Part 1 - Use these websites to help you answer the questions on the Website Workshop Sheet
First Website :
Second Website :
-Read and then click on "Structure of the molecule"
Part 2 : Go to Third Website. This website will allow you to use Gel Electrophoresis/DNA Fingerprinting to determine the sequence of some DNA, and help you solve a crime through DNA-Fingerprinting.
Third Website:
A) Read Intro Paragraph - Create a DNA Fingerprint
B) Then click on "NOVA" icon image
C) Read each page of the "Create a DNA Fingerprint" page and then press next
D) As you go through each step, make sure that you follow along on the worksheet you were given and answer each question
If you make a mistake, you must go back to Step #1, and be more careful ! !
When doing Step #8 – put film into slot on developer.
Part 3 : Go to Fourth Website. This website will allow you to take control of a strand of DNA. You will replicate (copy) the DNA just as your cells do, and then you will see how DNA can be used to make proteins/enzymes through (transcription and translation).
Fourth Website:
A) Read Intro Page
B) Click on Go To DNA Workshop Activity
C) Read Information
D) Click on DNA Replication – Complete Replication
E) Click on Protein Synthesis – Complete Transcription and Translation.
Name : ______Date : ______
DNA Workshop : Worksheet
BASIC BACKGROUND – From reading and notes
1. DNA is a “macromolecule” or polymer, made up of many repeating monomers. Each monomer or building block is called a nucleotide. What three basic units make up a single nucleotide?
2. All nucleotides are the same except for the type of base they attach to. There are four different nitrogenous (DNA) bases; name the four different nitrogenous bases:
a) ______c) ______
b) ______d) ______
3. Which bases have double rings? ______
4. What name is collectively given to any base that has two rings? ______
5. Bases complimentary pair up with other bases, but a given base can only bond up with its perfect match. Give the name of the bases that always match the base given below.
a) Adenine : ______b) Cytosine : ______
6. What type of bond forms between two complimentary bases? ______
First Website :
1. What is the proper name of the spiral shape that DNA takes? ______
2. If you took a typical piece of DNA from a Eukaryotic Cell (animal, plant etc.) and it you built a model of it to the same scale as the image on the screen, how far would it stretch? ______
3. Besides helping condense DNA, what is another function of histones?
4. Are the two complimentary strands of DNA considered to be touching? ______
5.Give the correct term for the procedure where DNA copies itself. ______
Second Website :
1. How many H- Bonds form between : A – T : ______C – G : ______
* Click on the “Structure Of Molecule” to see the structure of DNA.
2.Approximately how many nucleotide pairs would be found in one
helical turn of a single strand? ______
3. What is the size of the distance between turns of the Helix?
* Hint: there are a thousand nanometers (nm) in a single micrometer (um), and a thousand (um) in one mm.
______nm à ______um à ______mm
Part 2 : Gel Electrophoresis/DNA Fingerprinting:
1. What do restriction enzymes do? ______
2. What size of DNA fragments tends to move most easily through the agarose?
3. What type of charge do the fragments of DNA have? ______
4. Why do scientists cover the gel with a nylon membrane? ______
5. What special property of the probes allows scientists to detect where the DNA fragments are located?
6. Who committed this crime? ______
Part 3 : Replication/Transcription/Translation
1. Give one example of a cell using DNA to make a proteins or new cells.
2. Where in the cell do replication and transcription take place? ______
3. Where in the cell does translation take place? ______
4. After translation has taken place, list the names of the three amino acids that this strand of DNA coded for. (In their correct order)