CHERRY NEWS – July / August 2012
Condensed version – (text only, no adverts)

INDEX – Newsletter July / August 2012

1.  Cherry Willingham Gardening Club

2.  Cherry Willingham Ladies Group

3.  Cherry Willingham W I

4.  Parish Council news

5.  Knit and Natter

6.  Ladies Breakfast

7.  Ladies Tea Club -

8.  The Local Men’s Breakfast – no submission this month –missed deadline.

9.  Cherry Willingham FC. (Holiday at end of season so no submission)

10.  Editor’s Notes

11.  Reepham Methodist Church – Craft Club

12.  Cream Teas Invitation

13.  Heritage and History Group (new)

14.  Cherry Willingham Twinning Association

15.  CW2020 News

16.  Cherry Willingham Army Cadet Force

17.  Fairtrade Coffee Morning

18.  Special Families Club

19.  Cancer Research UK - acknowledgement

20.  Cherry Willingham Bowls Club

21.  Mother’s UNION

22.  Cherry Willingham Guides Group

23.  Cherry Willingham Methodist Church

24.  The Vine Community Church

25.  Church Services

26.  Vicar’s Blog

27.  Forget-me-not Club

28.  Police Advice – Hong Kong Scam

29.  Nettleham Medical Practice Notices -

30.  Choir

31.  Scrabble Club

32.  Village Hall – Draw and support

33.  Scout and Guides Newspaper collection

34.  Church Hall Events –Garage Sale

35.  Fit as a Fiddle

36.  Bus Timetables

Worried and don’t know who to call
Surgery Times
Calling 111
Utilities Emergency numbers
Useful numbers
Pharmacy opening times

38.  Births, Deaths and Marriages

39.  Classified Adverts section

40.  Library Times

41.  Village Heritage – SS Peter and Paul Cherry Willingham

42.  Third Thursday Book Club

43.  Lincoln City Radio

TOTAL 28 pages

1. Gardening Club

Well, we are halfway through the year already. It makes you wonder where the time has gone. As some of you will know, this year, 2012, is the 50th Anniversary of the Club's formation. Your committee has decided to celebrate the event with an evening at a local hostelry. As a way of thanking loyal members, the meal/drinks will be subsidised from the Club funds. The event is likely to take place in October, so watch this space for further bulletins.
There are no Speakers arranged for July and August so there won't be the normal Club Meetings. The next meet will be 26th September. More details will emerge in later editions of the Cherry News. For more info ring Alan on 750349

2. Cherry Willingham Ladies Group
We all enjoyed our Jubilee Party. The competition for the best hat was won by Sheila Emerson. Our thanks go to Sue Grooby for being our judge and to Val Atkin and Ann Towse for the music Sing-along and Quiz.
July 4th is our outing to Sandringham House (see page 14)
New members are always welcome. Contact 752275 or 753428

CW Ladies Group -Note this in your calendar:
July 4th Coach Trip to Sandringham, visiting; the House, Gardens and Museum.
Coach leaves from the Church Hall, High St.
There are still some seats left so ring today while it is fresh in your mind. We think it will be a ‘Grand Day Out’. Cost of trip £25
Contact Wendy 752275 or Hilary 753428 to book a seat.

3. Cherry Willingham WI

There is no meeting of the WI in August, but a visit is scheduled to the LINCOLNSHIRE LIFE MUSEUM on 8th August as an evening meeting please put it in your diaries.
The June meeting began with the usual business during which final
arrangements were made for the evening visit to Minting Park Farm later this month. We are to take part in the Community Gala on 1 July and a team has been entered for the Midsummer Madness Quiz at the Cherry Tree. Members are also entering exhibits in the Lincolnshire Show as well as baking cakes for both the refreshment tent at the show and also for St Peter and St Paul’s Church Summer Fair on 7 July.

The speaker, Sue Hawksmoon, gave a fascinating talk on felt craft
explaining the process from wisps of un-spun wool to the finished object. She demonstrated the process of wet felting and we were able to share in the making of beads. Sue brought many varied examples of her work including felt flowers, jewellery, pictures, headbands and purses and members took the opportunity to buy some of the items. Her latest project is making wedding bouquets, buttonholes and corsages from felt which are very attractive and can be kept as heirlooms. Sue then judged the competition ‘A craft item’ and the winners were Margaret White, Cynthia Field and Hazel Larcombe. Janet Wheeler gave a vote of thanks.

After this we celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with wine and light refreshments provided by the committee. The evening concluded with a showing of Anne Driver’s witty compilation of activities and outings that our branch had taken part in during 20011.

Robert Myers will be talking about the history of the well known Myers Bakery at the next meeting on 11 July. The competition is to be a favourite cake recipe.

Norma Shaw 751443

4. Parish Council Matters

The Parish Council would like to thank all the very many residents who have helped in any way with the Community Gala, planned for Sunday 1st July, and the other Midsummer Madness events. Particular thanks are due to Michael Mason, who has co-ordinated everyone’s efforts. The Parish Council would welcome suggestions for other community events – please let us know if you have a good idea.

Contacting the Council: The Council are delighted to welcome our new part-time Parish Council Clerk, Mrs. Michelle Vail. Michelle is based in the Parish Office in the Millennium Hall and can be contacted in the following ways: in person between 10am and 11am on Tuesday and Friday mornings, by letter to the Millennium Hall, by email at or by phone on 01522 753398 (answerphone available). Please note that the Clerk will also deal with all Millennium Hall bookings and enquiries.

