Reading – Fifth Grade

Unit of Study: Becoming an Active Reader

First Grading Period – Week 1- 9CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas) / Unit Rationale
Asking questions while I read helps me to understand the text. / Asking questions leads to a deeper understanding of the text. Students must be taught how to ask questions before, during, and after reading.
Students need to ask questions that go beyond the surface of the text.
Essential Questions / Guiding Questions
  • What are the characteristics of narrative nonfiction? (6A, 6B,6C)
  • How is narrative nonfiction structured?
  • How can I get better as a reader? (1A, 6A, 9A,22Aii,Figure 19F, 29A)
  • What do I do when the reading gets harder? (2B, 9A, Figure 19A, Figure 19C, Figure 19D, Figure 19E)
  • What are the characteristics of narrative nonfiction?
  • How can narrative nonfiction be structured?
  • What reading strategies do I use when I read nonfiction texts?

TEKS (Standards) / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
1A read grade level text with fluency and comprehension (ELPS 2A, 3A, 4A)
Vocabulary development
2A determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes (ELPS 1E, 1F, 2C)
2B use context to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or multiple meaning words (ELPS 1D, 1E, 4D, 4F)
2C produce analogies using knowledge of antonyms and synonyms
2D identify and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and other sayings (ELPS 1F)
2E use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (ELPS 1C, 1E, 1F)
Reading /Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre
3B describe the phenomena explained in origin myths from various culture
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry (ELPS 2A, 3G)
4A analyze how poets use sound effects to reinforce meaning in poems
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction
6A describe incidents that advance the story or novel, explaining how each incident gives rise to or foreshadows future events.(ELPS 3F)
6B explain the roles and functions of characters in various plots, including their relationships and conflicts;(ELPS 4F, 4G, 4I, 5G)
6C explain different forms of third- person points of view in stories (ELPS 3B)
Reading/Comprehension of Text/Independent Reading
9A read independently for a sustained period of time and produce evidence of reading / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I can:
  • read with fluency 1A
  • use strategies to understand unknown words 2A, 2B, 2C, 2E
  • understand idioms 2D
  • understand myths 3B
  • tell how poets use sound effects 4A
  • understand cause and effect relationships 6A
  • describe characters and their relationships to each other 6B
  • compare points of view in stories 6C
  • read independently 9A
  • write a summary, identify the main idea 11A, Figure 19E
  • understand how texts are organized 11C
  • use text features 11D
  • make connections 11E, Figure 19F
  • spell correctly 22A
  • speak clearly 28A
  • set a purpose for reading Figure 19A
  • ask questions Figure 19B
  • use fix up strategies Figure 19 C
  • draw inferences Figure 19D

Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text
11A summarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text
11C analyze how the organizational pattern of a text influences the relationships among the ideas (ELPS 1A, 1E)
11D use multiple text features to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information (ELPS 3F, 4D, 4F)
11E synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts
Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling
22A spell words with more advanced patterns and rules
Listening and Speaking/Speaking
28A speak clearly and to the point
Comprehension Skills
Figure 19 A establish purposes for reading selected tests based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension (ELPS 4D, 4G)
Figure 19 B ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text
Figure 19 C monitor or adjust comprehension
Figure 19 D make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (ELPS 1C, 1E, 1H)
Figure 19 E summarize and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain meaningand logical order within a text and across texts.(ELPS 4D, 4G)
Figure 19 F make connections (ELPS 4I, 4J, 5G) / Reading Comprehension Process (RCP)
  • APK – Activate Prior Knowledge to support comprehension Figure 19C
  • Set Purpose for reading Figure 19A
  • Stop and Jot - to monitor comprehension and make modifications when understanding breaks down Figure 19C
  • React/Reflect Figure 19D
  • Summarize - paraphrase and summarize text Figure 19E
  • use my reader’s notebook to record and interpret ideas 9A
Yo puedo:
leer con fluidez 1A
recurrara sus experiencias para dar significado a palabras en contextos significados múltiples 2A, 2B, 2C, 2E,2D,3B,4A
entender las experiencias de causa y efecto 6A
relatar los eventos del cuento 6A
describir los personajes y cómo se relacionan los unos con los otros 6B
comparar puntos de vistas en las historias 6C
analizar los personajes de forma que incluya sus características, motivaciones, conflictos, puntos de vista, relaciones y cambios que sobrellevan 6B
leer independientemente 9A,11A, Figure 19E,11C,11D
  • hacer conexiones 11E, Figure 19
deletrear correctamente 22A
identificar los propósitos dediferentes textos Figura 19A ,Figure 19B,Figure 19C
hacer inferencias como sacar conclusiones o generalizacions y apoyarlas con evidencia del texto y experiencia personal Figura 19D, Figura 19F
hablar claramente 28A
Proceso de comprensión de la lectura (PCL)
ACP – Activar conocimientos previos para apoyar la comprensión Figura 19C
Establecer el propósito para la lectura Figura 19A
Pausa, piensa y anota (PPA) - prestar atencion a su propia comprensión y cuando decae,hacer modificaciones usando estrategias com volver a leer una porción en voz alta, utilizar referencias, buscar claves y hacer preguntas Figura 19C
Reaccionar/Reflexionar (R/R) 19D
Resumir - parafrasear y hacer un resumen del texto Figura 19E
use my utilizar mi cuaderno de lectura para anotar y interpretar ideas9A
Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment)
  • 80% of students will score an 85% or more on the weekly comprehension assessment.
  • 85% of students will score a 90% or better on the weekly spelling test.

Reading – Grade 5

Unit of Study: Becoming an Active Reader

First Grading Period – Week 1CURRICULUM GUIDE

Guiding Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
  • How does story structure help readers to summarize?
  • What are context clues and how do readers use them to figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words?
  • What is a syllable pattern?
  • Retell a main event from a story read aloud (Kindergarten)
  • Describe the plot and retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end (First Grade)
  • Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events (Third Grade, Fourth Grade)

