I/ We wish to become members of the Association for Roman Archaeology, valid until March 31st 2018.

UK AND IRISH REPUBLIC - Membership fees -Please tick the appropriate box

Single £ 25.00 per annum

Joint £30.00 per annum

Family (up to 2 children) £35.00 per annum

UK AND IRISH REPUBLIC Discounted Rates for 3 year membership

Single £60.00

Joint £75.00

Family (up to 2 children) £90.00

OVERSEAS – Membership fees – Cheques in Sterling only please

Single £55.00 per annum

Joint/Family £70.00 per annum

I/ We enclose a cheque for £ ………………………………..

(Including £………………………………….. as a Donation)

or Complete the Standing Order Mandate on page 2 (UK residents only) and return to the Treasurer.

Please complete the following section in block capitals and black ink:

Name in full (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Other) …………………………………………………......

Address……………………………………………………………………...... ……...

……………………………………………………………………………...... ……...



Telephone (optional) ………………………………………………………......

Email Address: ……………………………………………………………......

Date: ………………………………………………………………………......

Please make cheques payable to : The Association for Roman Archaeology and post to:

The Director, The Association for Roman Archaeology, 75 York Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 2JU.

Note: Membership details will be maintained on a computer database but will NOT be passed to any other organization.


I wish the Association for Roman Archaeology to benefit from the Gift Aid legislation. This declaration applies to all subscriptions I make after 6th April 2016.

Signed………………………………… Date…………………………………………

Note: Only sign if you wish to donate in this way AND are a UK tax payer and pay an amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax we reclaim on your subscription/donation.


Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay Standing Orders.

Paying your membership by Standing Order means that your subscription is paid directly to The Association for Roman Archaeology from your bank account every 12 months. It also saves us administration costs and you the trouble of sending us a cheque every year; thus you contribute even more to the charity activities at no extra cost. This Order may be used in conjunction with the Deed of Covenant or as a normal Standing Order.

In either case, please complete and send it to THE ASSOCIATION FOR ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY and NOT direct to your bank.

1. Name(s) of Account Holder(s):

2. Name and full postal address of your Bank

or Building Society branch.

3. Branch Sort Code:

(from top right hand corner of cheque)

4. Bank or Building Society Account Number:

5. Instruction to your Bank or Building Society:

6. Reference……………………………. (To be completed by ARA Membership Secretary)

Please pay Santander BB UK, Bridle Road, Bootle. L30 4GB to the account of The Association for Roman Archaeology Ltd [Sort Code 09-01-29, Account Number 07447178] the sum of: £ immediately and then on the 1st April 2018 , and on the same day each year thereafter or until cancelled.

Please ensure that all appropriate parts of the form are completed and any alterations are initialed, and then send to: The Director, Association for Roman Archaeology, 75 York Road, Swindon. SN1 2JU