that is aligned to the District Writing Policy.
Students will use technology based programs based on their area of need. Choices are Accelerated Reader, Compass Reading, and Ticket to Read. / See district and school assessment plan. The plan indicates that all assessments are balanced to meet student needs.
Students are identified and scheduled for interventions. Crossroads has a specific intervention by grade level with additional time being added as needed.
School specific PD is approved by the district and is job-embedded. Crossroads has already had 3 reading PD’s. December 2009
PGP’s are aligned as of September 30th, 2009 and focus on intervention strategies for non-proficient students.
Held week during grade level meetings. All teams have also participated in a six hour data analysis of all students. Data boards, data binders and spreadsheets are completed by student, subject and grade level. November 2011.
Crossroads has completed the first trimester of analysis utilizing data boards, data notebooks and spreadsheets to manage the data obtained from MAP, KCCT, class work and constructed response.
Students analysis for the first trimester was completed in November 2011.
Second and third completed Fast ForWord – November 2011.
Technology usage will be monitored each trimester. / District, Kim Visse
Kim Visse, regular and special education teachers, Title I, RTA
Kim Visse
Kim Visse, Eric Ba11
Kim Visse, Shannon Mann, Eric Ball, Grade level and intervention teams
Kim Visse, Shannon Mann
Kim Visse, staff
Kim Visse
Classroom teachers
Kim Visse, Shannon Mann, SBDM, staff
Kim Visse, Classroom teachers / 8/11
8/11 / 5/2012
Ongoing / District Cost
Title I funds
PD funds from school and district, Title I funds
Title I funds, PD funds
District Funds

Action Component: Parent, Community and Family Engagement and Communication