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas Journeys Unit 1
Paired Selections:“A Package for Mrs. Jewls” pp.T20-T30, “Questioning Gravity” pp.T32-T34
”Un paquete para la señora Jewls” pp.T20-T30, “Examinando la gravedad” pp.T32-T34
Comprehension Focus: Story Structure; Summarize/La estructura del cuento; Resumir
Weeks 1-3: Informal Reading Inventory: Each campus has several copies of the Flynt/Cooter Reading Inventory (English and Spanish) that must be administered to each student to determine his or her beginning of year reading level. This information should be used to place students in appropriate small reading groups. Please reference the Teacher Toolkit (How to Give the Flynt Cooter IRI) for concise administration directions. That same document will also contain a class record sheet to record the results.
Read Aloud
10 min. / Whole Group
25 min. / Small Group
30 min. / Spelling/Fluency
10 min.
Monday / Chapter Book
See Book Recommendations in Toolkit /
  • Comprehension Preview the target skill T 13
  • Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud T 12-13
  • Vocabulary in Context CardsT 14-15
  • Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order
  • Develop BackgroundT 16-17
/ Small Group
Vocabulary Reader T60-62
Check Out the Library
Descubre a la biblioteca / Other Students
HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Work Stations,T10-T11 / Introduce Spelling Words/ Word Sort
Tuesday / Chapter Book /
  • Introduce Comprehension with projectable
Story Structure/SummarizeT 18-19
Main SelectionPart 1T 20-25
  • Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus
  • Set a purpose
  • Teacher reads first page
  • Use sidebar questions sparingly
  • Students read the ensuing pages silently,pausing at “Stop and Think”
  • Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”
/ Small Group
Reread Part 1 Main Selectionor another appropriate book for students who struggle with the main selection / Other Students
  • Reread Part 1 Main Selection and write out purpose and “Stop and Think” in Reading Notebook
  • Write a summary of what has happened so far (or what you learned)
/ Fluency
Wednesday / Chapter Book /
  • Deepen Comprehension T36-37
  • Review Vocabulary with word wall
Main SelectionPart 2T 26-32
  • Recap yesterday’s reading and purpose
  • Review purpose
  • Use sidebar questions sparingly
  • Students read the pages silently, pausing at “Stop and Think”
  • Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”
  • Orally go over “Your Turn” Make sure students cite text support , T 31
/ Small Group
Reread Part 2 Main Selectionor another appropriate book for students who struggle with the main selection / Other Students
Reread Part 2 Main Selection and write and “Stop and Think” in Reading Notebook
  • Write a summary
  • Write answers to “Your Turn” in Reading Notebook
/ Teach Word Families
Activity, T45
Assign for homework
Thursday / Chapter Book / Paired SelectionT 32-34
  • Review bookmark on first page of paired selection
  • Set a purpose
  • Teacher reads the intro to paired selection
  • Students read the rest silently
  • Review “Making Connections” orally, T 35
/ Small Group
Read appropriate Leveled Readers
Leveled Reader Plans
(8 page lesson) / Other Students
Choose a “Making Connections” to write in their Reading Notebook / Fluency
Friday / Chapter Book /
  • Teach the Decoding (Decodificar) pattern for the week
T 39
Assessment: Weekly Tests T 54-55
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Decoding
/ The Reading Zone
  • Read book of choice
Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Reading Notebook / Posttest
Week 1
Target Vocabulary: English / Vocabulario clave / Spelling / Ortografía / Academic Language / Vocabulario académico
  • disturbing
  • interrupted
  • squashing
  • specialty
  • struggled
  • staggered
  • wobbled
  • collapsed
  • numb
  • shifted
  • aplastar
  • cambiar
  • colapsar
  • entumecer
  • especialidad
  • interrumpir
  • molestar
  • penosamente
  • tambalearse
  • trastabillar
  • breath
  • wobble
  • blister
  • crush
  • direct
  • promise
  • grasp
  • numb
  • hymn
  • shovel
  • gravity
  • frantic
  • swift
  • feather
  • comic
  • bundle
  • solid
  • weather
  • energy
  • stingy
  • escuela
  • pescado
  • clase
  • molestar
  • cansancio
  • alta
  • ventana
  • inmenso
  • ascensor
  • caja
  • murciélago
  • ortografía
  • simple
  • entumecer
  • chocolate
  • paquete
  • patio
  • triángulo
  • basura
  • story structure
  • summarize
  • estructura del cuento
  • resumir

