Coningsby Town Council

Meeting 25th September 2008

Invited guests, Fred Bailey Memorial Shield, Winners Mr & Mrs F Cottingham 12 Fairfield,

runners up,Mr & Mrs E Stennet 60 High St, Mr G Scarbro Sycamore House, Mr & Mrs E Farrant 12 Dogdyke Rd, Mr & Mrs R Sellars 18 School Lane; Community award to Marina View, commended awards to 32,33,34, 35 Hawthorn Hill. Prizes awarded by Mrs Mary Bailey and Mayor Cllr P Donnellan.

Public Forum:- 4 members of public had objections to the Dell Haven Homes planning application ref: S/035/02068/08, revised plans were viewed, and information given to resubmit any objections directly to ELDC.

4 members of public queried the change of use of Russell Greens shop to a Take Away & restaurant; the shop has recently been sold, they were informed that the application had been passed 2yrs ago;Council were unable to confirm if this was still the intention of the new owners but the application is still current.

Youth Worx representative informed of the LCC decision to cut off the Internet Service to all Youth organisations, (May 2007 when the contract ran out) Youth Worx Coningsby would like to arrange access for this site for use under supervision; this will be at a cost of around £175, a request was made for help with this. Three new youth workers have been employed enabling more sessions to be arranged and longer opening times.

In attendance

Mayor Councillor P Donnellan, Deputy Mayor Cllr Mrs R Sharples, Councillors, M Foster, M Rickard, K Moorhouse, J Ranshaw, D Johnson, R Curtis, Mrs J Roseveare, Mrs M Walker & Mrs M Wilson. Clerk Mrs K Roberts. PCSO Gary Skipworth.

  1. Welcome from Mayor
  2. No Apologies
  3. Declarations of Interest- Cllr Mrs J Roseveare Item 11. & Item 13. Cllr R Curtis Item 11
  4. Draft Notes- Previously circulated Cllr Mrs M Walker proposed as true record Cllr D Johnson seconded, all agreed Notes were signed and dated.
  5. Police Report-Gary Skipworth (PCSO) reported a spate of petty crime had swept the village making the figures look bad, enquiries are on going. Parking on the new restricted areas in the village, Police have been giving warnings to offenders to date any second offenders have been given parking tickets; it was felt that the probation period was over and tickets will be issued to anyone caught parking during restricted times.
  6. Youth Report- A letter of support was requested to support the action taken by leaders at Youthworx to provide Internet Access; funding request to be discussed next meeting.
  7. Flood Warden- Mr Dick Owen has agreed to undertake training and become our third Flood Warden, Cllr D Johnson proposed that we accept Mr Owens offer and sign him up, seconded Cllr Mr M Walker; all in favour, Environment Agency to be informed.
  8. Allan Barker Project- Councillor Mrs R Sharples gave an update for those Councillors who were unable to attend the meeting, Groundworks Lincolnshire are actively seeking funds and some of the landscaping should begin this Autumn; Cllr Moorhouse questioned the size and surface of the proposed MUGA, Clerk will contact Martin Ely to clarify details. It was agreed to apply for building regulations for the extension works at a cost of £600 per sq mt, this will cost the Council £307.71. Part Three of the plan for the works; all Councillors have a copy of this document setting out the details and time scale of project, proposal from Cllr Mrs J Roseveare that we sign this and get the work started, seconded Cllr D Johnson all in favour, Clerk signed and dated document.
  9. Donation Poppy Wreaths- Proposal, £75 Cllr Mrs J Roseveare, seconded Cllr Mrs M Wilson all in favour.
  10. Fee LALC AGM- Three delegates @ £18.50 total of £55.50 proposal to pay this Cllr M Wilson, seconded Cllr Mrs M Walker, all in favour.
  11. Funding Scouts/Guides – after discussion Cllr D Johnson proposed that Council precept £500 per year for three years giving a total donation of £1500, one thousand five hundred pounds over three years; seconded Cllr M Rickard, all in favour, first payment to be next financial year.
  12. Waiting Restrictions- this item had been covered by police report councillors agreed to leave the signage as is and see how things progress.
  13. Seating Area, Bells- Council do not want to remove the seating this would be a loss to the community as a whole, the area is now covered by CCTV and the problems have decreased significantly, Clerk to arrange some signage to inform Parishioners of CCTV coverage.
  14. Finance Meeting – Tuesday 6th January at 7pm in Community Hall.
  15. General Condition of Village – Clerk to write to Linx Homes regarding the “Half Way House” on High Street and Veolia Grass cutters both these need to be tidied up.
  16. Hedge cutting Cemetery- Four quotes received- Proposal to offer the work to Mark Granby at a total cost of £550 to cut boundary and central hedge and clear all debris from site, Cllr Mrs M Walker, seconded Cllr K Moorhouse, all in favour.
  17. War Memorial gardens – proposal to purchase some spring bulbs to plant under the Catoniaster Cllr Mrs J Roseveare, seconded Cllr K Moorhouse, all in favour. Proposal to dig out the area of grass along the Cemetery Wall and fill with gravel or bark Cllr D Johnson Seconded Cllr R Curtis all in favour. Clerk to contact gardener.
  18. Planning -S/035/02068/08 Dell Haven Homes-Councillors requested that this application be called to committee. S/035/02579/08 – two storey ext to existing dwelling- no objections. S/035/01583/08- Toothill Farm- application withdrawn by applicant. Street naming Chestnut Homes site off Old Boston Road S/035/02412/06 Council agreed Milson Court for road 2, suggest Kings Manor for road 1 as apposed to Manor Drive. All in favour, Clerk to inform EDLC & Chestnut Homes.
  19. Accounts For payment – Proposal to pay all accounts as listed for August & September, plus items 9 & 10 as resolved this meeting.


