COMMITTEE NAME: Executive Committee

September 6, 2017 / Time:
10:00 a.m. to noon / Presiding:
Anthony DiFabio / Recorded By:
Shauna Moses
Attendees: Bob Budsock (via conference call), Tony Comerford, Anthony DiFabio, Susan Loughery, Pete Scerbo, Greg Speed
Staff: Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Absent: Deborah Hartel, Joe Masciandaro
Approval of Minutes from the May 3, 2017 Meeting / N/A / The minutes were m/s/p. / N/A / N/A
Board Presi-dent’s Report / The importance of prioritizing issues and activities based on what is determined to be best for all members was emphasized.
It was stated that rather than advocating for a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), NJAMHAA should advocate for upward rate/contract adjustments to be based on the inflationary index and to focus on the cost of doing business. / It was stated that issues should be orga-nized in three cate-gories – Transition of Services to the Depart-ment of Health (DOH); Gubernatorial Election; Other Policy Issues to Address with Policymakers and Legislators – although there will be some overlap.
A draft position paper to be presented to the gubernatorial candi-dates was shared with the committee mem-bers. Feedback and recommendations were requested.
It was stated that the recommendations in the position paper should be categorized as Funding, Licensing & Regulations the COLA recommen-dation should be removed and the first three recommenda-tions should be com-bined into one. (continued) / Ongoing
By September 8, 2017
Following this meeting / Board members and staff
Board members
Mary Abrams, Shauna Moses, Debra Wentz
Board Presi-dent’s Report (continued) / It was stated that the Children’s Practice Group’s position paper should be revised in the context of the transition to the new Administration. / To be discussed at the Sept. 19, 2017 Children’s Practice Group Meeting / Agenda: Mary Abrams, Debra Wentz
Transition of Services to DOH / The following key advocacy points were identified: Adequate funding with a built-in inflationary factor for fee-for-service rates and contracts; stakeholder input for development of policies; necessity of the inclusion of social determinants in any model serving individuals with behavioral health conditions. / Upcoming Meeting with DOH Commis-
sioner Cathleen Bennett: The agenda items were developed.
It was agreed that highlights of the meeting with Com-missioner Bennett will be shared with mem-bers in Newswire. This article will include action steps members should take and an invitation for them to share feedback at Practice Group and Membership meetings, as strategies to engage members.
County Meetings: It was agreed that staff and members who attend the county meetings should make the following points: (1) New Jersey’s community-based providers have a long history of providing behavioral health services. Providers have expertise and their services contri-bute to reductions in the use of emergency rooms and need for inpatient care. (2) The transition needs to strengthen the
(continued) / Sept. 22, 2017
Sept. 22, 2017 following the meeting at DOH / Agenda: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Transition of Services to DOH (continued) / It was recommended that the Board consider inviting Past Presidents to a lunch meeting to discuss NJAMHAA’s main advocacy points regarding this transition as a way to both benefit from their knowledge and experience and to re-engage them. / behavioral healthcare system as it is integra-ted into overall health care. If not handled carefully, this transi-tion could be detri-mental not only to the workforce and pro-grams, but also to consumers. (3) Over-arching issues are the need for adequate funding and the ongoing unmet need, especially as the opi-oid crisis continues and the rates of mental health issues and sui-cides are increasing. (4) There must be stakeholder input.
It was agreed that the Addictions, Adult Mental Health (AMH) and CFO Practice Groups will be asked for feedback on the transition overall and specifically on funding, licensing and regulations.
It was agreed that an invitation will be sent from Anthony DiFabio and Greg Speed. Staff will draft it. / As meetings are scheduled over the next few weeks
Sept. meetings that will take place before the Sept. 20, 2017 Board/Member-ship Meeting
Shauna will e-mail the request to the AMH group because their next meeting will be Sept. 26, 2017. [This was completed.]
By Sept. 14, 2017 / Members and staff
Agendas: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses, Mary Abrams
Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Upcoming Events / It was stated that efforts continue to schedule a gubernatorial forum and noted the possibility of having two forums (one with each candidate and his/her running mate).
It was noted that NJAMHAA and the Center for Non-Profits are planning to hold an Open House in late November. / N/A
N/A / N/A
N/A / N/A
Innovation Council / A proposal was made to reactivate NJAMHAA’s Innovation Council.
It was noted that grant funding may be available for multiple agencies to work together to develop innovative approaches to care and that the Council could become the NJAMHAA Innovation Incubator. / The group agreed to continue discussion about this at future Executive Committee meetings and that planning can begin, although this Council should not be launched until next year when the transi-tion of services to DOH is more under way. / Nov. 1, 2017 – next Executive Committee meeting / Agenda: Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Strategic Alliances / It was noted that many members are also part of other trade associ-ations, which can be costly. Attendees were asked when would be a good time to pursue a possible strategic alliances or mergers with other trade associations. / It was agreed that NJAMHAA will send letters to other trade associations introdu-cing NJAMHAA to them and requesting a meeting to share ideas and strategies for collaboration. / TBD / Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
New Jersey Mental Health Institute (NJMHI) / It was announced that NJMHI was planning to apply for funding from a local Rotary Club and Rotary International to augment donations received for the Sri Lanka Mental Health Relief Project to implement the third phase. The project has been on a hiatus as it needs to be recast to align with the goals and guide-lines of Rotary International. That will be explored and attempted. Should that not occur, scaling back the project with the available funds will be explored through NJMHI.
(continued) / N/A / N/A / N/A
NJMHI (continued) / It was reported that the grant funding for training on evidence-based practices for serving veterans is continuing. / N/A / N/A / N/A

Upcoming Meetings

Board/Membership Meeting: September 20, 2017, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at NJAMHAA

Executive Committee Meeting: November 1, 2017, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at NJAMHAA