Reading – Grade 5

Unit of Study: Becoming an Active Reader

First Grading Period – Week 2CURRICULUM GUIDE

Guiding Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
  • What are text features and how are they used?
  • How do prefixes change the meaning of base words?
  • How do readers use word parts to determine meanings of words?
/ 1 (A) recognize that spoken words are represented in written English by specific sequences of letters (First Grade)
1 (C) demonstrate the one–to-one correspondence between a spoken word and a printed word in text (Kindergarten)
1 (A) decode multisyllabic words in context and independent of context by applying common spelling patterns (Third Grade)
1 (B) use common syllabication patterns to decode words (Third Grade)
1 (C) decode words applying knowledge of common spelling patterns (Third Grade)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas Journeys Unit 1
Paired Selections:Ultimate Field Trip 5: Blasting Off to Space Academy!” pp.T92-T104, “Profile of a Spacewalker” pp.T106-T108
”Despegue hacia la Academia Espacial de La excursion extraordinaria No. 5” pp.T92-T104, “Perfil de un caminante” pp.T106-T108
Comprehension Focus:Text and Graphic Features; Question/Características del texto y gráficos; pregunta
Please note that each unit has several opportunities for re-teach of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time.
Read Aloud
10 min. / Whole Group
25 min. / Small Group
30 min. / Spelling/Fluency
10 min.
Monday / Chapter Book
See Book Recommendations in Toolkit /
  • Comprehension Preview the target skill T 85
  • Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud T 84-85
  • Vocabulary in Context Cards T 86-87
  • Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order
  • Develop Background T 88-89
/ Small Group
Vocabulary Reader T134-135
Check Out the Library
Descubre a la biblioteca / Other Students
HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Work StationsT82-83 / Introduce Spelling Words/ Word Sort
Tuesday / Chapter Book /
  • Introduce Comprehension with projectable
Text and Graphic FeaturesT 90-91
Main SelectionPart 1 T 92-T98
  • Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus
  • Set a purpose
  • Teacher reads first page
  • Use sidebar questions sparingly
  • Students read the ensuing pages silently,pausing at “Stop and Think”
  • Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”
/ Small Group
Reread Part 1 Main Selection or another appropriate book for students who struggle with the main selection / Other Students
  • Reread Part 1 Main Selection and write out purpose and “Stop and Think” in Reading Notebook
  • Write a summary of what has happened so far (or what you learned)
/ Fluency
Wednesday / Chapter Book /
  • Deepen Comprehension T 110-T111
  • Review Vocabulary with word wall
Main SelectionPart 2 T99-T104
  • Recap yesterday’s reading and purpose
  • Review purpose
  • Use sidebar questions sparingly
  • Students read the pages silently, pausing at “Stop and Think”
  • Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”
  • Orally go over “Your Turn” Make sure students cite text support , T 59
/ Small Group
Reread Part 2 Main Selectionor another appropriate book for students who struggle with the main selection / Other Students
  • Reread Part 2 Main Selectionand write and “Stop and Think” in Reading Notebook
  • Write a summary
  • Write answers to “Your Turn” in Reading Notebook
/ Teach Word Families
Activity, T119
Thursday / Chapter Book / Paired SelectionT 106-T108
  • Review bookmark on first page of paired selection
  • Set a purpose
  • Teacher reads the intro to paired selection
  • Students read the rest silently
  • Review “Making Connections” orally, T 109
/ Small Group
Read appropriate Leveled Readers
Leveled Reader Plans
(8 page lesson) / Other Students
Choose a “Making Connections” to write in their Reading Notebook / Fluency
Friday / Chapter Book /
  • Teach the Decoding (Decodificar) pattern for the week
  • T 113
Assessment: Weekly TestsT 128-129
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Decoding
/ The Reading Zone
  • Read book of choice
Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Reading Notebook / Posttest
Week 2
Target Vocabulary: English / Vocabulario clave / Spelling / Ortografía / Academic Language / Vocabulario académico
  • function
  • delicate
  • adjusted
  • operator
  • flawed
  • acute
  • version
  • axis
  • simulate
  • tethered
  • agundo
  • ajustar
  • atar
  • defectuoso
  • delicado
  • eje
  • funcionar
  • operador
  • similar
  • versión
  • awake
  • feast
  • stray
  • greet
  • praise
  • disease
  • repeat
  • display
  • braces
  • thief
  • ashamed
  • sleeve
  • waist
  • beneath
  • sheepish
  • release
  • remain
  • sway
  • training
  • niece
  • avión
  • jamás
  • café
  • volar
  • subir
  • despegar
  • además
  • nadir
  • gravedad
  • balón
  • sol
  • robot
  • simulador
  • atrás
  • alejó
  • especial
  • major
  • estación
  • dormer
  • cantar
  • graphic features
  • text features
  • affix
  • prefix
  • base word
  • elementos y
  • características del texto
  • gráficos
  • prefijos
  • hacer preguntas

Reading – Grade 5

Unit of Study: Becoming an Active Reader

First Grading Period – Week 3CURRICULUM GUIDE

Guiding Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
  • How do readers analyze characters?
  • How do readers infer the thoughts and behaviors of characters?
  • What is the VCCV pattern and how does it help readers decode words?
  • What are multiple meaning words?
  • Describe characters in a story (Kindergarten)
  • Describe the interaction of characters including their relationships (Third Grade, Fourth Grade)
  • Use context to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words (Second, Third, Fourth Grade)

