Welcome to Ms. Whiteley’sHonors English II Class

Honors English II Mission Statement: This year in honors English II, students will be working to develop into a community of learners with an intellectual respect of and enthusiasm for reading, writing, and critical thinking. As members of this learning community, we are readers and writers that must know that improvement is possible, even at the honors level, and occurs through PRACTICE. This means that we will be reading and writing a ton. This practice is for the sake of improving our skills and talents, not just in order to earn an H or an A.Our goal in this classis to enter the important discussions that have been developing since written language first came to be.

Course Goals:

  • Sharpen our skills as critical and independent thinkers, readers, and writers.
  • Create lifelong learners who go beyond simply reading and accepting information into critically analyzing information, lucidly discussing information, and making connections to other facets of life and experience.
  • Become more effective and precise communicators through practicing written and oral language.
  • Create and preserve a safe and enriching classroom community.

Essential Questions

We will be focusing on answering and discussing the following question(s) during our year together:

  • How do external forces shape the individual?
  • To what degree does the individual shape society?

Homework Policy: Homework will be given during each block. It will be posted on the board along with the agenda for the day. This information should be copied into the planner. Homework and handouts will also be posted online at Ms. Whiteley’s website. Late projects will have 10 percent deducted for each day (not each block) that the assignment is late up to 50 percent credit. Late projects and papers will only be accepted for credit a limited time after the due date. Students may choose to revise one paper (that has been turned in on time) per six week grading period for a higher grade.

Writer’s Workshop: On Fridays students will take part in Writer’s Workshop.During this time students willbe given an opportunity to take risks in trying various writing projects.At the end of the year, students will select one piece to publish. The practice of Writer’s Workshop helps us keep in mind: The more we engage in writing; the better writers we become.

Literature:Students will be exposed to a variety of literature this year including books, short stories, poems, and nonfiction. Some of the texts that we will be working with this year include Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice and Men, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies, Macbeth and a book of their choice (with parental and teacher approval).

Attendance and Tardies: Class time is important. Students must be on time to class. According to school policy, detentions will be assigned for each additional tardy after a student’s first. If you miss class, it is up to you to find out what you missed. Papers passed out during your absence will be available in the classroom or on my website.For each block missed, students will have one block to complete the work.

Grading Policy: Grades will be based on points earned. Points will be awarded depending on an activity’s degree of difficulty and required length. Participation or preparation points may also be awarded. The average of the points at the end of the term along with the final grade will determine the student's percentage or grade.

H=97–100%B+=87–89%C+=77–79% D+=67–69%F=59% or below

A=93–95 %B=83–86% C=73–76% D=63–66%

A-=94–90% B-=80–82% C-=70–72% D-=60–62%

Classroom Norms:The classroom expectations are posted. You will find that most of these can fit under the major categories of respect and responsibility. 1. Be respectful, 2. Be prepared, 3. Exercise self-discipline, and 4. Focus.

Because literature is so based upon life and conflict, we need to have an especially safe environment for class discussion. Our goal is to have every student feel comfortable in my classroom. If you, for any reason, feel uncomfortable, come to me at an appropriate time and we can work it out.

If you behave inappropriately during class, the following steps may be taken depending upon the situation:

1. Eye contact will be made.

2. A verbal warning will be given.

3. You will be asked to move seats.

4. You will be asked to serve a detention.

5. Citizenship grade will be lowered.

*A phone call or email home requesting assistance may be made at any time.

Classroom Electronic Use Policy:While technology is valuable in the classroom, it can also cause distraction. Unless they are being used at teacher request for an academic or educational activity, electronic devices such as cell phones or mp3 players should not be out or in use. Students will receive one warning, after which the device may be confiscated and returned to the student or to the student’s administrator.

Materials and Supplies:Students should furnish their own writing materials including blue or black ink pens, #2 pencils, a highlighter, a grading pen, and two packs of regular-sized sticky notes. They will also need a college rule notebook, notebook paper, anda binder exclusively for English class. Students receive a planner and are expected to have it (and use it!) at all times. Students should also have a flash drive for use in large papers and projects.

English II Policy:If a student does not successfully complete a ½ unit of English II, he or she should plan to attend summer school. If a student does not successfully complete 1 unit of English II, he or she will be required to repeat the course the following school year. English II may not be taken simultaneously with English III.

Moodle:Throughout the year students will have the opportunity to continue their learning environment onto the class Moodle (a Parkway-sponsored online, password-protected, extension of classroom space that includes message boards, quizzes, and other various opportunities to use technology to communicate as a class after school hours). If students don’t have internet access at home, computers are available during Academic Lab or after school in the library.

Communication: My door is always open. I will be available during Academic Lab and after school by appointment to help students with any questions or work. Also, parents should feel free to call or email any time using the information printed on the following page. If you have any questions, let me know.

Please read and review this material together. After you have finished reading and discussing this document, please sign below, detach, and return this page.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at the number below, or use my email address.

Ms. Melanie Whiteley

Room 2410

(314) 415-5752

Class Webpage:

Class agenda, homework, and extra handouts are posted at under the homework section.

Please detach and return by ______, 2012.


I have read and discussed this document with my student:

Guardian: ______

Guardian’s Phone: ______

Guardian’s Email: ______

I have read and understood this document:

Student: ______

Any comments, concerns, or questions: