Final Draft (18th February 2012)



















‘Act’:Means the National Sport and Recreation Act, 1998 (Act No. 110 of 1998) as amended.

Applicant:Means any sport or recreation body, local municipality, district, metro or any other organization intending to apply for funding in respect of sport or recreation.

Application of Regulations:These Regulations apply to all sport or recreation bodies and local government.

Audited Financial Statement:A written report which quantitatively describes the financial health of an organization and it must include an Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. The Audited financial statement refers to an organization’s financial statements which have been prepared and signed by a qualified accountant (the auditor).

Chief Director:Means the Chief Director of Sport and Recreation at the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport in the Western Cape.

Chief Financial Officer:Means the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport in the Western Cape.

Commercial Bodies:Connected with, or engaged in commerce sponsored or paid for by an advertiser and having profit as the main aim.

EFT:Refers to an Electronic Funds Transfer.

Eligible for Ad-hoc Funding:Athletes from the Western Cape selected to represent the South Africa at international events but cannot afford the expenses. The international event must be recognized by SASCOC and National Colours must be issued for participation by SASCOC.

Endorsement:Support or approve something/ declare for public approval.


Head of Department:Means the Head of Department at the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport in the Western Cape.

Highly Exceptional:Where an individual cannot afford to pay the costs of the trip and proof is provided however, each case is to be treated on its merits.

MTREF:Medium Term Revenue Expenditure Framework (based on a three year plan).

Official(s):Refers to the Departmental officer(s) (with no emphasis on rank) from the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport.

Professional Bodies:They receive monetary compensation for participating and they pay monetary compensation to athletes or officials for participating.

Project Plans:A detailed description of the project -: it must include the start and completion times, responsible parties / persons, interdependence of work steps, and resources needed.

Recreation:Recreation is any physical activity engaged in during one’s free time that meets all of the following criteria;

  • Voluntary participation
  • Beneficial to the individual and the society
  • Legally and morally acceptable to a specific society
  • Non competitive”.

(Draft White Paper on Sport and Recreation, January 2011)

Representative(s):Refers to nominated/appointed stakeholders / role-players by the Department to represent the Department at meetings, projects gatherings, etc.

Sport: Sport means a physical activity which, through casual or organised participation obtaining results at all levels of competition, leads to improved physical and mental well-being whilst also contributing to social relationships(Draft White Paper on Sport and Recreation, January 2011)


Subsidies and grants-in-aid:Unrequitedpaymentsthat the department make to statutory

bodies, public corporations which normally have a direct policy outcome, either by subsidisingprice of goods and services or by influencing level of production.

Transfer payments:Unrequited payments that the department make to an entity/institution in terms of a Memorandum of Agreement, duly signed by both parties, to subsidise their expenditure to meetthe departmental approved objectives.

  1. Preamble:

The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) has an ongoing commitment to the development of sport and recreation opportunities for all its citizens. To facilitate the aforementioned, financial support is provided to its clients through this Sport and Recreation Funding guideline and gives effect to its vision and mission statements. The DCAS Vision and mission are as follows;


A socially cohesive, creative and active Western Cape.


We encourage excellence and inclusiveness in sport and culture through the effective, efficient and sustainable use of our resources, and through creative partnerships with others. In moving to excellence, we will create the conditions for access and mass participation, talent identification and skills development.

  1. Aims:

The aims of this funding programme are the following:

(a)ensure viable, well managed administered sport and recreation bodies;

(b)assist with the development of our sportspeople;

(c)assist with the development of sport and recreation federations;

(d)ensure participation for a healthy lifestyle and social interaction of all people of the Western Cape, with a particular bias towards marginalized groups;

(e)promote the Western Cape as the sport and recreation Mecca and develop linkages with tourism and other industries;

(f)stimulate an economic benefit to the community;

(g)assist with the achievement of excellence;

(h)assist with the provision of facilities;

(i)encourage creativity and self-reliance on the sport and recreation bodies.

  1. Eligibility:


The Western Cape Provincial Sport Council (WCPSC), consisting of affiliates of the Regional Sport Councils and DCAS appointed Delegate, who serve Ex Officioand agreed on the following:

(a)Funding for Sport and Recreation bodies, including the WCPSC will take place according to an accountable set of criteria.

(b)Grants-in-aid will be made available only to Provincial Sport and Recreation Associations, Provincial, Regional, Local Sport Councils and Regional Sport and Recreation Federations and not their affiliates.

(c)Consideration will also be given to NGO, Trust, Educational Institutions and other relevant entities on an agreed partnership venture.

(d)All applications have to be recommended by the relevant RegionalAuthority.

(e)The size of annual grants to bona fide regional/ provincial federations/associations will be determined according to an acceptable formula agreed to by the WCPSC and the Department.