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas Journeys Unit 1
Paired Selections:“Off and Running” pp.T166-T178, “Vote For Me!” pp.T180-T182
”Elecciones escolares” pp.T166-T178, “¡Voten por mi!” pp.T180-T182
Comprehension Focus: Compare and Contrast; Infer/Predict/Comparar y contrastar; Inferir/Predecir
Please note that each unit has several opportunities for re-teach of the comprehension focus (Deepen Comprehension, Differentiate Comprehension). These may be used during small group time.
Read Aloud
10 min. / Whole Group
25 min. / Small Group
30 min. / Spelling/Fluency
10 min.
Monday / Chapter Book
See Book Recommendations in Toolkit /
  • Comprehension Preview the target skill T 159
  • Vocabulary Intro Read Aloud T 158-159
  • Vocabulary in Context CardsT 160-161
  • Post words on word wall by story – not alphabetical order
  • Develop BackgroundT 162-163
/ Small Group
Vocabulary Reader T208-209
Check Out the Library
Descubre a la biblioteca / Other Students
HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Work Stations T156-T157 / Introduce Spelling Words/ Word Sort
Tuesday / Chapter Book /
  • Introduce Comprehension with projectable
Compare and ContrastT 164-165
Main SelectionPart 1T 166-T173
  • Review bookmark on 1st page of story for focus
  • Set a purpose
  • Teacher reads first page
  • Use sidebar questions sparingly
  • Students read the ensuing pages silently,pausing at “Stop and Think”
  • Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”
/ Small Group
Reread Part 1 Main Selectionor another appropriate book for students who struggle with the main selection / Other Students
  • Reread Part 1 Main Selection and write out purpose and “Stop and Think” in Reading Notebook
  • Write a summary of what has happened so far (or what you learned)
/ Fluency
Wednesday / Chapter Book /
  • Deepen Comprehension T184-T185
  • Review Vocabulary with word wall
Main SelectionPart 2T174-178
  • Recap yesterday’s reading and purpose
  • Review purpose
  • Use sidebar questions sparingly
  • Students read the pages silently, pausing at “Stop and Think”
  • Teacher waits for students to read a section to discuss “Stop and Think”
  • Orally go over “Your Turn” Make sure students cite text support, T 179
/ Small Group
Reread Part 2 Main Selectionor another appropriate book for students who struggle with the main selection / Other Students
  • Reread Part 2 Main Selectionand write and “Stop and Think” in Reading Notebook
  • Write a summary
  • Write answers to “Your Turn” in Reading Notebook
/ Teach Word Families
Activity, T193
Thursday / Chapter Book / Paired SelectionT 180-T182
  • Review bookmark on first page of paired selection
  • Set a purpose
  • Teacher reads the intro to paired selection
  • Students read the rest silently
  • Review “Making Connections” orally, T183
/ Small Group
Read appropriate Leveled Readers
Leveled Reader Plans
(8 page lesson) / Other Students
Choose a “Making Connections” to write in their Reading Notebook / Fluency
Friday / Chapter Book /
  • Teach the Decoding (Decodificar) pattern for the week
T 187
Assessment: Weekly TestsT 202-T203
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Decoding
/ The Reading Zone
  • Read book of choice
Must keep a Reading Log (Toolkit) of pages read in Reading Notebook / Posttest
Week 3
Target Vocabulary: English / Vocabulario clave / Spelling / Ortografía / Academic Language / Vocabulario académico
  • debate
  • inflated
  • shaken
  • decorated
  • gradually
  • hesitated
  • scanned
  • beckoned
  • prodded
  • asustar
  • atraer
  • debate
  • decorado
  • detener
  • dudar
  • estimular
  • gradualmente
  • mirar
  • podio
  • sign
  • groan
  • reply
  • thrown
  • strike
  • mighty
  • stroll
  • compose
  • dough
  • height
  • excite
  • apply
  • slight
  • define
  • odor
  • spider
  • control
  • silent
  • brighten
  • approach
  • amiga
  • podio
  • parquet
  • debate
  • decorado
  • helado
  • elecciones
  • fertile
  • debían
  • tíos
  • trébol
  • líder
  • árbol
  • lapis
  • fútbol
  • centavos
  • planes
  • decían
  • fondos
  • lluvia
  • compare
  • contrast
  • infer
  • comparar
  • contrastar
  • inferir

Reading – Grade 5