FY16 Sustainability Project Grant Application

Student Sustainability Initiative

Oregon State University

Sustainability Project Grant Instructions


About the Student Sustainability Initiative

The Oregon State University (OSU) Student Sustainability Initiative (SSI) is a student-fee funded, student-led organization whose mission is to create a culture of sustainability at OSU through opportunity, education, and action. The SSI strives to address all three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic.

About the SSI Project Grant Program

"On a sustainable campus, the built environment, operational systems, research, scholarship, and education are linked as a “living laboratory” for sustainability. Users (such as students, faculty, and staff) have access to research, teaching, and learning opportunities on connections between environmental, social, and economic issues." - International Sustainable Campus Network-Global University Leaders Forum (ISCN-GULF) Sustainable Campus Charter

SSI believes our campus can be a model living laboratory for sustainability. The Sustainability Project Grant Program provides OSU students with opportunities to create a more sustainable institution by taking an active role in creating the world they wish to see. SSI will fund student or student organization-led projects designed to advance the sustainability of the Corvallis campus’ built environment, operations, policy, or student learning/engagement. In line with the SSI’s vision, applications must advance a culture of sustainability at OSU through action, education, and opportunity. Preference will be given to proposals that clearly impact the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of the Corvallis campus. For examples of past projects, visit our website http://sli.oregonstate.edu/ssi/grants/funded-projects.

Project Grant Terms

Individual students, student groups, and student organizations whose members are in good academic standing with Oregon State University who are enrolled in at least 6 credits at the Corvallis campus are eligible to apply for Project Grants. Applications must include at least one student leader and one additional contact or sponsor to be considered. Unfortunately, students who are exclusively eCampus, online, or Cascades campus students are not eligible due to the student fee structure.


Available Funds

During fiscal year 2016, the SSI may release up to $21,600 to the OSU Corvallis campus community in the form of Project Grants. Applicants may request up to $6,000. Please note that applicants may be awarded less than their requested amount.

Review Process

The SSI Fee Board will convene a panel to review applications and may request interviews to ask applicants further questions.

Evaluation Criteria

Preference will be given to new projects rather than on-going projects seeking funding year after year. Project grants will be evaluated according to the following rubric*:

Area / Points
The project’s ability to address one or more of the core aspects of sustainability (environmental, social, economic) / 25
Impact and learning for the general student population / 25
Feasibility (including budget, timeline, and qualifications of applicants) / 20
Educational value for the grant applicant(s) / 10
Cost effectiveness and sustainable purchasing / 10
Lasting impact of the project / 10
TOTAL / 100

* The board may choose not to fund applications for other reasons. Other evaluation criteria may include diversity of applications received, project creativity, etc. However, project applications that do not meet minimum requirements in these areas will not be approved.

Application Instructions

To apply for a project grant, submit a completed application form and required attachments as a single PDF titled “SSI Project Grant FY15 [student’s last name]” to Kim Helm, SSI Grant Manager, at kimberly.helm[at]oregonstate.edu by 11:59 PM PST on Monday, November 16, 2015.

required attachments

Attachment 1: Budget

1)  Please provide a line-item budget estimating all costs for the project (including in-kind donations and items funded through other sources). Please include information about where your purchases are being sourced and the sustainability of the materials. SSI will give preference to budgets that reflect consideration of the ethical, material, and economic sustainability of proposed expenses. Consider borrowing, renting, or sourcing donated materials. Reimbursements are NOT permissible; therefore approved grant purchases should not occur until after the mandatory orientation. Preference will also be given to projects that utilize volunteer labor and engage students, but contracted labor costs will be considered. Follow the example below:

Expense / Unit Price / # of Units / Total Price / Funding Source/Donation / Vendor / Sustainability factors considered
Catered lunch (sandwiches) / $8.95 / 30 / $268.50 / SSI Project Grant / Valley Catering / Vendor sources produce from local farms. Meal will be vegetarian and based on seasonal ingredients.
Event fliers / $0.14 / 50 / $7.00 / Donation from Dept. of Public Policy / Printing & Mailing / 100% recycled paper; majority of advertising will be electronic

Unallowable expenses:

·  MU space rental

·  Durable materials for off-campus projects

·  Student wages

·  Materials for infrastructure projects on non-student fee funded sites

·  Gift cards/prizes

Attachment 2: Timeline

Please create a timeline of your project goals and milestones and when they will be accomplished. All projects should be completed by June 30, 2016. Be specific and narrow dates down to at least the month scale (“February” or “mid-February” versus “January- March”). This is meant to demonstrate to the board your level of organization and commitment, as well as to help you prepare for the project.

Attachment 3: Resume

Please provide a current resume for each of the project leaders.