The following clients will be eligible for funding from the Department:

(a)Macro provincial sport and recreation bodies recognized by the Department;

(b)Provincial sport federations/associations affiliated to the recognized macro-bodies;

(c)Regional Local Sport and Recreation Councils affiliated to one of the macro provincial sport and recreation bodies;

(d)Local Authorities;

(e)Educational institutions.

NOTE: No federation and regional sport council funding applications will be considered without the endorsement of the relevant Regional Sport Council.

3.3Qualification Criteria:

3.3.1Basic guidelines:

In order to qualify for financial support, Provincial federation/associations should follow certain predetermined guidelines.

  1. Process

Sport associations and federations are hereby notified of the process that is required to be followed;

What / Who
1. / Forms are generated and forwarded to Regional Offices during April annually. / Head Office
Regional Sport Council
Regional Office
2. / Application forms to be distributed to clients. Closing date to be 31 October annually. / Regional Office and Regional Sport Councils
3. / Forms are placed on various websites. / Head Office
4. / Endorsed applications to be received by the required regional offices by the stipulated deadline. / Regional Office
Regional Sport Council
5. / Compilation and verification of applicants. / Regional Office
Regional Sport Councils
6. / Evaluation grids to be compiled and processed. / Head Office, Regional Office and Regional Sport Councils
7. / Annual Evaluation Meetings with clients by late January to mid February. / Head Office, Regional Office and Regional Sport Councils
8. / Allocations to clients completed by first week of March. / Head Office and Regional Office
9. / Allocations to be endorsed by Western Cape Provincial Sport Council by the end of March. / Head Office/WCPSC
10. / Submission to be completed during first week in April. / Head Office
11. / Approval of submission. / Head Office
12. / 1st Funding Ceremony. / Head Office/Regional – Sport Council/ Office
13. / 2nd Funding Ceremony. / Head Office/Regional – Sport Council/ Office
14. / 3rd Funding Ceremony. / Head Office/Regional – Sport Council/ Office
15. / 4th Funding Ceremony. / Head Office/Regional – Sport Council/ Office
16. / All contracts to be completed. Copies to be made and scanned of all contracts for record keeping purposes. / Head Office/Regional – Sport Council/ Office
17. / All payments to be completedby end of June. / Head Office
18. / Evaluation session of funding process. / Regional Sport Council/Head Office
19. / Monitoring and evaluation processes throughout the year. / Regional Sport Council/Head Office
20 / Application forms for the new financial year to be distributed during April annually. / Regional Office
Regional Sport Councils
  1. Project plans

5.1The application for funds must be accompanied by a project plan detailing how the priorities of government will be met. Increased representation in marginalized communities, women in sport, sports for the disabled are the key performance areas.

5.2Clear and measurable objectives must be documented in the project plan (number of participants, defined target groups etc.) Statistics from past project plans will be compared so that growth and development can be measured.

5.3Federations shall be called upon to defend the priorities outlined in their project plans in the shape of annual evaluation meetings (AEM) as called by the Department.

5.4The Department awards allocations to federations according to criteria as set out.

5.5Any changes to the project plan must be forwarded to the Department by the president or secretary of the federation in writing.

5.6.Business plans must be linked to the MTREF period of government. Once per MTREF period a client must present their business plans.

  1. Annual funding ceremony

6.1Allocations to federations shall be announced at the annual funding ceremony.

6.2It is highly recommended for the President/Chairperson and or the Secretary and Treasurer to attend the funding ceremony as the agreements must be signed.

6.3Government priorities, procedures and matters of mutual concern will be addressed at this meeting.

6.4The annual funding ceremonies shall be held in each region of the province.

  1. Contracts

The Department shall enter into contracts with clients once its application for funds has been approved on the basis of the above criteria. With regard to completion of the contract, the following must be adhered to:

-A black pen must be used;

-Ensure that the bank details are correct;

- Sign in full next to clauses where any changes, additions or hand written inputs are featured;

-Four witnesses must initial the bottom of each page. The last page must be signed in full where stated;

-Give the official street address and not the postal address under the domicilium et executandi;

-Only the officially designated representative of the federation may sign the contract;

Changes to the contracts can only be effected via annexure signed by all parties involved in the original agreement. Such changes can be validated only if requested and agreed upon before the event/item described in the agreement took place.


To be eligible for funding,clients must:

(a)be a unified and democratically elected body with registered


(b)demonstrate a need for development and have viabledevelopment

and transformation programmes;

(c)demonstrate an ability to manage the funds effectively;

(d)publicly recognise the Department’s support for particular projects;

(e)enter into the necessary contractual arrangements with the Department;

(f)use the financial support exclusively for the advancement of sport and recreation;

(g)support free association and participation;

(h)hold Annual, Biennial or Quadrennial General Meetings;

(i)hold regular Executive Committee Meetings;

(j)be a nonprofit body;

(k)have effectively used all previous payments, received from the Department;

(l)if requested, agree to use funding in a manner specifically designated by the Department;

(m)be prepared to submit future development plans to the Department. Being unable to provide development plans can lead to an application being unsuccessful;

(n)not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, gender, religious affiliation, class, ethnic group, or persons with disabilities;

(o)demonstrate a clear programme of bias towards women and persons with disabilities;

(p)Submit annual audited financial statements.