Tiscali Standing order July / £9.01
Tiscali Broadband Standing Order / £14.99
BT office phone bill / £64.35
Safelincs - Office safe / £660.00
Sprint Signs / £213.85
Goodwins, broom play area, padlock pavilion / £36.15
Veolia grass cutting / £427.58
Salaries Clerk, Pav CT, Play A.CT, Clk Winder / £1,188.56
Invoiced salaries Cem. CT, War Graves, Village Grass / £561.08
Inland Revenue / £270.07
Auditors Fee / £470.00
CCTV £3000 grant + £3000 loan / £6,000.00
TattershallPrimary School ( hire of floor cleaner) / £25.00
Tiscali Standing Order / £14.99
Community Hall / £15.00
Coningsby Bookshop Civic invitations / £7.99
BDL Pavilion garage door / £920.00
Salaries, Clerk, Pav Ct, Play A.CT, Clk Winder / £1,230.54
Invoiced Salaries Cem Ct, War Graves, Village Grass / £741.08
Inland Rev. / £211.67
Veolia grass cutting / £857.49
100 x 2nd class stamps / £27.00
E.ON Allan Barker / £160.57
Sivills engraving / £7.55
ROSPA / £141.00
  1. District Councillors report – Councillor ray Curtis reported that East Lindsey has come top in the recycling tables for Lincolnshire with a total of 58% of all waste being recycled successfully. Cllr Curtis urged Councillors to go along to the Area meetings if they could they are a useful source of information; we can also put items forward for discussion.
  2. Clerks Report – Tattershall with Thorpe are hosting a Probation Service Presentation Councillors are invited. ELDC have submitted its notification to British Telecom strongly objected to the removal of any public call boxes in the district. Contact with Linx Homes regarding the waste land at LaythorpeGardens; re allotments- they are hoping to develop this area for affordable housing. New PA to the Chairman of ELDC Miss Amy Jaines. Clerk to try and source Christmas tree for Church grounds also ask Kate Pinfold form Youthworx if they would switch on the lights this year. Switch on and Carol Service 6pm December 7th with refreshments as last year.

Meeting Closed.