Attachment 4: Letters of support/approval from project partners and all appropriate campus authorities
If you are partnering with student organizations, departments, or faculty mentor, please attach a letter of support from each partner outlining their responsibilities and commitment to the project. If you plan to construct a permanent or semi-permanent sustainability feature on campus, you are required to submit evidence of approval from all appropriate campus authorities. This may include, but is not limited to, the building owner, Campus Planning, Facilities & Maintenance, the Historic District. Please contact Jen Christion Myers at Jen.ChristionMyers[at]oregonstate.edu at least 6 weeks in advance of the application due date for assistance securing required campus permissions.

Appendix: Supplemental Materials

Please include any additional materials necessary for the SSI Fee Board to fully understand the scope and purpose of your proposed project.


Student awardees are required to submit periodic “temperature checks” during the award period and a two-page project report due two weeks after the project is completed. Temperature checks will be used to evaluate project progress. The board reserves the right to discontinue funding if sufficient progress on the project has not been achieved or adequately explained. The final report should contain a summary of activities and an assessment of the impact of those activities on the student’s learning and on sustainability at OSU. This report will be posted on the Student Sustainability Initiative website. Recipients who fail to submit the required final report will be ineligible to receive future funding from the Student Sustainability Initiative.

The final report should contain the following points:

1.  Header: including student name(s), title of project, award information (date of award, amount of award).

2.  A brief summary of the project including an assessment of the sustainability outcomes achieved.

3.  A statement explaining other benefits from the SSI award including additional scholarly activities, collaborative relationships, and any publications or other funding made possible for the student as a result of this award.

4.  A reflective statement about what you learned and how you were impacted by completing this project including successes and unexpected hurdles, partnerships created or strengthened, and how you will apply what you learned in your classes or future endeavors.

5.  Photos, illustrations, or video clips that reflect your work.

6.  An outline of the on-going maintenance plan and/or long-term impacts expected from the project.

7.  Please also submit a short, accessible blog post describing your project outcomes and learning for posting on the OSU Ecologue.

Submit the final report electronically saved as “SSI Project Grant Final Report [student’s last name]” to Kimberly.Helm[at]oregonstate.edu.

Sustainability Project Grant Application


[Project Name HERE]


Date Here]

Organization Name Here]

Organization Address Here]

Organization Website Here]

Name of Primary Leader Here]

Mailing Address Here]

Email Address Here]

Phone Number Here]

Undergraduate or Graduate Here]

Major/Program: Here]

GPA: Here]

Number of credits enrolled in: Here]

Anticipated graduation date: Here]

Name of Secondary Contact Here]

Mailing Address Here]

Email Address Here]

Phone Number Here]

Undergraduate or Graduate Here]

Major/Program: Here]

GPA: Here]

Number of credits enrolled in: Here]

Anticipated graduation date: Here]

Have you been awarded an SSI grant before? Yes No

If Yes, Grant Type, Project Title, Award Amount & Date Awarded Here]


Name Here]

Start Date Here]

End Date Here]

Total Requested Here]


Please provide a brief summary of your proposal. (100-200 words)

Project Purpose & Relevance to Sustainability

Please describe the need for this project and how it will promote a culture of sustainability at OSU. Be sure to address the project’s effects on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability, and how it addresses these holistically. (250-500 words, written for a general audience, avoiding jargon and unexplained acronyms)

Project Goals and Outcomes

Please outline your project goals, expected outcomes, and a brief description of the steps you will take to accomplish your goals. Make sure your goals follow SMART guidelines. How will you measure your impact? Please include evaluation measures for both qualitative and quantitative data. (see: *Please see SSI Project Grant Website for link for guidance developing SMART Goals.) (200-300 words)

Lasting Impact & Maintenance Plan

What are the long-term benefits of the project? How will it continue after the grant period is completed? Please specifically address who will own purchased materials and who will be responsible for ongoing maintenance. What is the end-of-life plan for disposal of project materials? (100-300 words)

Value for Project Leaders/Team

What do you hope to learn from this project? How will it support your academic, professional, and personal learning objectives? Speak specifically to the sustainability knowledge and skills you hope to gain or enhance through this opportunity. How will you apply your learning in the future? *If this is a group application, each team member should complete this section individually. (250-500 words)

Qualifications and Experience

Please describe why you are interested in pursuing this project, and why you believe you’re qualified to carry out this project. Include any relevant experience you have (volunteer work, employment, courses, etc.). *If this is a group application, each team member should complete this section individually. (100-250 words)

Value for the Student Body

How will your project impact the general student body? What is your marketing plan to advertise it on campus? How will you share the results with other students? (100-200 words)


Please provide a list of students, groups, and/or mentors you will work with to complete your project and briefly describe each partner’s role. Be sure to include a letter of support from each partner in Attachment 4. (100-200 words)

Multi-Year Projects

If you received SSI Project Grant funds in the past, please include a brief description of your previous project. What were your major successes, failures, and lessons learned? What would you change based on what you’ve learned? If this request is for an on-going project, how do you intend to sustain the project after this funding cycle? (100-300 words)

Questions should be directed to the SSI Grant Manager (kimberly.helm[at]oregonstate.edu).