Additional File 4: The search strings used for internet search engines

Google Scholar

Date: Searches were conducted between 09/10/2013 - 13/12/2013

Search Strategy:

The final search strings for Google Scholar are shown below.

The search strategy for Google Scholar comprised of individually pairing all alternative livelihood synonyms and specific alternative livelihood activities with (biodiversity OR conservation) using the AND Boolean operator. Google Scholar does not use automatic stemming when phrases are enclosed in speech marks (“”). As a result, both the singular and plural forms of the word are used.

During scoping, the first 50 results were searched for documents that referred to alternative livelihoods within the context of the definition used for the review. TOf the terms that produced relevant hits further scoping was carried to remove terms that produced results that only referred to an alternative livelihood in a brief or indirect way, such as recommending the use of an alternative livelihood intervention.

Final Search Strings for Google Scholar (English)
Alternative livelihood synonyms paired with biodiversity OR conservation
1) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “alternative regenerative livelihood OR livelihoods” OR “alternative occupations OR occupations OR protein OR proteins OR gear” OR “livelihood alternative OR alternatives”)
= 4060 results
2) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “alternative income OR incomes” OR “alternative economic opportunity OR opportunities” OR “income generating activity” OR “income generating activities” OR “supplementary income OR incomes”)
= 17400 results
3) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “community OR rural development” OR “development project OR projects” OR “Integrated conservation and development project” OR ICDP OR ICDPs OR “eco development project OR projects”)
= 20500 results
4) (biodiversity OR conservation AND "livelihood OR livelihoods project OR projects OR program OR programme OR programs OR programmes OR replacement OR replacements OR opportunity OR opportunities OR scheme OR schemes”)
= 10500
5) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “livelihood OR livelihoods activity OR activities OR enhancement OR enhancements OR intervention OR interventions OR loan OR loans OR option OR options OR support”)
= 15900 results
6) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “ alternative livelihood OR livelihoods OR source OR sources” OR “supplementary OR additional livelihood OR livelihoods” OR “livelihood based approach OR based approaches”)
= 20100 results
Total results captured = 900 (150 top relevant results for each string)
Alternative livelihood activities paired with biodiversity OR conservation
7) (biodiversity OR conservation AND "artisanal crafts OR crafts" OR "craft making OR makers" OR handicraft OR handycraft OR handicrafts OR handycrafts OR “thatch making OR makers OR collecting OR collection OR collectors”)
= 27000 results
8) (biodiversity OR conservation AND beekeeping OR “bee keeping” OR “caterpillar utilisation OR utilization” OR “tour guide OR guiding OR guidance”)
= 17800 results
9) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “market development” OR “micro enterprise OR enterprises" OR microenterprise OR “microfinance” OR “concrete block making OR makers” OR "engine repair OR repairs")
= 25300 results
10) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “sea cucumber farm OR farms OR farming” OR “seaweed OR shrimp OR silk OR snail OR mushroom OR wildlife farm OR farms OR farming OR production OR culture OR cultivation” OR “sericulture”)
= 25400 results
11) (biodiversity OR conservation AND “wildlife breeding” OR "wildlife based enterprise OR enterprises" OR "safari hunt OR hunting" OR “small business development”)
= 5300 results
12) (biodiversity OR conservation AND "grass cutter cultivation OR production OR farming OR farm OR farms" OR “crab OR lobster fattening” OR “fuel efficient stove OR stoves” OR “bushmeat alternative OR alternatives”)
= 1030 results
13) (biodiversity OR conservation AND ecotourism OR “eco tourism” OR tourism)
= 535000 results
14) (biodiversity OR conservation AND mariculture)
= 17400 results
Total results captured = 800 (100 top relevant results for each string)
Final Search Strings for Google Scholar (French)
Alternative livelihood synonyms paired with biodiversity OR conservation
1) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND "alternatives de protéines" OR "autre source de protéine" OR "équipement alternatif" OR "équipements alternatifs" OR "changer l’équipement" OR "autre profession” OR “autres professions")
= 386
2) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND "revenu alternatif OR supplémentaire" OR "revenus alternatifs OR supplémentaires" OR "activité économique alternative" OR "activités économiques alternatives" OR "professions alternatives")
= 710
3) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND "activité génératrice de revenu" OR "activités économiques alternatives" OR "activités génératrices de revenus" OR "autre activité économique" OR "autres activités économiques")
= 1220
4) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “projet de conservation et de développement intégré" OR PCDI OR "développement communautaire OR rural" OR "projet de développement" OR "projets de développement")
= 11500
5) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “projets OR programmes de subsistance" OR “subsistance de remplacement" OR “opportunité OR activité alternative“ OR “opportunités OR activités alternatives“)
= 247
6) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “activité OR activités de subsistance” OR “amélioration des moyens de subsistance" OR “appui de moyens de subsistance“ OR “alternatives de moyens de subsistence”)
= 437
7) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “subsistance alternatifOR alternatifs OR alternative OR alternatives“ OR “source OR stratégie OR sources OR stratégies alternative OR alternatives” OR “subsistance additionnel”)
= 904
Total results captured = 1050 (150 top relevant results for each string)
For string 1 translations of “alternative regenerative livelihood” involved a translation of “alternative livelihood” (included in string (6).
“profession alternative” gave no results so is not included
“source de proteine variante” gave no results so is not included
"changement de l’équipement" gave 3, irrelevant results so is not included
Alternative livelihood activities paired with biodiversity OR conservation
8) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND artisanat OR artisan OR artisans OR artisanal OR “chaume fabricant OR collecteur OR collecte” OR “collection de chaume”)
= 10500
9) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND apiculture OR “utilisation chenille“ OR “guide touristique”)
= 1390
10) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND "développement du marché" OR microenterprise OR microfinance OR "réparation du moteur" OR "réparation des moteurs")
= 1440
11) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “élevage OR exploitations d'holothuries“ OR algoculture OR “élevage de crevettes“ OR sériciculture OR magnanerie OR "l'élevage d'escargots" OR "ferme escargot" OR "culture des champignons")
= 319
12) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “élevage de la faune“ OR "faune élevage" OR "agriculture pour la faune" OR "faune en entreprise" OR "safari chasse" OR "safari de chasse" OR "voyage de chasse")
= 41
13) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND "développement des petites entreprises" OR "élevage d'aulacodes" OR "élevage des aulacodes" OR "élevage de crabe" OR "élevage de crabes" OR "élevage des homards" OR "fourneaux economes")
= 95
14) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND “alternatives à la viande de brousse“ OR “alternative à la viande de brousse“ OR "alternative à la chasse")
= 21
15) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND écotourisme OR tourisme)
= 15400
16) (biodiversité OR "protection de l'environnement" AND mariculture OR aquaculture)
= 4420
Total results captured = 757 (41, 95, 21 results captured for strings 12,13, and 14 top 100 top relevant results for strings 8-11 and 15-16)
N.B. fabrication du bloc de béton” and “fabrication des bloc de béton” do not bring up any results, and «bloc de béton” gives irrelevant results (first 50 checked)


Dates: Searches conductedJune 2014.

Table 10. Search Strings for Google
1) livelihoods biodiversity
2) livelihoods conservation
3) “alternative livelihood” biodiversity
4) “alternative livelihood” conservation
5) “alternative resource” biodiversity
6) “alternative resource” conservation
7) “alternative gear” biodiversity
8) “alternative gear” conservation
9) “integrated conservation and development” “alternative livelihood”