Please return this form by January 10th 2016 to: Ms Claire VERDIER at

Number of student semesters you would accept to receive from ISC PARIS? / Fall 2016:
3 / Spring 2017:
General Information
Name of Institution / Lebanese American University
Country, city
Coordinator for Incoming Students / Mrs. Dina Abdulrahman
Phone: +961 1 786456 Ext. 1349
Coordinator for Outgoing Students / Mrs. Dina Abdulrahman
Phone: +961 1 786456 Ext. 1349
International Office Postal Address
without PoBox / P.O. Box 13-5053
General website / http://www.lau.edu.lb/
Website for Intal Exchange students / http://students.lau.edu.lb/study-abroad/
Academic information
Fields of study in Business / Undergraduate
Accounting, Banking and Finance
Family and Entrepreneurial Business Management
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Information Technology Management
International Business
Management and Marketing
Web URL to courses offered in English for exchange students / https://banweb.lau.edu.lb/prod/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched
Language of tuition / English
English level requirement / Please list any recommended exams and scores you do accept:
If the student has successfully completed the equivalent of at least 12 credits at home university, he/ she will not be required to sit for the SATI;
However, the student might be required to sit for an English proficiency exam (depending on home university/college)
Is an English teacher recommendation letter sufficient?
Average workload per semester for int’al exchange students / The MAXIMUM number of credits to register:
18 credits for undergraduate students
9 credits for graduate students
If students fail do you offer make-up exams? If so when? / It depends on the professor
Application procedures
FALL 2016 / SPRING 2017
Nomination deadline
Application deadline / January 31, 2016
Documents required / -Copy of your transcripts from your home university
-2 recent passport-size photos (taken within the past six months)
-A clear photocopy of your identity card or passport
-Certified copies of all official certificates or diplomas
Academic Calendar (from dd/mm/yyyy to d/mm/yyyy)
FALL 2016 / SPRING 2017
Orientation session / Late August / Beginning January
Beginning of lectures / September 1, 2016 / January18, 2017
Final exams / December / May
Note: we need your exact academic dates so that students can apply to different scholarships.
If not available yet, please indicate Early/Mid/Late + month to Early/Mid/Late + month
Additional Fees / FALL 2016 / SPRING 2017
Is your local insurance mandatory? / If so, what is the cost (one semester)
Students must have a health insurance policy that covers your stay at LAU and provide a proof of your insurance plan in order to waive the LAU insurance fees
As for the Social Security, only French students are required to bring a copy of their Social Security card in order to waive the NSSF fee off their statements. Students with other nationalities will not be charged this fee
For further info regarding medical coverage charges, please refer to student insurance plan
Any other fees?
Approximate living expenses/month / (including meals, accommodation, and other miscellaneous expenses in local currency)
Accommodation Within Beirut $600-1000/month
Outside Beirut $400-600/month
Food $400
Leisure $150