LOCAL DEMOCRACY - The Public are allowed access to Parish Council Meetings,
although there is limited seating. If you have an issue to raise you will be allowed to give your question or statement prior to meeting commencing. You will be able to remain at the meeting but may not interrupt or speak. U

Parish Council Agenda items for May 2012

Agenda for Parish Council Meeting held on 18th June 2012
1.Apologies, welcomes and attendance
2.Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality

3.Chairman’s remarks

4.To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 21st May and agree to be signed as a true record

5.To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors

6.To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting:

7.To receive reports and recommendations concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc.:a) Finance & General Purposes, including:b) Employment Committee, including:c) Village Improvement Committee, including:d) Leisure & Amenities Committee, including:e) Burial Ground, including;f) Planning matters including:g) Midsummer Madness Summer Events Task and Finish grouph) Emergency planning

8.To receive reports and recommendations from Councillors representing the Council on outside Committees, including:a) CW2020 Steering Groupb) Youth Clubc) The Parade Committee

9.To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council

10.To consider Police Matters including issues arising from the minutes (if any)

11.To receive reports on action taken in relation to matters arising from the minutes not covered by the agenda and/or reports from Committees

12.To note any other correspondence received and to agree action as appropriate

13.Councillors’ matters for report and notice of items to be included in the July agenda

14.To receive a proposal to discuss the following agenda item in closed session as it involves confidential and/or personal matters

15.To discuss any issues arising from the employment of the new Parish Clerk such as communication and work requests from Councillors and LALC.

Minutes by: Cllr M. Cutler (p.p. Cllr Jennifer Robinson - Chair and Acting Clerk) 08/06/12
Date of next meeting:16th July 2012 (items for agenda by 4th July)
5. Knit and Natter

Knit and Natter would like to thank all who supported our Jubilee Coffee Morning £418 was raised for local Charities and I am sure all who attended enjoyed themselves.
Knit and Natter are a group of knitter of all abilities who meet on alternate Wednesdays in the Millennium Hall.

If you are interested why not join us or call in as a visitor and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits, and bring your knitting.
Knit and Natter dates for July Meetings are : 11th July 2-4pm and 25th July 2-4 pm

6. Ladies Breakfast

Saturday July 7th, 8 45am Rosie Lea Cafe, The Parade, Cherry Willingham.
Ladies come and join us for a full English breakfast, make new friends and meet with old ones.
Listen to a Christian speaker. Cost £5 20p
Ring Ann on 01522800209 before July 5th to book a place. Saturday August 4th and September 1st will be the dates for the next breakfasts

7. Ladies Tea Club

Our visit in May to Springfields was in place of our usual monthly meeting. It was most successful and thoroughly enjoyed by all. For that, many thanks go to our Chair Person, Meg Rawden for her hard work and organisation.

June saw us celebrating the Jubilee, with our own party and we also welcomed several new members.

Our next meeting is July 16th to which all are welcome.—J.Miller.

8. Men2gether - The Local Men’s Breakfast

No submission – missed printer deadline

9. Cherry Willingham Football Club

End of season – no submission

Jubilee Celebration
How nice to share the spirit of the occasion. There is a nice account of the party enjoyed by residents and friends of Ash Grove who celebrated the Jubilee. (see pages 6 & 7)
I am glad to receive this report on a Jubilee street party. I am sure there were many but they were not reported to me in spite of an appeal for news of them. I understand that a Ceilidh (Kaylee) was held at the Village hall which served both Reepham and Cherry Willingham. It was an event where people felt unable to sit down due to the excitement of the music and dance—a ‘right knees up’ I heard.
Police Notice - I have been asked by more than one resident to comment on blocked pathways and it is mostly common sense and shouldn’t need saying but we have received a notice from Nettleham Police Headquarters for us to display which sums it up .(See page 28).
Village Changes afoot?
Discussions have taken place between Lincolnshire Co-operative, Cherry Willingham Parish Council and the CW 2020 Group on the potential of
exchanging existing sites by relocating the library into the Co-op building and enabling the Co-op to build a new retail unit on the library site. These discussions are on-going.
Village Villainy afoot?
After the Parish Council went to the trouble of clearing the pathway from Minster through to Hawthorn Road of debris and brambles etc. person or persons unknown have chosen to dump circa 4 barrow-loads of what seems to be the clearing of a garden pond. This is a very anti-social act. On the same note the path from Croft Lane toward Reepham down the side of the Railway has been surfaced for some 600 yards at a cost of approximately £10,000, please don’t let this be similarly spoiled. Caring citizens please be vigilant as such acts are prosecutable.
Letters to the Editor
These will be welcome, by mail, hand or email. Abuse should be short, praise can be a bit longer.!!

11. Reepham Methodist Church – Craft Club

Held in Reepham Methodist Church schoolroom, on Fridays July 6th and 20th Come and join us we are a very friendly group learning different crafts cost 50p per meeting. We will be having a break in August and restart again September 7th. For more information ring :
Val 01522752809 or Ann 01522800209

12. Cream Tea
APOLOGIES – The date for the Cream Tea is Saturday, 28th July in the garden of 50a Church Lane at 2 p.m. Entry is £2.50 which includes a cream scone and tea or coffee. There will be the usual stalls – cakes, books, craft, bric-a-brac. Please come along, all proceeds go towards the refurbishment of the Church Hall. Sorry about the mix-up.

13. Cherry Willingham Heritage and History Group.
The Group has been set up with the aim of exploring further the history of the village and how we can make best use of it to promote its identity and to encourage others to visit it.

We plan to carry out projects such as producing display boards and leaflets to inform visitors about village history; working with older residents to produce an oral archive; exploring the possibility of a sign-posted heritage trail; and collating a large amount of information already available about our history and heritage.

We meet at the Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. on
Wednesday 18 July - you will be welcome

Further information by e-mail at

14. Cherry Willingham Twinning Association