7.1.2Exclusions: is not available to:

(a)Organizations which did not use the previous funding from theDepartment adequately and effectively;

(b)Commercial or professional bodies;

(c)Pay bonuses, participation fees, prize money or commissionsto participants/promoters/marketers;

(d)Any Provincial, Regional sport federation/association that is not recognized as a unified structure and is not recognized bythe Western Cape Provincial Sport Council or whose membership is suspended or terminated by the relevant Regional Sport Council;

(e)Individuals, clubs and schools;

(f)Clients that provide services/programmes for a restricted number of participants or are exclusive on racial, class,gender, religious or ethnic grounds and not readily accessible to the general public;

(g)Cover retrospective costs incurred by the organisation. Department further reserves the right to:

(a)withdraw its funding in order to ensure that a sport and recreation body deals with its general administration on a sound basis;

(b)withhold its financial support from any sport and recreation bodythat does not take action against any of its members who are guilty of the use of prohibited substances;

(c)send a Departmental officer(s)/representative(s) to attend as an observer(s) at any project that the Department has given financialsupport for or attend an annual general meeting of a federation;

(d)withdraw its funding or part thereof if there is a breach of contract on the part of the recipient of the funds.

8.National Key Strategic Areas:

8.1.Funds will be distributed based on the ability of the beneficiaries to meet the needs of thesport and recreation public within the ambit of the following national key strategic areas;


Sixteen years into democracy and the sporting environment still experience a skewed picture in terms of facilities and access to sport participation and development. There is slow progress in the transformation programme of sport and the call from society for a rethinking and re-definition of the transformation approach in Sport and Recreation in South Africa.

b)School Sport

School sport is an integral part of mass participation in sport and plays a pivotal role in sport growth and development.

c)Institutional Mechanisms

In the delivery of sport and recreation programmes, the following fundamental instruments will be prioritized;


ii)Sport Councils,

iii)Academies, and


d)Mass Mobilization

In order to realize the national goals, the Ministry and SRSA will take on board and involve masses of people, from all corners of the Republic in South African activities through dedicated and tailor-made mass based programmes and projects. As enablers of Mass Mobilization, the strategic imparitives hereunder will be prioritized;

i)Youth camps,

ii)Job creation,

iii)Communication, and

iv)Mass Participation.


There is an unfortunate lack of support and recognition for recreation in the mandate of the Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA). This has an untended negative impact on communities in dire need of recreation facilities.Therefore, support and recognition must be accelerated for recreation.


Noting that the government, private sector and international donors make available the necessary funds for sport and recreation. The need to establish a National Sport Funding Forum, incorporating the Sport Trust becomes essential; to coordinate the allocation of financial resources at all levels.

8.2.Funding will therefore be provided for the following types of programmes to meet the national and provincial strategic areas;

(a)Development Programmes

There is a need for development on a broad base. The purpose of development programmes should rather be to render services, primarily to

members of the disadvantaged community, with a view to their social cohesion through the creation of equal opportunities for all. The secondary purpose being the improvement of the level of achievement in sport/recreation.

Development consists of two components, namely human resources and physical resources.

(b)Corrective Action: Transformation/ equal opportunities

In order to assist clients to be more successful in involving representatives from the disadvantaged communities especially women and persons with disabilities in all activities, funds will be made available for attendance of meetings, administration, rural involvement, assistance with capacity building in newly formed clubs and increased representation in all aspects of sport. This particular fund is short term and time bound and is directed primarily at selected federations that do not have access to major sponsorship.

(c)Education and Training:

The Department will consider the provision of funds for Education and Training programmes that is recognized by the respective federations and education training authorities.

(d)Women in Sport:

In order to improve the number of women involved in sport and recreation, at all levels, i.e., administration, officiating, coaching and participation, funding will be provided for specific programmes that will achieve this objective.


The Department will provide funding as equitable as possible in order to ensure that all persons who are interested in particular sport and recreation will have access to the sport and recreational activity of their choice.

(f)Administration/ Corporate Governance

The successful implementation of sport and recreation programmes is dependent on efficient and satisfactory administration. The grant will be determined according to the number of participants, provincial, regional and club structures as well as the annual programme of events. Funds will also be made available for administration courses.

(g)Leadership/Volunteer programmes:

Funds will be allocated to assist clients of the Department to conduct leadership training courses and programmes to develop the involvement of volunteers.

(h)International Participation:

(i)Funding to assist people from the Western Cape who were selected torepresent South Africa and is awarded Protea Colours in recognized international competition,will beconsidered;